• 社会化网络移动设备传感器结合将会出现什么样应用

    The integration of sensors with social networks will lead to real-time data and more useful web apps.


  • 网络移动电话作为当前典型媒体引领大众传播业中扮演着重要角色

    Internet and mobile phone, as the typical new media presently, play certain significant roles in leading the mass communication industry.


  • 移动商业网络扩展时目前出现ssl有关问题变得严重

    The currently emerging problems with SSL will only become more pressing as the mobile commerce network expands.


  • IT商店的确曾经、许多现在也是如此—把访问他们企业网络移动设备视为计算机不同异类

    IT shops did-and many still do-look at mobile devices as a different species of animal than computers accessing their corporate networks.


  • 移动健康信息流动特征便携硬件应用软件流经无线网络患者数据连接

    The flow of mobile health information is characterized by portable hardware coupled with software applications and patient data that flows across wireless networks.


  • 就像只凤凰一样再次升起社交网络智能手机移动应用软件重点初创企业一起哼唱

    But like a phoenix, the Alley has risen again, humming with startups focused on social networking, smart phones and mobile apps.


  • 年轻企业家他们90年代前辈不同重点已经网络效果广告转移社交网和移动软件,看起来对于底层技术如芯片和硬体没有什么兴趣。

    Silicon Alley's young entrepreneurs differ a bit from their predecessors of the '90s. The focus has shifted from Internet effects and ads to social networking and mobile software.


  • 如果许多消息邮件客户机移动它们IMAP服务器连接断开(在慢速网络链接常常发生这种情况),那么可以使用一能力

    If there are many messages and your mail client loses the connection to the IMAP server while moving them (as happens often over a slow network link), this capability is for you.


  • J2ME网络连接性关键方面移动设备Web服务器通信

    The most critical aspect of J2ME network connectivity is communication between a mobile device and Web server.


  • 欧洲移动通信运营巨头Vodafone估计网络产生的排放排放量80%(其余的则来自办公场所、营业场所交通)。

    For example, Vodafone, a giant European mobile operator, estimates that its network accounts for 80% of its carbon footprint (the remainder is attributed to its offices, shops and vehicles).


  • 创建一个移动设备优化项目之后,您将会注意到一些典型网络程序不同的地方。

    After you create a project that is optimized for mobile devices, you will notice some differences from a project for a typical web application.


  • JXME使用中继连接轻量级移动对等点JXTA网络其余部分。

    JXME USES relays to connect lightweight mobile peers to the rest of the JXTA network.


  • 预估,年内移动互联网用户超过电脑上网用户,设备网络浏览器主导传统世界仍然格格不入。

    It's estimated that within five years there will be more mobile Internet users than computer-based ones - and these devices are ill-suited to the conventional world of web browsers.


  • 中国电信中国最大固话网络,但移动巨头中国联通中国移动相比,中国电信进入移动市场的时间相对

    China Telecom controls the country's largest fixed-line network and is a relative newcomer to the mobile market, in comparison to giants China Unicom and China mobile.


  • 今日IT模式取决于宽泛理念,它们分别操作系统网络以及移动相关

    Today's it paradigm rests on three broad sets of beliefs related to operating systems, networks and mobility.


  • 这个过程开发HATS网络程序相类似,但是要考虑移动设备及其网络浏览器不同特征

    The process is the same as developing any HATS web application, with some considerations for the different characteristics of the mobile device and its web browser.


  • 连接移动电话网络庞大设备数量相比根本不算也是为什么移动运营商可能率先部署IPv6原因。

    This isn't a very large number in comparison to the number of devices connected to the mobile phone network, which is why mobile operators are likely to be among the first major deployments of IPv6.


  • 移动科技:将移动电话社交网络站点相连接帮助人们找到朋友以及周围潜在的朋友。

    Mobile technology: Crossing mobile phones with social-networking sites would help people find friends, and potential friends, nearby.


  • 沃达丰(Vodafone)首席执行官科劳(Colao)认为随着国际网络改善网络设备更加廉价高效提供成本的移动宽带服务并不困难

    As international links improve and network equipment becomes cheaper and more effective, it will not be difficult to provide a low-cost mobile-broadband service, says Vodafone’s Mr Colao.


  • 有人说,Facebook版本社交网络相抗衡最好办法不是社交而是转向移动设备这种说法看起来似乎有点逃避的意味。

    That said, it seems like a cop out to say the best way to compete with Facebook’s version of social is not social, but mobile.


  • 手机病毒利用普通短信彩信上网浏览下载软件铃声方式传播攻击范围扩大移动网关WAP服务器其它网络设备

    Mobile phone viruses use ordinary SMS, MMS, Internet browsing, download software and ringtones, etc, will also be transmitted attack expanded to mobile gateway, WAP server or other network equipment.


  • 同样,英国有线电视公司NTL也已经买下了维珍移动公司,还有,去年美国最大的电线电缆运营商无线网络运营商斯普林特·纳克斯泰尔也进行了一次商业合作。

    Similarly, NTL bought Virgin Mobile, and America's big cable operators last year struck a deal with Sprint Nextel[2], a wireless operator.


  • 考虑固定传感器网络固定移动汇聚节点共存工作模式提出一种数据收集方法

    A data collection method is proposed to support hybrid sink mode in wireless sensor networks where static and mobile sinks coexist.


  • 介绍了一个基于J2MEJSP技术信息技术基础网络教学平台移动设计实现,并对其功能模块作了详细描述。

    It is introduced that design and implementation of teaching mobile platform of network on information technology basic, based on J2ME and JSP in this paper.


  • 基于Q强化学习CMAC神经网络移动机器人局部路径规划研究

    Research on local path planning of mobile robot based on Q reinforcement learning and CMAC neural networks.


  • 基于Q强化学习CMAC神经网络移动机器人局部路径规划研究

    Research on local path planning of mobile robot based on Q reinforcement learning and CMAC neural networks.


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