• 地方产业网络嵌入全球生产网络,并不断整合实现产业升级区域经济产生深远影响

    Local industrial networks which are embedded in global production networks achieve industrial upgrade continuously by integration and make a profound impact on the regional economy.


  • 组织网络嵌入视角提出了组织不同网络嵌入特征四种主要技术创新组织模式间的内在关系。

    From such network embeddedness perspective, we construct the relationship between various network embeddedness characteristic and four main organization modes of technological innovation.


  • 基于网络嵌入性,继而讨论了结点联结行为特征,对企业技术创新过程信息流整体网络行为进行了描述。

    The connection characteristic among the nodes is discussed based on the net-embedability. Then the dynamic behavior is described clearly.


  • 两种算法进行比较。最后,得到利用上面嵌入算法将蝶形网络嵌入环形网络嵌入方法分析嵌入拥挤度。

    Finally, based on the above algorithm we get the embedding method from the butterfly network to the optical ring network and we analyse the embedding congestion of it.


  • 能够浏览这个网站每个剪辑可以通过电子邮件发送给朋友嵌入个人网站博客或社交网络简介中

    You can browse the site for other blabbers, and each clip can be emailed out to friends or embedded in your personal website, blog or social networking profile.


  • 现在输出包含实际文档引用(存在哪里),也包含一个嵌入HTML标记中的存储网络某个地方图像的链接。

    Now, the output contains both a reference to the physical document (where one exists) and a link embedded in HTML tags to the image stored somewhere on the network.


  • 同样安全策略嵌入物理网络设计中的一种实践

    Once again, this is the practice of embedding security policy into the physical network design.


  • 物理网络控制路由需要将策略嵌入拓扑中

    Controlling routing at the physical network layer embeds policy into topology.


  • 这种方法问题在于迫使我们授权策略嵌入物理网络

    The problem with this is that it forces us to embed the authorization policy into the physical network.


  • 一个离线小部件可以让需要少许代码可以很容易地将其嵌入网页中,向用户自动提供网络反馈同步消息、离线帮助以及其它更多功能。

    An offline widget that you can easily embed in your web page with just a few lines of code, automatically providing the user with network feedback, sync messages, offline instructions, and more.


  • 运行网络服务器上,可以嵌入html里,可以SQL数据库很好的工作

    It runs on a web server, can be embedded in HTML, and works nicely with SQL databases.


  • 这种网络中路由线路根据每个队列决定的,并且构建嵌入网络定义中。

    Routing in this network is determined per-queue and embedded in the network definition at build time.


  • 摩托罗拉的ECC业务部爱默生网络能源部的嵌入计算嵌入能源业务带来补充技术

    Motorola's ECC business brings complementary technology with Emerson Network power's embedded computing and embedded power businesses.


  • 今天发布功能包括手机社交网络嵌入广告,在广告搜索面板横幅广告以及滚动广告。

    The new features announced today are the inclusion of ads in mobile social network sites, the ability to search within ads, multi-panel banners with multiple calls to action, and scrolling canvas ads.


  • 一种可重用构件构件可以嵌入任意网络应用程序之中,并且可以各种不同浏览器中运行。

    It is a reusable component that can be embedded in any web application and can run in different browsers.


  • 用户可以社交网络上与朋友联系分享喜爱的音乐第三网站上嵌入播放列表

    Users can share their favorite music by connecting with friends within the social network, or embedding playlists in 3rd party sites.


  • Derby数据库支持两种交互模式网络模式嵌入模式。

    The Derby database supports two modes of interaction: network mode and embedded mode.


  • 比如说可以节点输出嵌入图像文件中将其存储Web服务器上,以供网络一层获取

    For example, you could have the output of each node embedded in an image file and stored on a Web server, ready to be fetched by the next hop in the network.


  • 一程序从本质上允许单个请求嵌入多个RPC调用最小化通过网络请求transfertax

    This procedure essentially permits multiple RPC calls to be embedded within a single request to minimize the transfer tax of the request over the network.


  • 然而,当公众网络企业嵌入多个应用程序中的RSS却不仅限于新闻收集单纯的新闻聚合来说,使用Twitter便已足够

    But both the public Web and enterprises are using RSS, which is embedded in numerous applications, to do more than just news gathering on items that would be Twitter-worthy.


  • 展望未来盖茨通过嵌入桌面的微软的新产品“MicrosoftSurface”来展示一家网络商店订制一架滑雪板的过程。

    Providing a glimpse into the future, Mr Gates demonstrated a device called a Microsoft Surface that embeds a computer in a table top, showing how he could customise a snow-board in a shop.


  • 微软为了让客户对产品上瘾”,通过蓄意自家Windows操作系统嵌入自家的网络浏览器的方式,限制用户选择

    By embedding only its own web browser into its Windows operating system, Microsoft deliberately restricted users' choice in the hope they would become addicted to its products.


  • 网络蜘蛛一个文本为基础(text - based)浏览器它们无法阅读嵌入图像Flash中的内容。

    Web spiders are like a text-based browser, they can't read the text embedded in the graphic image or Flash.


  • 为此,需要将Cloudscape嵌入服务器架构中。服务器架构只是一种可以接收处理网络通信软件

    To accomplish this, use Derby embedded in a server framework (that is, a piece of software that can accept and process network communication).


  • 嵌入网络浏览器缓存技术帮助使用互联网甚至即使你暂时失去连接或者你需要访问的服务器宕掉也没关系。

    Caching technologies embedded on the network itself and in modern browsers can help you use the Internet even if you are temporarily disconnected or the server you need to access is down.


  • 嵌入JDBC驱动程序数据送入送出数据库引擎无需进行网络通信

    The embedded JDBC driver transfers data to and from the database engine without the need for network communication.


  • 工程背景非常广泛同步宇宙飞船内核开发嵌入架构设计,再到网络协议的开发。

    His engineering background ranges from the development of kernels for geosynchronous spacecraft to embedded systems architecture and networking protocols development.


  • 目前很多五金产品的大部分功能产品发布以后运用网络产品嵌入软件——固件升级实现

    Easy updates. Today, much of the functionality in many hardware products is accomplished through firmwareembedded software that can be updated over the Internet after a product ships.


  • 过去分布式网络软件工程嵌入系统性能不成熟时传统产品开发集中主要通过硬件来交付服务

    In the past, when distributed networking, software engineering, and embedded systems capabilities were immature, traditional product development focused on delivering services primarily via hardware.


  • 没有操作系统,集合无线网络以及专门计算机驱动嵌入系统项预见里

    Disappearance of the OS, mass adoption of wireless networks, and specialized computational devices (embedded systems) are among the top ten predictions.


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