• 论文建立此类问题网络优化模型研究基本性质算法问题

    In this paper we establish a network optimization model for this practical problem, and study its basic properties and algorithmic aspects.


  • 最后通过一个实例验证分销网络优化模型算法可行性有效性

    Eventually, an example is given to confirm the correctness of the optimization model and the feasibility and the effectiveness of the algorithm.


  • 本文应用控制理论,建立非线性成本曲线系统网络优化模型计算公式

    Based on the optimal control theory, this paper has established the scheduling model in the system network and the formula of computation of the nonlinear cost-time curve.


  • 本文主要研究用于智能化调度公交初始网络优化模型,完成初始网络建立提出优化思想。

    This paper discussed the method of network optimization based on the intelligent dispatching mainly, and the initial network optim.


  • 最后,文章一类非生鲜农产品考虑需求离散、分销中心库存成本,设计基于库存控制的非生鲜农产品分销网络优化模型,并对模型进行分析评价

    Finally, considering demand random and inventory controlling, sets a based-on-inventory controlling non-fresh produce distribution network optimization model, analyzes and comments on it.


  • 在时间-费用关系非线性假设建立网络计划最低成本日程优化模型

    An optimization model to find the lowest budget schedule of network planning is established under the assumption that the time-cost relationship is nonlinear.


  • 针对网络制造环境供应链需求不确定特点,采用模型预测控制技术解决供应链管理库存动态优化问题

    Model predictive control was applied to solve the dynamic optimization problems of the inventory in supply chain management for the demand uncertainty of supply chain under networked manufacturing.


  • 本文从神经网络模型结构出发,学习算法提出了一系列改进优化措施,以加快网络学习速度,并增加模型稳定性

    With the study of neural network model, this paper advances some of improvement and optimization techniques that can accelerate the learning speed of network and increase the stability of model.


  • 介绍机组神经网络模型数据筛选算法筛选优化过程重点分析了单纯形算法及其样本数据筛选过程中的应用

    It introduces data sort algorithm and process for sorting and optimizing of The Sour Rolling Mill nerve network model, and importantly analyse Simplex and its application on sample data sort.


  • 得到计划方案针对网络计划,建立资源均衡优化数学模型,并设计自适应群系统的求解算法与实现过程。

    To get the optimum solution for the planning, I construct a model of resource optimization for spliced network planning, and design Adaptive Ant Colony Algorithm to solve it.


  • 方法利用加速度传感器的动态标定数据采用遗传神经网络搜索和优化动态模型参数

    In this method, the dynamic model parameters of accelerometer are optimized by genetic neural network according to measurement data of the dynamic calibration.


  • 为了描述枢纽选址混合网络设计综合优化问题,引入双层规划模型建立数学模型

    To express integrated optimization of multiple hubs location and mixed network design, a bi-level programming model was introduced for mathematical models.


  • 为了微波谐振腔含水率测量结果进行校正,提出一种基于IA - BP优化算法进化神经网络模型

    In order to correct the measuring results of moisture from microwave resonator, the IA-BP optimization algorithm based evolutionary neural network model is presented.


  • 方法引入金属铣削加工参数目标优化模型应用目标达到模型求解,又基于神经网络建立金属铣削参数自动获取模型

    It introduces the multi-objected optimization model of the metal milling process parameters and applies the goal attainment method to ask for the explanation for the model.


  • NGN网络体系分析基础,基于综合成本概念建立网络拓扑优化模型提出了相应算法。

    Topology optimization model based on the concept of TCO is derived from the structure analysis of NGN network, and correspondent algorithms are provided.


  • 最后给出防空多传感器网络拓扑优化设计数学模型及其求解方法

    Furthermore, the mathematics model of the topological optimization design of air defense multisensor network, as well as its solving method, are put forward.


  • 说明神经网络模型描述微囊制作参数性能之间的关系,用遗传算法优化微囊制作工艺参数,设计性能最佳的微囊制作工艺参数。

    The optimum process parameters could be obtained using ANN model to describe relationships between process parameters and performance and GA to optimize process parameters.


  • 提高企业效益目的提出网络优化数学模型

    Finally it gives the optimum network mathematical model in goal of raising efficiency of the enterprises.


  • 研究特征问题求解几种神经网络模型直接模型间接模型优化方法模型,指出了各种方法的应用范围。

    In this paper, several artificial neural network based models of solving inverse eigenvalue problem and their characters are studied. These models are direct, indirect and optimization inverse models.


  • 最后汽车发动机所建制造逆向物流网络稳健优化模型进行了实际案例应用研究

    Finally, taking ELV engine as example, an application research about the optimized remanufacturing reverse logistics network model is carried out.


  • 二级减速器BP网络模型进行结构修正优化计算

    The structure revise and optimization calculation has been made to secondary decelerator BP network.


  • 文中综述了BP神经网络模型一些优化方法这些方法进行了分析,最后提出存在的问题进一步工作

    This paper reviews some optimed methods of BP neural network models, and formulates the classification of these methods. In addition, some related problems and further research work are suggested.


  • 再次研究农村物流网络优化模型算法

    Thirdly, research rural logistics network optimization models and algorithms.


  • 网络模型CIMS一种重要模型基于网络模型瓶颈分析对于CIMS的分析优化具有重要意义。

    The network flow model is an important kind of model of CIMS, and bottleneck analysis based on network flow model is important to analysis and optimization of CIMS.


  • 采用BP神经网络建立注塑成型工艺参数注塑制品收缩率之间网络模型通过试验数据对成型工艺参数进行优化

    BP Neural Network is applied in this paper to establish the model between the process parameters and the shrinkage, and to optimize the process parameters by the test data.


  • 算法通过建立传感器网络节点运作模型相邻节点剩余能量预测机制优化路由选择。

    Constructing the running model of sensor nodes, predicting the remaining energy of its neighbor nodes, the routing selection was optimized.


  • 给出了最信号控制条件下城市交通离散网络设计问题备用能力优化模型及其启发式求解算法。

    A programming model and the heuristic solution algorithm are proposed to solve the reserve capacity problem of optimal signal control.


  • 分析企业分销网络作用基础上,建立了优化设计模型

    On the basis of analyzing the function of enterprise's network, the optimized model is put forward.


  • 分析企业分销网络作用基础上,建立了优化设计模型

    On the basis of analyzing the function of enterprise's network, the optimized model is put forward.


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