• 拱桥固有频率几何缺陷大小敏感

    The natural frequency of arch bridge is sensitive to the value of geometrical imperfection.


  • 基线缺陷大小指示检查期间能够不检测最大缺陷

    The baseline defect size indicates a largest defect capable of being undetected during inspection.


  • 方法包括标识检查的结构相关联基线缺陷大小(306)。

    Methods also comprise identifying a baseline defect size (306) associated with the inspected structure.


  • 行业一般支持一种LOC作为大小指示根据每L OC的缺陷计算几乎不变缺陷密度

    The industry has generally favored LOCs of one sort or another as an indication of size, as shown by defect density almost invariably calculated as defects per LOC.


  • 但是HTTPcookies常见缺陷就是大小限制

    But, the most common drawback of HTTP cookies is the size limitation.


  • 相反崩盘场景次由众多相关或不相关事件同时发生而引发的异常罕见结果暴露出股市小的结构性缺陷

    Instead, the picture is one of a highly rare confluence of events, some linked, some unrelated, that exposed structural flaws in the stock market large and small.


  • 当然可以说GIFJPEG已经消亡,或者PNG没有任何缺陷但是所有事物都有各自的优缺点,PNG最佳文件大小提供了出色的质量

    Of course, you can't say that GIF and JPEG are dead or that PNG doesn't have its disadvantages, but all things being equal, PNG provides good quality with an optimal file size.


  • 并且这个设备大小重量能力缺陷限制着iPad无法替代智能手机

    And yet this device's size, weight and inability to make phone calls preclude it from replacing a smartphone.


  • 海温一个显着减少通过使用不同大小精确组合导线这些性格缺陷认识方法

    SST is a method for significantly reducing the awareness of these character flaws by using a precise combination of different size conductors.


  • 文章介绍利用超声波数据采集系统采集数据,实现对缺陷大小位置精确定量

    This paper introduces the quantitative evaluation of precise size and position of flaw by using data collected by ultrasonic data acquisition system.


  • 研究结果表明通过红外温度检测模拟温度,可以有效地检测内部缺陷性质大小,从而预防和避免事故发生。

    The result showed that the size and character of the defect was obtained through infrared temperature testing and simulated temperature distribution, and the accidents were avoided.


  • 实验表明红外热像技术可以准确测定钢板加固混凝土结构存在的脱缺陷位置、形状大小

    The positions, figures and sizes of the defects in bonding interface between an armor plate and a concrete component can been exactly measured.


  • 由于锚固体系不同大小程度的缺陷声波在传播过程中将产生能量衰减相位突变散现象

    The existence of various lacunas in bolt bonding system will cause the acoustic wave energy attenuation, phase aberration and frequency dispersion.


  • 通过MJ系列碳纤维纤维结构分析,确定纤维缺陷晶粒大小拉伸性能影响

    Effect of fiber blemish, the crystal grain size on the tension strength is showed in this paper through the analysis of the structure of the series of MJ carbon fiber.


  • 我们观察到主要神经发育缺陷发育不全、或者缺失主要端脑连合处、皮质脊髓束因发育不全只有正常大小一半

    Hypoplasia or absence of the major telencephalic commissures and a hypoplasia of corticospinal tracts to half the normal size, were the major neurodevelopmental defects we observed.


  • 目前传统工业生产中,为保证砂纸的质量,主要依靠工人眼睛目测钢尺测量缺陷大小

    Currently in the traditional industrial production, sand defect detection is mainly rely on workers eyes visual, measuring the size with the defect rulers.


  • 为此,本文指出利用漏磁密度定量评价钢丝绳缺陷充分考虑钢丝绳张力大小

    This dissertationindicated the tensile loads of wire rope should be considered when quantitativelyevaluating the defect by means of MFL.


  • 给出方法第一特征第二特征值定义,指出通过提出第一特征值及第特征值即可迅速地判断缺陷大小量级所在。

    The definitions of the first and the second characteristic values of the method are given. The defect sizes can be quickly judged through the proposed first and second characteristic values.


  • 作为一种诊断结构缺陷识别噪声源工具可以确定结构振动大小判断结构振动主要传播途径

    As a tool of diagnosing defect and identifying the source of vibration, it can judge the magnitude of structural intensity and make out the main route of vibration transmission.


  • 纯合子突变小鼠各个胚胎时期预期中的出现比例大小型态上没有明显缺陷

    Homozygous mutant mice showed expected ratio and no obvious defect in sizes and morphologies at all embryonic stages examined.


  • 小波包分解神经网络结合能够检测孔洞缺陷大小位置较好的实现了木材孔洞缺陷定量检测。

    Wavelet analysis and neural networks combine together, can examining the position and size of the hole defect, achieving wood defect quantitative testing.


  • 导致缺陷常见原因传递字符串操作函数的是缓冲区大小而不是缓冲区内的剩余字符

    A common cause of this defect is passing the buffer size, instead of the remaining number of characters in the buffer, to the string manipulation function.


  • 方法不能彻底封堵漏油原因在于漏罩大小在于密封方式存在缺陷方式存在缺陷

    The method can not completely block the causes oil spill, Not because of the size of leak-proof cover, But that it defective seals, Inadequacies in the way the oil guide.


  • 绝缘面积大小影响缺陷碳纤维混凝土导电性能主要因素,绝缘片的位置数量影响较小

    The major element that affects the electric conductivity of defected carbon fiber is the area of insulation sheet, by contrast, its position and number have little influence.


  • 样本大小不足偏差的样本,非独特的观念研究中的科学缺陷

    An inadequate sample size, a biased sample, a non-unique concept, and scientific flaws in the study are common faults.


  • 提出了适应均衡算法,利用剩余误差信号自相关函数估计值作为控制长的因子来自适应改变步长的大小克服了恒模算法存在的固有缺陷

    A new variable step-size CMA blind equalization algorithm is introduced to conquer the defects of CMA, in which the step size is controlled by the estimation of error signal's autocorrelation.


  • 提出了适应均衡算法,利用剩余误差信号自相关函数估计值作为控制长的因子来自适应改变步长的大小克服了恒模算法存在的固有缺陷

    A new variable step-size CMA blind equalization algorithm is introduced to conquer the defects of CMA, in which the step size is controlled by the estimation of error signal's autocorrelation.


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