• 虽然个人电脑只能保存文件的一个副本,但Facebook 这样大型服务项目,则会依赖所谓内容分发网络管理数据分发

    While your personal computer only keeps one copy of a file, large-scale services like Facebook rely on what are called content delivery networks to manage data and distribution.


  • 打印任务已经你的个人电脑输送网络打印队列

    Your print job has already been sent from your PC to the network print queue.


  • 然而最大的差距熟悉个人电脑互联网网络一代习惯于工业社会老一辈之间的差距。

    The greatest gap, however, is between the Net-generation, familiar with personal computers and the Internet, and the older generation, accustomed to an industrial society.


  • 吴起镇网络服务质量不错而且最近的这几年个人电脑也已经普及

    In Wuqi, Internet service works quite well, and personal computers have become common in the last few years.


  • 互联网主要给有个人电脑物理网络连接使用的。

    The Internet is used mainly by people with personal computers and a physical network connection.


  • 网络网――因特网――连接全球几百万个人电脑

    The network of networks -- the Internet -- links several millions of personal computers around the world.


  • 网络威胁仍然占据着2010年报纸头条,恶毒超级工厂”病毒这次的目标是伊朗第一核电站雇员们的个人电脑

    Cyber threats continued to dominate the headlines in 2010 when a virulent Stuxnet virus targeted the personal computers of employees at Iran's first nuclear power station.


  • 而今互联网、可作为微型个人电脑使用的手机以及社会网络应用使那个愿景成为现实

    With the Internet, cell phones that are small personal computers, and social-network applications, the vision has today become reality.


  • 20世纪70年代个人电脑90年代网络问世,创业公司提供了成功武器。

    The arrival of the personal computer in the 1970s and the internet in the 1990s created an army of successful start-ups.


  • 除了使用个人电脑外,网络经验确实已经延伸iPhone黑莓iPad移动设备

    The web experience has definitively extended beyond the personal computer to mobile devices such as iPhones, Blackberries and iPads.


  • 说明一旦智能手机用户个人电脑之后,很容易成为僵尸网络主要攻击对象

    It provide a clear example for how smartphones are prime targets to become botnets once connected to a user's personal computer.


  • 而这正是早期个人电脑先驱后来网络开拓者所梦想的。

    This was an early dream both of the pioneers of the personal computing, and, later, of the Web.


  • 所有主要硬盘制造商销售能够直接或是通过网络连接个人电脑的外接硬盘,备份程序也比较简单

    All the major hard-disk makers sell external hard disks that connect to a PC either directly, or over a network, and which come with relatively simple backup programs.


  • 因此,仅有个人电脑宽带网络用户能够自己家庭舒适环境加入复杂科学项目这些拥有任何特别工具

    People with no special tools other than a PC and a broadband internet connection can take part in complex scientific projects from the comfort of their own homes.


  • 不要类系统认作是个人电脑网络,它们终端机很可能一些手掌般的手机,其智能程度远远超过如今最先进的台式计算机。

    Don't think of these as PC networks. The terminals would just as likely be cell phones of palm-like devices, each one far smarter than today's heftiest desktops.


  • 虽然个人电脑手机网络主要排放源(约排放56%废气),数据中心的排放量增长最快

    Although PCs, mobile phones and networks will account for most (56%) of this, emissions from data centres will grow the fastest.


  • 正如电话个人电脑服务器以及网络有所不同安全报警系统视为IT完全不同。

    Just as telephones used to be differentiated from PCs, servers, and networks, so did security and alarm systems used to be viewed as wholly separate from it.


  • 安装休息室里网络打印机个人电脑这些技术装备以及存放在店里的休闲服成为了时装秀的独有特色

    But the technology in the lounge - touch screens mounted on the wall, Web-enabled printers and PCs - will feature the fall and resort wear already in stores.


  • 网络安全专家承认,即使使用个人电脑,仍有感染电脑病毒可能,就目前来说苹果系统使用者成为受害者风险多。

    Security experts say avoiding PCs won't actively shield you from picking up a virus, butat least for the time being — Apple users seem to be less at risk of becoming victims.


  • 移动计算机鼓励人们多用移动网络服务个人电脑上网

    Mobile computing is also encouraging people to use web services more often than they would on a PC.


  • 就像IBM主机营销时代以及微软个人电脑产业时代一样,在新的计算网络时代,第一批吃螃蟹者可能诞生新的业界霸主

    What IBM did in the mainframe era, and Microsoft did in the PC era, one of the new challengers may succeed in doing in the cloud.


  • 后来称为网络摄像头的设备成了个人电脑标准配置,或者可以比尔盖茨喜欢的公司低于30美元的价格买到

    What came to be called webcams are standard issue on PCs, or can be purchased from Bill Gates's favorite company for under $30.


  • 他们利用僵尸网络(就是被挟持个人电脑组成的网络)发送垃圾邮件

    They send the spam from "botnets", networks of hacked personal computers.


  • 1997年担任Novell公司首席执行官时候,施米特顶撞微软,Novell销售软件使企业个人电脑能够一个网络中互相连接。

    Schmidt butted heads with Microsoft again in 1997 when he became CEO of Novell, which sold software that enabled corporate PCs to connect to one another in a network.


  • 年代随着个人电脑增加网络普及,今天远程办公已经得到了广泛接受

    Then came the nineteen nineties, and the rise of the personal computer and the Internet. Today, telecommuting is gaining much wider acceptance.


  • 微软一个版本Office软件将从桌面办公软件市场扩展个人电脑网络手机

    With the next version of Office, Microsoft is trying to expand its desktop hold on the productivity market into one that spans the PC, Web, and phone.


  • 其中一些挟持的个人电脑硅谷的一家名为McColo公司里的主机控制的,直到2008年,几家网络服务供应商强迫关闭

    Some of these were controlled by servers hosted on McColo, a Silicon Valley firm, until internet-service providers forced it in 2008 to shut them down.


  • 其中一些挟持的个人电脑硅谷的一家名为McColo公司里的主机控制的,直到2008年,几家网络服务供应商强迫关闭

    Some of these were controlled by servers hosted on McColo, a Silicon Valley firm, until internet-service providers forced it in 2008 to shut them down.


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