• 本病配合罐疗法,缩短治疗时间提高治疗效果

    A better effect with a shorter therapy time is expected to receive, since the cupping therapy is applied at the same time.


  • 结论普瑞博思用于治疗新生儿黄疸,可加速降低胆红素水平,明显缩短治疗时间

    Conclusions Prepulside as a supplementary therapy in the treatment of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia promotes the decrease of serum bilirubin levels and shortens the course of treatment.


  • 大部分患者预后良好,隐球菌病气管内置治疗显著提高治愈率缩短治疗时间

    Most patients had ideal prognosis, The new treatment for pulmonary cryptococcosis could significantly improve the cure rate and shorten the therapeutic time.


  • 结果表明:采用纳洛治疗无论是催醒效果还是缩短治疗时间优于常规治疗组。

    RESULTS Naloxone treated group show better effects no matter in aspects of spur waken or shorten therapy time than control group.


  • 颌骨牵张成骨中缩短治疗时间促进形成以及设计理想的张器一直研究热点

    In distraction osteogenesis, researchers always focus on designing perfect distractor to accelerate bone regeneration and to shorten the course of treatment.


  • 他们发现项简单步骤可以显著缩短治疗时间例如赋予急诊人员召集专家权力而不必首先咨询心脏病专家。

    They found that simple steps, such as giving emergency department staff the authority to call in specialists without first consulting a cardiologist, could significantly shorten treatment times.


  • 结论应用术前护理程序干预有效缩短治疗时间ami患者顺利接受经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(pci)创造有利条件效果显著

    Conclusion Preoperative nursing intervention program can effectively shorten treatment time for AMI patients receiving PCI and create favorable conditions for the successful results remarkable.


  • 血管瘤早期治疗可以缩短治疗时间,另外对于人体造成伤害尤其是皮肤造成的伤害可能痊愈基本上不留任何痕迹

    Most early treatment is hemangioma, another can shorten the time of treatment for the damage to human skin, especially the damage may be less after recovery, basically leave no traces.


  • 虽然补液仍然是主要治疗方法,但是个别严重霍乱病例有效抗菌素帮助缩短疾病持续时间

    In individual cases of severe cholera, an effective antibiotic can help shorten illness, though rehydration remains the mainstay of treatment.


  • 但是不断地研究表明维生素对于感冒几乎没有治疗预防作用,甚至不能缩短感冒持续时间

    But study after study has shown that the vitamin does little to cure, prevent or even shorten the duration of the common cold.


  • 值得一提紫锥菊并不能用治疗感冒,它只是缩短了感冒症状持续时间

    It's worth noting that echinacea shouldn't be used for preventing a cold, but rather just for shortening the duration of cold symptoms.


  • 治疗肺癌病人时,呼吸系统康复可以降低术后并发症,也可以缩短住院时间

    In lung cancer patients, pulmonary rehabilitation lowers the risk of postoperative complications and reduces the length of hospital stay.


  • 为了尽可能地降低接受氯芬酸治疗患者出现肝脏相关不良事件潜在风险采用最小有效剂量,并尽量缩短用药时间

    To minimize the potential risk for an adverse liver-related event in patients treated with diclofenac, the lowest effective dose should be used for the shortest duration possible.


  • 目的为了缩短颌骨牵张成骨技术治疗时间改善形成的质量从而提高牵张成骨技术的成功率

    Aim in order to reduce the mandibular distraction osteogenesis treatment time and improve the quality of new generated bone, enhancing its success rate.


  • 运行有利于缩短患者就诊时间提高治疗效果使医疗服务具有连续性。

    It was useful to shorten the delayed admission time, to enhance the treatment effect and to keep the continuity of the service.


  • 结果治疗颅内血肿吸收时间明显缩短

    Results: The treatment group was significantly shorter intracranial hematoma absorption time.


  • 结论三药联合治疗霉菌肠炎提高有效率减少副作用缩短腹泻时间

    Combined treatment for fungal enteritis can increase effect rate, reduce side reaction rate and shorten average time of relieving diarrhea.


  • 结果剂量分割提高患者生存质量缩短患者的治疗时间增加患者放射反应

    Results the large dose divided radiotherapy may improve the patient's survival quality, shorten the patient's treatment time, does not increase the patient's adverse reactions of radiotherapy.


  • 结果治疗对照组退热时间明显缩短并发症死亡人数显著减少

    Results:The defervescence time of the treatment group was significantly shorter than that of the comparison group, the rate of complication and death decreases obviously.


  • 结果治疗气急、紫咳嗽喘息、肺部罗音症状消失时间住院日数均明显缩短

    Results: The resolution time of cough, whttzt, cyanosis and rale in the therapeutic group shortened obviously, and the hospitalization was less.


  • 结论:单切口治疗尿路移行细胞癌能够减少手术创伤缩短手术时间

    Conclusion: Single-incision operation for upper urinary tract TCC could shorten operation time and reduce operation trauma.


  • 结论综合干预护理方法可以显著改善冠心病患者预后提高治疗效果缩短住院时间减少并发症的发生。

    Conclusion: the nursing intervention can significantly improve the prognosis of patients with coronary heart disease, improve treatment, reduce hospital stay, reduce complications.


  • 结论呼吸功能训练辅助治疗吸入性损伤缩短气管套管留置时间改善患者肺功能。

    Conclusion Respiratory function training can shorten the removing time of tracheal tube, improve the pulmonary function and decease the pulmonary infection rate.


  • 结论中药外用制剂治疗皮肤溃疡中有比较明显优势,不仅可以促进溃疡的生长愈合还可以缩短愈合时间

    Conclusion: the external application of Chinese herbal medicine is obviously advantageous, through promoting epithelial growth and healing of skin ulcer in a shorter period of time.


  • 结论髋关节置换术治疗老年股骨粗隆间骨折具有缩短患者卧床时间减少并发症、手术创伤相对较小等优点

    Conclusion the merits of hip joint replacement for the treatment of senile patients with intertrochanteric fractures are reducing bedridden time and complications.


  • 结论髋关节置换术治疗老年股骨粗隆间骨折具有缩短患者卧床时间减少并发症、手术创伤相对较小等优点

    Conclusion the merits of hip joint replacement for the treatment of senile patients with intertrochanteric fractures are reducing bedridden time and complications.


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