• 介绍了塔架系统设施及工程方面要求

    Introduced here are the engineering requirements in the main cable, the tower frame and the storm-proof system.


  • 本文针对深海采矿过程中硬管系统组合缆系统下放控制问题进行研究

    The objective of this paper is to study the control problem of pipe-dropping and cable-dropping in the process of ocean-mining.


  • 国际系统铺设于海洋中之国际海底附属设施组成之通信系统

    International submarine cable System ": means the international submarine cable that is laid in the ocean and its auxiliary equipment."


  • 简介海底缆系统路由调查时常用探测设备手段路由的选择优化

    It presents instruments and means for submarine cable route survey, selection and optimization of submarine cable route.


  • 本文介绍表面浮标、中间物体组成综合海洋系统动力学特性的二时域分析方法。

    A two-dimensional time domain met hod is presented for the analysis of dynamic behaviour of the ocean cable system in wind, wave and current.


  • 液压绞车首要滚筒系统装配操作面板、手摇装配构成,设备具有布局简单操作容易等特性。

    Hydraulic drawworks consists of roller, wire line system, depth metering device, handle panel, hand device, etc. It has simple frame and is convenient to operate.


  • 作为UPS系统补充高级式pdu可以置于高密度的机架环境任何需要电力分配多个设备的地方。

    Designed to complement UPS systems, advanced cabling PDUs can distribute power in high-density rack environments or anywhere conditioned power must be distributed to multiple pieces of equipment.


  • 舵机(锚机机)液压系统安全装置调整

    Adjusting safety device for hydraulic system of steering gear (windlass, mooring winch).


  • 得出了锚碇尺寸主要取决于拉力大小合理碇结构要能预应力锚固系统提供足够工作空间

    And narrating the size depends on the degree of the pulling force, a reasonable size should provide a sufficient work room for the anchor system.


  • 索具;;支索:用于支撑控制航船桅杆、帆或帆桅的绳索链条滑车系统

    Nautical The system of ropes, chains, and tackle used to support and control the masts, sails, and yards of a sailing vessel.


  • SZ合成设备组成简介基础上,设计基于模糊神经网络的SZ绞合成机现场总线控制系统

    After brief introduction of equipments of SZ stranding machine for optical fibers, this paper designs SZ stranding machine field bus control system based on fuzzy neural network.


  • 尼集团目前中国设立了多家机构和工厂产品涉及铜线汽车线束系统

    LEONI AG has invested some facilities in China, The products involve Wire, Cable and Wiring Systems.


  • 为了置于潜艇尾部水下拖曳系统安全性进行评估计算了螺旋体的尾流

    In order to evaluate the security of an underwater towed system which is deployed or retracted from the up stabilizer of a submarine, the near wake flow field of the propeller and hull was calculated.


  • 一方面人们使用传统基于连接终端诸如机器控制,工控机,信号发送监测系统网络连接成本考虑的。

    On one hand, classical copper cables are used for the cost-effective connection of terminals such as machine controls, industry PCs, signalisation or monitoring systems to the network.


  • 建立了水下拖曳系统非均匀中的力学模型有限差分计算收放姿态。

    A dynamic model of the towed system was established in the non-uniform wake flow field, and the shape of the towed system was investigated by finite difference method.


  • 海洋分辨率地震调查主要震源系统接收系统调谐组合技术、地震记录系统野外作业条件的影响。

    The high resolution Marine seismic survey is seriously affected by the energy source, receiver system, the combination of streamer and sources, the recording system and the field conditions.


  • 其中最危险架设阶段研究了主梁之间设置交叉索这结构措施提高系统颤振稳定性的效果。

    Then, with the most dangerous construction stage as an example, the improvement of the flutter stability of the system with cross - hangers mounted between the main cables and the deck is studied.


  • 牵引系统悬索桥架设施工关键设备多种机械设备操作人员组成一个复杂的大系统

    Hauling system is key equipment in the main cable erection of suspension bridge. It is a complex system which consist of many kinds of mechanic and the operators.


  • 文中详细介绍了基于声学调制解调器声速剖面遥测系统的主要结构功能,揭示了水声通信技术深海非铠装测量中的应用优势

    The article introduces the configuration and function of SVP remote measurement system which base on the acoustic modem in detail. Finally open out the advantage


  • 介绍套充油光纤SZ合成基本结构,着重叙述了欧母龙公司C2 0 0HS系列编程控制器SZ绞合成控制系统中的应用。

    The basis construction of the SZ stranding machine for loose tube optical fibers is described. Realization of SZ stranding machine control system with OMRON series C200HS PLC is presented in detail.


  • 简单介绍气吹技术技术优势系统构成详细阐述了微气吹技术的施工及工程中的应用

    The advantages of micro cable jetnet and its composition are given briefly, the installation of micro cable jetnet and its application on telecom engineering are also described in detail.


  • 某型埋设系统节省甲板空间采用绞车收放脐带,但是系统绞车使用会使脐带电的内层电产生热量从而降低其性能。

    A kind of winch is used to draw in and draw out the umbilical cable for saving space in a submarine cable burying system.


  • 结合传统涂装防护方法,分析讨论除湿系统防护工程中的应用。

    Combined with traditional wrapping and painting protection measures for main cables. The application of the dehumidification system in the main cable protection...


  • 分析了当前用于实现电动铲运机卷功能各种装置系统的基础上,提出了一种新型的电动卷装置的设计方法给出了控制

    On the basis of it, he brings forward a new design method of electric roll-cable device, presents its control strategy.


  • 系统介绍上海东海大桥海上设计中的规划选址总体布置风机基础观测等设计关键技术及解决方案

    Presentation on the planning and siting, overall layout, WTG foundation, submarine cable. observation etc. viewed as critical technical solutions in the design of Shanghai Donghai Offshore Wind Farm.


  • 公司现已形成5、6类、类铜布线光纤综合布线系统宽带小区综合布线系统,家居布线系统系列产品

    The company has formed over Category 5, Category 6, super six copper cabling, fiber optic cabling system, the broadband residential cabling system, home wiring systems for several major products.


  • 首先结合监控实际情况该桥结构特点系统的制定出此阶段以及方案。

    Firstly, Combined with the actual construction condition and the bridge's structural characters, the temperature measurement scheme of tower, catwalk and main cable is given.


  • 利用除湿系统干燥内部空气使湿度保持一定范围内可以减缓钢丝腐蚀

    To dry the air therein by means of dehumidification system is able to keep the humidity to be within the range of designed values and to retard corrosion of the steel wires inside the main cables.


  • 利用除湿系统干燥内部空气使湿度保持一定范围内可以减缓钢丝腐蚀

    To dry the air therein by means of dehumidification system is able to keep the humidity to be within the range of designed values and to retard corrosion of the steel wires inside the main cables.


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