• FitSmall Business 网站房地产分析师朱莉·古纳父母需要提醒孩子,他们的需求愿望可能会随着时间的推移而改变

    Parents need to remind their children that their needs and desires may change over time, said Julie Gurner, a real estate analyst with FitSmallBusiness.com.


  • 分析师指出,问题的关键,从何时开始网站内容只是为了赚取点击量,读者来说没有任何营养

    The problem, analysts say, is when Web sites publish articles just to get clicks, without offering any real payoff for readers.


  • 把自己的资料放在几个网站上,但收获甚微,后来名46岁网络安全分析师菲利浦·帕迪厄开始关注我。

    After Posting my profile on several sites, without much success, along came Philippe Padieu, a 46-year-old network security analyst.


  • 记得吧,文森曾经私募股权公司工作过,他意识到,团购行业缺乏的并不是聚合网站,而是分析师

    Vacanti - who, remember, once worked for a private equity firm - realized that the daily deals industry wasn't just lacking an aggregator, it was lacking an analyst.


  • 昨天美股收盘访问量最大的美国门户网站雅虎公司预计,公司销售额低于分析师预期

    Yahoo! Inc., the most-visited U.S. Web portal, predicted sales that fell short of analysts' estimates after the close yesterday.


  • 千禧传媒以移动广告网络出名科技分析网站Digiday来自史帝佛尼古拉斯公司的华尔街分析师约旦·罗汉合作得到相关数据

    The firm, known for its mobile ad network, worked together with technology analysis site Digiday and Wall Street analyst Jordan Rohan from Stifel Nicolaus to procure the data.


  • 泰德·麦克罗伊是多伦多市名52岁电子出版业分析师。一个多月以来利用OvGuide搜索新的视频网站

    Thad Mcllroy, a 52-year-old electronic publishing analyst from Toronto, has been using OvGuide to find new video sites for about a month.


  • 旅游网站确实注重于(在线体验)预订方面。”ForresterResearch副总裁首席分析师Henryh .Harteveldt说道,也是这份报告联合作者之一。

    "Travel Web sites have really focused on the booking aspect of (the online experience)," said Henry H. Harteveldt, VP and principal analyst for Forrester Research, who co-authored the report.


  • 现在都2009年了,我们曾以为泛美航空早就能开通月球航班呢。”供职于网站GlobalSecurity.org分析师约翰·派克说道

    "It's 2009, and we thought we'd be going to the moon on PanAm by now," said John Pike, an analyst who follows the industry at the think tank GlobalSecurity.org.


  • 成百上千博客分析师新闻网站一样听到看到思考过关于这次收购方方面面。

    I've been listening, reading and thinking about various aspects of this purchase together with thousands other bloggers and hundreds of analysts and news websites.


  • 百度公布第二业绩报告,营收净利润双双超过分析师预期,这个总部位于中国北京互联网搜索门户网站股价因此交易中暴涨5.9%,报166.50美元。

    reported second quarter results that surpassed analysts’ forecasts on both the top and bottom lines, sending shares of the Beijing, China, Web portal 5.9% higher in after-hours trading to $166.50.


  • Buttonwood如今勇敢地对抗经济学人网站(Economist.com)转投报纸历史潮流这些数字迷信分析师一些消息

    Buttonwood, who is daringly defying the tide of history by moving from Economist.com into the newspaper, has bad news for the numerologists.


  • 正如Piper Jaffray公司的分析师萨法-拉什奇(SafaRashtchy)2003年3一份研究报告中所说,10年前门户网站几乎搜索业务不屑一顾

    As Piper Jaffray's Safa Rashtchy explained in a March 2003 research report, portals all but dismissed search.


  • 英国《金融时报》网站日前刊文指出月度环比计算,中国房价涨势已经几近停滞,许多分析师认为,目前市场正处于个转捩点。

    Chinese property price increases have all but stalled in monthly terms, and many analysts say the market is at a tipping point, said an article on the FT website.


  • 尽管如此大多数分析师依然认同阿里巴巴旗下各大电子商务网站消费额增长势头有可能会持续平缓

    Even so, analysts mostly agree that growth in spending on Alibaba's e-commerce sites will most likely continue to moderate.


  • 有没有内行帮我解答一下,为什么论坛上券商的房地产行业报告很多,但是招聘网站上很少看到房地产行业分析师招聘启示?

    If you want to become an analyst in real estate, you should find such position in survey company. In real estate companies, you cannot find such position.


  • 符合福赖斯的标准明年每股赢利30美分而目前分析师们估计,亚马逊网站明年每股亏损30美分。

    It would have to produce earnings of about 30 cents a share next year to fit Friess, criteria. The problem is, analysts are currently estimating that Amazon will lose 30 cents a share next year.


  • 符合福赖斯的标准明年每股赢利30美分而目前分析师们估计,亚马逊网站明年每股亏损30美分。

    It would have to produce earnings of about 30 cents a share next year to fit Friess, criteria. The problem is, analysts are currently estimating that Amazon will lose 30 cents a share next year.


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