• 美国远程医疗协会称,预计TeladocAmericanWell网络公司今年预期接待120万人次的视频问诊咨询,较去年增长20%。

    Web companies such as Tel a doc and American Well are expected to host some 1.2 million such virtual doctor visits this year, up 20% from last year, according to the American Telemedicine Association.


  • 成长已形成网络这些现成机构创业者提供很多大型公司的才具有的优势诸如咨询建议法律服务会议场所

    There is a network of growth housesready-made offices that provide start-ups with many of the advantages of large companies such as consulting advice, legal services and conference rooms.


  • 公司最近公布一系列工具咨询服务帮助组织获取更多网络2.0用户

    The company recently unveiled a set of tools and consulting services to help organizations get more Web 2.0 savvy.


  • 也有人预测专家网络公司甚至可能大型管理咨询公司进行竞争

    Others predict that expert networks may even compete with the big management-consulting firms.


  • 上个月一家英国咨询公司猜测苹果可能已经那些推广3g网络运营商达成协议

    Late last month a British consulting firm suggested Apple may have already reached an agreement with the carrier, which is in the process of rolling out a new 3g network.


  • 最近咨询公司DigitalDeliveranceVin Crosbie估计道,如果失去一个报纸读者那么需要20到100个网络读者弥补损失。

    Vin Crosbie, of Digital Deliverance, a consulting firm, recently estimated that newspapers need between 20 and 100 readers online to make up for losing just one print reader.


  • 凭藉着与科技行业以及印度商界关系网络库马尔(Anil Kumar)成为咨询公司麦肯锡(McKinsey &Co.)的明星合伙人

    Anil Kumar became a star partner at consulting firm McKinsey &Co. by building relationships in the technology industry and the Indian business world.


  • 网络运营商史无前例有利地位,英国移动业咨询公司CCSInsight分析师本•伍德说。

    Historically, network operators have been in the strongest position, explains Ben Wood of CCS Insight, a market-research firm.


  • 要是再把“软件”(连接笔记本电脑移动通信网络设备)统计在内,马来西亚3G手机的市场占有率可能接近40%,一家名为Frost &Sullivan的咨询公司Jayesh Easwaramony估计

    And ifdongles” (devices that connect laptops to mobile networks) are included, Malaysia’s 3G penetration may be closer to 40%, estimates Jayesh Easwaramony of Frost &Sullivan, a consultancy.


  • 要是再把“软件”(连接笔记本电脑移动通信网络设备)统计在内,马来西亚3G手机的市场占有率可能接近40%,一家名为Frost&Sullivan咨询公司JayeshEaswaramony估计。

    And ifdongles” (devices that connect laptops to mobile networks) are included, Malaysia’s 3G penetration may be closer to 40%, estimates Jayesh Easwaramony of Frost & Sullivan, a consultancy.


  • 虽然微软一直在鼓励小型公司使用我们技术,但是我们发现目前市场上提供小型网络咨询托管领域公司和市场需求差距

    Although Microsoft has always encouraged small companies to use our technologies, we've found that there was market gap in the area supporting small web consulting and hosting companies.


  • 这本金融时报旗下杂志印刷版网络面向分析家投资人咨询顾问公司基金经理人在全球范围内发行。

    The new FT print and online publication will be available globally and pitched at analysts, investors, consultancies and fund managers.


  • 市场追踪公司艾瑞咨询(iResearch)预计,今年网络汽车营销支出将人民币17.5亿(约合2.56亿美元),较2008年的人民币13.8亿元有所上升

    Market-tracking firm iResearch expects outlays for online auto marketing to reach 1.75 billion yuan, or roughly $256 million, this year, up from 1.38 billion yuan in 2008.


  • 公司主要依托强大的信息收集网络富有专业经验咨询队伍

    The company relies on a powerful information-gathering network, the rich professional experience in the advisory team.


  • 高德纳咨询公司(Gartner) 2007年对美国银行顾客项调查决定是否进行网络交易时,超过半数的顾客会把安全视为极其重要的因素。

    According to a survey of American bank customers in 2007 by Gartner, a research firm, more than half rate security features as extremely important when deciding whether to go online.


  • 我们全球网络支持国内企业跨国公司以及高成长的企业提供全面审计税务、企业管理咨询财务咨询服务

    Backed by our global network, we deliver a full range of audit, tax, consulting and financial advisory services to national, multinational and growth enterprise clients in China.


  • 2004年开始2005年底,公司应培养技术咨询信息网络核心企业竞争力。

    From 2004 to 2005, to establish technology, consultation and information net as a whole as the core competition.


  • 公司提供一整套策略网络咨询网站开发在线营销以及针对手机控式设备互动界面设计

    The firm will offer a combination of strategic online consulting, website development, online marketing and interactive interface design for mobile and touch-screen devices.


  • 通过电话咨询网络搜索翮鼓吹这种模式的公司进行全面背景调查

    Thoroughly conduct a background check on the company, making as many phone calls and Internet searches as you can.


  • 华盛顿特区人,2010年7月起成为陶津战略网络一家咨询公司所有权者。

    W. J. Billy Tauzin, Owner of Tauzin Strategic Networks a consulting firm since July 2010;


  • 针对咨询公司ERP咨询项目风险特点和风险定量评估要求,提出基于贝叶斯网络的ERP咨询项目风险评估方法

    A risk evaluation method based on Bayesian network is proposed to quantitatively evaluate ERP consultation project risk of consulting firm.


  • 北京中翰联合税务师事务所思威瑞特联合(北京)咨询有限公司共同协作,发起成立税务顾问服务团队建立网络运营平台

    Wisemove tax Agent co., Ltd. and Swift Consulting co., Ltd. has worked together to establish a tax consultancy service team and will soon establish an online operation network.


  • 公司配置有先进信息网络办公设施优质精确的造价咨询软件服务项目提供有效的质量保证

    The advanced information networked system office facilities and cost & consultation software provide the quality that assures for the service project.


  • 现今大多数培训、咨询公司使用网络营销渠道进行营销,网络营销的竞争正在逐步加剧渠道效率受到挑战

    Currently most consulting corporations initiate network marketing channels successively. The channel efficiency, however, is challenged by the increasing competition in network environment.


  • 由于产品高档品牌产品不能品牌放在网络显示:单独咨询公司

    Since the product is high-end brand name products: the brand can not be displayed on the network: You can contact the company alone!


  • 英国《金融时报》报道,全球管理咨询机构麦肯锡公司最新报告中表示,中国4.57亿网民迅速成为网络营销主要目标受众

    The Financial Times reported China's 457m Internet users are rapidly becoming a key target audience for online marketing, according to a McKinsey report.


  • 英国《金融时报》报道,全球管理咨询机构麦肯锡公司最新报告中表示,中国4.57亿网民迅速成为网络营销主要目标受众

    The Financial Times reported China's 457m Internet users are rapidly becoming a key target audience for online marketing, according to a McKinsey report.


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