• 交通均衡模型体系按照用户均衡原则描述网络交通模型集合

    Equilibrium traffic model is a set of models in which network traffic flow is described by user's equilibrium principle.


  • 交叉口道路网络基本节点,往往网络交通运行瓶颈口

    The crossroad is the basic point of the urban roads, it may be the neck of the traffic flow operation.


  • 论文结合国家自然科学基金资助项目模拟电路系统网络交通特性研究”完成

    This paper was integrated with the project " The research of the traffic network flow characteristics by simulating circuit system" imbursed by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC).


  • 城市路网交通网络交通流它是一个复杂的,具有开放性、自适应性和具有突变特征系统

    The traffic flow of urban transportation network is a network flow, it a complex openness adaptivity mutation system.


  • 城市交通模型从系统角度研究网络交通流相变规律,近期出现了网络模型车道模型相结合趋势

    City traffic models have been used to investigate (phase) transition. A trend is the combining of city traffic and multi-lane models.


  • 我们提出了一个网络的简单交通模型

    In this paper, we propose a simple model for traffic dynamics on networks.


  • 简要介绍神经网络原理基础上,分析了采用神经网络解决交通系统空车调度交通预测的原理及方法

    Based on the introduction to neural network principle, two methods of solving free train schedule and traffic flow prediction in transportation system with neural network are analyzed.


  • 对于计算机高速网络中能控交通调节PI控制器参数优化直接影响控制系统的性能。

    For the flow regulation of the controllable traffic in high-speed computer networks, optimization of control parameters directly influence on a PI controller.


  • 文章复杂网络研究最近进展给予了评述特别报道了文章作者最近提出一个交通驱动的含权技术网络模型

    We review recent progress in the research on weighted complex networks. In particular, we present our recent model of a traffic flow driven weighted technological network.


  • 本文报道最近提出一个交通驱动复杂网络模型相关研究工作进展。

    In this paper we report a recent proposed complex network model which is weighted and driven by traffic flow.


  • 提出动态回归神经网络建立高速公路宏观交通模型

    A dynamic recurrent neural network to freeway macroscopic traffic flow modeling is presented.


  • 介绍用于短期交通预测大类模型统计预测算法人工神经网络模型

    A large number of techniques have been applied into short-term traffic flow prediction, which can be classified into two groups: statistical models and artificial neural network model.


  • 可变需求网络中考虑交通分配的非均衡演化过程,建立一个时变拥挤收费道路通行能力联合控制理论模型,旨在使系统的全期总收益最大。

    This paper presents a joint optimization model of time varying road tolls and capacities using the optimal control theory in disequilibrium traffic networks with elastic demand.


  • BP神经网络运用自行车穿越决策模型中,丰富混合交通微观模型。

    The BP neural network was used to the bicycles'decision-making model, enriching the micro-model of mixed traffic flow.


  • 交通诱导目前公认提高交通效率机动性最佳途径目标是在交通网络行人提供优的旅行路径

    Traffic flow guidance is considered as an optimum way to improve traffic efficiency and mobility, it's purpose is to provide the best travel paths for pedestrians in the transportation network.


  • 提出一新的叶斯组合神经网络模型并将其应用短期交通预测

    Method named BAYESIAN combined neural network model is proposed for short term traffic flow prediction in this paper.


  • 基于神经网络交通预测模型广泛应用ITS由于较高预测精度自我学习能力

    The traffic flow forecasting model based on neural network has been applied widely in its because of its high forecasting accuracy and self-learning ability.


  • 通过高速公路宏观动态交通模型分析,提出了动态交通流神经网络模型。

    By analyzing the freeway macroscopic dynamic traffic flow model, the paper presents a neural network model for traffic flow.


  • 交通理论指导思想提出采用OPNET网络仿真软件设计网络道路交通流仿真平台

    The paper considers traffic stream theory as directive thinking and designs network road traffic stream simulating platform using OPNET network simulating software.


  • 根据常用高速公路交通宏观动态模型,建立了高速公路交通流RBF神经网络模型。

    On the basis of macroscopic dynamic traffic flow model which is frequently used in traffic control, Radial basis Function (RBF) neural network is designed.


  • 本文采用改进型BP神经网络建立交通时间序列模型模型用于短期内道路交通预测

    In this paper, the time - sequence model of traffic flow is based on the improved BP neural network, and this model can be used for short time prediction of traffic flow.


  • 基于此,本文提出了基于集成神经网络城市道路交通流融合预测模型

    Accordingly, this paper proposes a fusion-prediction model of traffic-flow in urban road-intersection based on integrated ANN (Artificial Neural Network).


  • 利用高速公路的交通数据BP神经网络进行训练,得到网络参数

    Then, the BP neural network is trained by using traffic flow data from a section of freeway and the network model parameters can be obtained.


  • 并重点研究了基于遗传—bp神经网络组合模型源、三源动态交通数据融合技术

    Further, the dynamic traffic data fusion technique based on the GA-BP Model is studied for the dual-source and triple-source dynamic traffic data.


  • 神经网络可以好的解决交通领域内非线性问题,其中前向型神经网络特别适合交通预测

    In traffic field, Neural Network has good advantage in the non-linear Neural Network, and it 's specially good at problem perfectly solving the traffic in the field of the forward flow forecasting.


  • 因此容易预测交通通过网状网络因为他们整个路径计算一次

    Therefore it is very easy to predict the traffic flows through the meshed network since they are calculated once for the entire path.


  • 针对交通混沌时间序列预测问题提出一种基于混沌机理小波神经网络(WNN)快速学习算法

    Aiming at the issue about multi-step prediction of the traffic flow chaotic time series, a fast learning algorithm of wavelet neural network (WNN) based on chaotic mechanism is proposed.


  • 交通网络模型路径规划算法以及交通预测车辆导航动态路径规划需要解决重点问题。

    The key problems of vehicle navigation dynamic path planning are traffic network model, path planning algorithm and traffic flow prediction.


  • 研究结果表明构建神经网络模型能够很精确地实时预测城市道路短期交通

    The results show that the GRNN model constructed in this way can precisely forecast urban short-term traffic flow.


  • 研究结果表明构建神经网络模型能够很精确地实时预测城市道路短期交通

    The results show that the GRNN model constructed in this way can precisely forecast urban short-term traffic flow.


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