• 证据就是一个文件夹包含了好几图片可能最终将用来生成视频编辑程序用户界面要素

    The "evidence" in question is a folder with several small images that may eventually form user-interface elements of an editing program.


  • 编辑视图编辑视图用于建立条目或者用户选择编辑存在的条目或者是用户程序打开一个没有详细信息视图的条目的时候

    Edit view the edit view appears when a new item is created, when the user chooses to edit an existing item, or when the user opens an item in an application that doesn't have a summary view.


  • GoogleBaseDataAPI提供提要程序访问从而允许用户使用该 API调用添加编辑删除条目

    The Google Base Data API provides programmatic access to this feed, allowing users to add, edit, and delete items using API calls.


  • 利用J2EE安全性编辑(J2EE应用程序中的安全性确保只有授权用户可以访问应用程序)。

    Making use of the J2EE security editor (security in J2EE applications ensures that only authorized users can access the applications).


  • 这些工具通常是那些没有日常使用程序文本编辑器的用户最佳选择

    Mostly, these tools are good choices for users who do not yet have a programmers' text editor they use daily.


  • 用户第一提出相应请求时候,这种编辑动态地加载打印机驱动程序dll

    Such an editor would dynamically load the DLL for the printer driver the first time a user makes the corresponding request.


  • 许多购物车应用程序价格存储用户编辑参数中,导致了安全漏洞。

    There are many horror stories of shopping cart applications which stored a calculated price in a parameter editable by the user.


  • 用户依赖电子邮件编辑应用程序高级功能而且可能对电脑图像处理计算能力很高要求

    These users are dependent on the advanced features of email, editors, and applications, and they can have heavy graphical or computational requirements as well.


  • 这些编辑器则能隐藏所有HTML使用户感觉起来像是文字处理应用程序中进行编辑一样

    These editors hide all the HTML and give users an editing feel that's similar to a word processing application.


  • 这个程序可以让用户桌面增加编辑提示符列表

    The widget lets people add and edit reminders, list items, and more from the desktop.


  • 我们应用程序用户一个图形进行某些微小程度编辑

    Our application allows users to do some minimal editing on a graphical tree.


  • RDA具有向导编辑以及DB2调试程序可以帮助开发sql语句存储过程用户自定义函数

    RDA has wizards, an editor, and a debugger for DB2 that helps in the development of SQL statements, stored procedures and user-defined functions.


  • 很多桌面应用程序允许用户随时保存文件还有一些产品会自动保存正在编辑的文件最小化因程序崩溃而造成数据损失

    Many desktop applications let users save documents at any time, and many products automatically save documents being edited to minimize data loss if the application crashes.


  • 本文讨论了如何使用皮肤皮肤组件构建个子表单用户界面,以及如何使用皮肤编辑器来修改确定应用程序外观皮肤。

    It also discussed how skins and skin components are used to build the UI from multiple subforms, and how to use the skin editor to modify the skins that determine the look and feel of the application.


  • 文本文件加载后,应用程序译文进行最佳校正,然后用户可以文本片段进行编辑将校正片段保存TMX

    Upon loading of the text files, the application works to align the translations to the best of its ability, afterwhich the user can edit the text segments and save a TMX of the aligned segments.


  • 交互式应用程序(文本编辑器)需要处理大量数据但是需要及时响应用户按键

    An interactive application like a text editor generally doesn't need to process large volumes of data, but it is important that it be responsive to user keystrokes.


  • 甚至那些显示编辑本地文件应用程序(如字处理器)都必须受到保护,因为有时用户显示或编辑以电子邮件方式发送给他们的数据。

    Even applications that display or edit local files (such as word processors) have to be secured, because sometimes users will display or edit data e-mailed to them.


  • 高级用户可能会选择专业的视频编辑程序,但不可否认的是,普通家庭用户而言,MovieMaker非常不错的全能视频编辑器。

    While advanced users are likely using a more sophisticated video editing program, there's no denying that Movie Maker is an excellent, full-featured option for the average home user.


  • 尽管Vim用户代码配置文件等进行编辑觉得相当不错,但他们在使用其他程序(包括浏览器)时,他们不得不满足低等所谓捷径

    While Vim users can enjoy perfection when working on code, config files, and the like, they have to settle for inferior shortcuts when using other programs - including Web browsers.


  • Movica :Movica仅仅一个图形用户界面使用了一些优秀程序电影文件进行编辑

    Movica : Movica is just a graphical user interface that uses some fine programs to edit movie files.


  • subjectid=anysubjecttype=user 的组合的是所有登录用户,并且这些用户已被赋予编辑portlet应用程序和 portlet 的权限

    The combination of subjectid=any and subjecttype=user refers to all logged in users and they are given rights to edit both the portlet application and the portlet.


  • 注释(notational)PHP应用程序可能包括系统管理员创建编辑删除用户模块

    The notational PHP application probably includes a module that lets system administrators create, edit, and delete users.


  • Wiki组合应用程序支持用户创建编辑内容

    The Wiki composite application allows users to create and edit content.


  • 程序运行需要读入输入文件自带的数据库其中输入文件需要用户自己编辑并且有着特定格式要求

    Before running program, it is necessary to read in input file and built-in database, in which input file is edited by users themselves, and has special format requirements.


  • 我们基于Flex应用程序允许用户使用各种可视化辅助工具创建幻灯片包括列表图表编辑标记关系搜索

    Our Flex-based application allows users to construct slides using a variety of visualization assistants, including bulleted lists, graphic editors, tag clouds, relation explorers, and tables.


  • ManageCustomer应用程序允许用户执行各种操作例如添加用户编辑用户数据以及数据库中将客户删除

    The Manage customer application lets users perform various operations, such as adding a new customer, editing the customer data, and soft deletions of the customer entries in the database.


  • Wikipedia站点Wiki定义Web应用程序允许多个用户添加删除编辑内容

    The Wikipedia site defines a wiki as a Web application designed to allow multiple authors to add, remove, and edit content.


  • WebSphereStudio系列一样完善的企业应用程序开发工具包括WSDL编辑器,该编辑用户创建 WSDL 文档提供了巨大帮助

    Sophisticated enterprise application development tools like the WebSphere Studio family include WSDL editors that provide tremendous assistance when creating WSDL documents.


  • AREWeb用户界面包含两个Web应用程序部署模板编辑控制台

    The ARE web user interface consists of two web applications: the deployment template editor and the console. The template editor allows you to create and modify the contents of deployment templates.


  • AREWeb用户界面包含两个Web应用程序部署模板编辑控制台

    The ARE web user interface consists of two web applications: the deployment template editor and the console. The template editor allows you to create and modify the contents of deployment templates.


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