• 我们还有大量GoogleSummer编码项目正在进行这会以下领域推进Tuscany功能

    We also have various Google Summer of Code project ideas in progress, this might give a boost to Tuscany functionality on the following areas.


  • 可以使用任何编程语言发送任何新的技术成果——可能是在网站、游戏、应用程序甚至机器人里编码项目

    You can send any new tech creation, using any programming language—perhaps a project coded in a website, a game, an app or even a robot.


  • 已经进行项目中间编码所需要的程序员也已经确定时,这些备选方案多数已经不需要了。

    After you are already in the middle of the project and have the programmers entrenched in the code, many of these alternatives are closed to you.


  • 编码标准以及命名约定通常项目或者企业层次决定的。

    Coding standards and naming conventions are usually determined at the project or enterprise level.


  • 遗憾是,我原指望上述方法成为通往项目结束平坦道路,但在发现DFA问题,它却变成棘手编码会话

    Unfortunately what was supposed to be a smooth ride to the end of the project turned into a more involved coding session when I found a problem with the DFA.


  • 然而防止出现安全风险最佳方法项目开始之前设置适当编码规范检查代码强制施行这些规范。

    However, the best way to avoid security risk is to have proper coding guidelines before the project starts and enforce them during code review.


  • 2这种情况下项目2团队执行编码时并没有时间来开发测试但是迭代结束时了时间来编写测试。

    Figure 2: in this case, Project 2's team did not spend time developing tests as they implemented the code, but spent time at the end of the iteration writing tests.


  • 当然可以项目进行之中结合测试,测试通常不是所有编码工作结束后才开始而是一般稍后阶段进行测试。

    Sure, there may be integration testing while the project is going on, and testing doesn't usually start after all the coding is done, but it's usually in a later phase.


  • 公司基层IT分析师可能最有创造力文案撰稿人但是如果分配的工作,是整天面对程序编码可能永远没有机会去为项目发挥自己最大的作用。

    The junior analyst in IT could be your most creative copywriter, but when relegated to coding all day, she may never have a chance to collaborate in a way that can deliver the most to a project.


  • 此外还会摸索出一些有价值的技巧这些技巧不仅有助于节约项目的成本,而且使您能够领悟以后项目应该避免哪些编码方式预防内存漏洞

    In addition, you'll gain some valuable skills that may not only save a programming project, but also provide insight as to what coding practices to avoid to prevent memory leaks in future projects.


  • 另外注意着眼于SOA开发项目(例如业务流程建模编码实现),不是生产应用程序部署或者管理

    Also, note that it looks at an SOA development project (for example, from business process modeling to code implementation) and not at the deployment or management of production applications.


  • 迭代开发方法典型地架构师作为项目开发点,辅助开发团队完成需求阶段,进行早期少量编码

    Iterative development methods typically place architects at the beginning of a project, partnering with development teams through requirements and early bits of coding.


  • 这种编码事实意味着模型并不非常正确模型进行修改继续延迟项目的进展。

    The realities of coding mean that the model is not very accurate, and the act of changing the model continually only delays the project.


  • 避免使用表的相关开销应用程序可以一些字符串格式项目列表进行编码使存储过程字符串进行解码以便提取项目

    To avoid the overhead associated with using a table, the application could encode the list of items in some string format and have the procedure decode the string to extract the items.


  • 因此设计(编码)将随着项目成熟逐步得到改善降低

    Therefore, your design (and code) actually improves rather than degrades as the project matures.


  • 急于完成项目快速修复应用程序可能促使开发人员“走捷径”,以便快速完成编码

    An urgency to finish the project or fixes to the application in a hurry can cause developers to "cut corners" to complete the code quickly.


  • 大小可能不同但是元素可以编码此类项目所有信息

    Your mileage may vary, but elements can encode all the information required for such a project.


  • 比较大项目导致许多问题而且需要大量编码,来操控物体深度

    This led to a lot of problems in larger projects and required a lot of manual depth management work.


  • 聪明地减少任务,是应该使得减少的那些任务不会影响编码质量它在整个项目进程中的独立性

    By "intelligently" removing, I mean removing things that do not affect the quality of the code or their dependencies along the way.


  • 他们提议一些小的(敏捷的)项目项目我们捕获足够的需求开始编码发布

    They proposed small (agile) projects where we captured just enough requirements to begin coding and releasing.


  • 此外项目开发人员可以确切地知道他们正在基于什么进行编码

    Furthermore, project developers can know exactly what they are coding against.


  • 然而,有些项目采用支持这些抽象语言(不管它们是否为函数式语言),其中观察到了编码风格一个重大改变

    However, I've noticed a significant change in coding style on projects using languages that support these abstractions (whether they are functional languages or not).


  • 出版项目往往担心编码XML标记易用性因为作者可能需要手工编写XML文档。

    Publishing projects tend to worry about the ease of hand-coding the XML markup, because authors may have to write XML documents by hand.


  • 如果开发者为了自己小型数据库应用立即编码定制helloworld项目那么现在可以跳过章的剩余部分

    You can skip the rest of the chapter for now if you want to jump right into the code and customize the helloworld project for your own small database application.


  • 因此使全球化专家全球化测试人员尽早参与进来验证unicode编码可译性支持项目成功十分重要的。

    Hence, having the globalization experts or globalization testers involved early to validate the Unicode encoding and translatability support is very crucial to project success.


  • 无缝集成目标切换AspectJ项目一步变得尽可能容易;这使用方面进行编码中获得实际有用的东西铺平道路

    The goal of seamless integration is to make the first step of switching to an AspectJ project as easy as possible; thus paving the way for gaining real value from coding with aspects.


  • CheckStyle报告项目预定的编码标准偏离度。

    CheckStyle reports deviations from a project's predefined coding standards.


  • 使用自动源代码检查工具(CheckStyle)可以提供执行可配置规则简单途径,规则集可以根据项目编码标准定。

    Using an automated source code inspection tool such as CheckStyle provides an easy way to execute a configurable set of rules, which can be based on a project's coding standards.


  • 为了确保实体编码正确必须每个项目上调用htmlentities函数如清单8

    To make sure the entities are properly encoded, the htmlentities function must be called on each item, as shown in Listing 8.


  • 本文介绍了一些基础知识使用AppleSDK工作mac上创建一个iPhone项目以及使用Objective - c编码准备

    This article provided some very basic fundamentals to get you ready to work with the Apple SDK, create an iPhone project on a Mac, and code in Objective-C.


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