• 诺基亚先前曾网络平板装置上使用软件N900首款使用一出色平台手机

    Nokia has previously used the software on its Internet tablets, but the N900 will be the first mobile phone to use this slick platform.


  • ClutterNokia下一代网络平板系统上得到大量应用ACCESS智能手机系统也采用Clutter。

    Clutter is used pervasively in Nokia's next-generation Internet Tablet operating system and will also be used in the next major version of ACCESS's smartphone operating system.


  • 如果平板电脑用户网络浏览器可以免费阅读新闻,那么这样没有什么意义了。

    There is little point doing that if a tablet user can simply read the news for free on a web browser.


  • 莫斯科20个研发实验室组成全球网络依托,该公司现正开发手机平板计算机市场扩展美国的业务。

    It is marketing its own mobile phones and tablet computer and is expanding in the United States, backed by a global network of 20 research and development LABS from Moscow to Silicon Valley.


  • 通过节省稀缺移动频谱资源,飞蜂窝或许还能应对激增的智能手机平板电脑网络以及影像流量上发挥最大的作用。

    By economising on scarce mobile spectrum, femtocells might prove most useful in managing the rapid growth of internet and video traffic to smartphones and tablet computers.


  • 分众传媒资产包括众多广告牌商店写字楼电梯里播放视频广告平板电视网络

    The Focus Media assets include bulletin boards and a network of flat-panel displays that play video ads in places such as stores and office-building elevators.


  • 又提出另一个障碍,为了使效用最大化平板电脑需要快捷无线网络连接

    This points to another barrier. To maximise their usefulness, tablets need a fast wireless-internet connection.


  • 恒温器连接屋内Wi - Fi网络中,用户可以使用手机平板电脑进行远程遥控。

    It also can connect to your home's Wi-Fi network, allowing you to control it remotely from a phone or tablet.


  • 无论他们所采用的平台一部智能手机,一部iPad样的平板电脑还是开放性网络大多数出版行业来说,他们成功关键是,它们的收渠道来源双重的。

    Whether the platform is a smart-phone, a tablet computer like the iPad or the open Internet, the key to success for most publications will be a dual revenue stream.


  • 今日发布份报道智能手机平板电脑飞速发展使网络逐渐成为最受欢迎的获取新闻的途径。

    The rapid growth of smartphones and electronic tablets is making the internet favourite for people seeking news, a report released today said


  • 情况最近有所好转,但是随着AT&T提供网络接入服务的苹果公司新的平板电脑iPad的诞生,苹果产品类似成功可能会使网络再次陷入拥堵。

    Things have improved recently, but the network may clog up again if the iPad, Apple’s new tablet computer, for which AT&T is also providing mobile access, proves a similar success.


  • 今年四月惠普同意收购尖端网络移动操作系统制造商Palm突然停止谈论未发行Windows平板

    In April, HP agreed to buy Palm, maker of the nifty WebOS mobile operating system and abruptly stopped talking about its still unreleased Windows tablet.


  • 上图源于网络广告公司AdMob对1,400平板电脑用户项调查。 2009年,谷歌Google)在与苹果Apple)竞购AdMob的过程中胜出。

    This chart is from a survey of more than 1,400 tablet computer users conducted by AdMob, the online advertising company that Google (GOOG) snatched away from Apple (AAPL) in 2009.


  • 包括北美最大的几家运营商在内的许多无线网络运营商目前都已经开始客户提供需要签约购买的定制型上网本产品,预计这些运营商不久以后还会推出类似平板电脑产品。

    Many providers, including most North American carriers, now often subsidize netbooks and are expected to provide similar treatment for tablet devices.


  • 网络设备制造商思科近几年一直扩大自己产品线平板电脑符合公司计算协作会议产品计划

    Cisco has been diversifying its product line beyond networking equipment in recent years, and this tablet complements the company's cloud computing, collaboration and conferencing initiatives.


  • 一部智能手机平板电脑上绘制图片可以立即传送网络所有其他设备即使是在佐治亚州本宁茂密丛林中。

    Pictures drawn on one smart phone or tablet were immediately communicated to all other devices in the network, even in the dense foliage at Fort Benning.


  • 并非意外,而是负责微软音乐电子书电话网络搜索引擎平板电脑业务几乎所有高管过去十年留下的祸害。

    It's not an accident that almost all the executives in charge of Microsoft's music, e-books, phone, online, search and tablet efforts over the past decade have left.


  • 还说索尼公司拥有丰富的个人消费市场经验,爱立信公司擅长网络操作系统,这样的结合他们平板电脑市场取得巨大成功

    "Given the expertise Sony has in consumer market and that of Ericsson in network operations, they could have a big impact in connecting the tablet segment," he added.


  • 平板电脑可以承担更为复杂任务文档写作网络浏览以及多媒体观看展示

    Tablets could take over the more complex tasks, such as composing documents, browsing the web, and viewing or presenting multimedia.


  • 这些存储环境通过网络连接平板电脑上面。

    These storage environments will be networked to tablet devices.


  • 未来整个浏览网络方式发生改变,所以我们采用了全屏照片平板电脑用手指拖动,或是键盘上敲敲就能从滑动

    The entire way of navigating the web is going to evolve in the next three years, so that led us to fullscreen photos and being able to swipe on a tablet or click left to right on a keyboard.


  • 数据输入一个开发的网络应用软件,这个软件可以通过平板电脑手机使用。

    You can enter your data in a new web app, accessible via tablets and mobile phones.


  • 很多大学已经探索更多的4G网络便携电脑平板电脑AppleiPad,进行融合方法取代实物教科书

    Some college campuses are already exploring ways to combine 4G networks with portable computers or tablets like Apple's iPad to replace physical textbooks.


  • LGG - Slate支持t - Mobile公司的4g网络以及wifi,将是谷歌公司发布第二平板电脑

    The LG tablet will have T-Mobile's 4g and Wi-Fi capability. This will be the second tablet released by Google.


  • 报道智能手机平板电脑飞速发展使得网络逐渐成为人们欢迎的获取新闻的途径。

    The rapid growth of smart phones and electronic tablets is making the Internet favourite for people seeking news, a report released said.


  • 布拉德利数次说过惠普网络操作系统上有“巨大投入”,将其用于Slate平板电脑上网本手机中

    Bradley said several times HP will "invest heavily" in WebOS, and use it on SLATE PCs, Netbooks, and phones.


  • 布拉德利数次说过惠普网络操作系统上有“巨大投入”,将其用于Slate平板电脑上网本手机中

    Bradley said several times HP will "invest heavily" in WebOS, and use it on SLATE PCs, Netbooks, and phones.


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