• 必需蔬菜时令新颖绿色彩

    One day a dish vegetables need in the novel, dark green is seasonal color.


  • 有别于湖水蓝绿色彩有色钻石看好虽然它们往往有吸引力

    But unlike the deep aquamarine, the green tinge colored diamond is not that favored, although they tend to be attractive.


  • 发现他们制服往往柔和的色彩例如淡紫色绿蓝色

    You'll find their uniforms tend to be more subdued pastel colors, such as mauve, green or blue.


  • 路的两边莓攀附在石南花金雀花之上挂满了串串果实果子已经熟透,就待采摘了;黑色绿,紫色和黄色,编织成缤纷色彩

    On either side, the brambles clambered over heather and gorse, laden with clusters of fruit, ripe for picking; a riot of black and GREen, purple and yellow.


  • 发现他们制服往往柔和的色彩例如淡紫色绿蓝色

    You'll find their uniforms tend to be more subdued pastel colours, such as mauve, green or blue.


  • 事实上这么绿色调形成一个非常灵活色彩

    There are so many green hues, it makes for an extremely flexible color.


  • 通常结婚礼服可以选择任何颜色人们普遍会选用比较色彩例如暗红色紫色绿

    The wedding gowns could usually be of any color, but they usually were of a dark color like Burgundy wine, deep purple or hunter green.


  • 那些大大的舞会长袍迷人色彩混合-蓝色搭配淡黄绿色,还有侧女骑士的设计。

    There will be huge ball gowns, enchanting combinations of colorpale blue served with pistachio, and equestrienne habits for riding sidesaddle.


  • 它们实际上并不是绿的,绿只是这些图像它们发出的红外线色彩编码方便科学家观察。

    Theyare not actually green; but are color coded in these images to allow scientistssee their glow in infrared.


  • 尽管如此炼金术士还是获得了许多成就他们创造了色彩鲜艳的天然色素使原来的色素更完美——红色氧化铅黄色硫化少许加上醋,就会得到明亮的绿绿

    Yet the alchemists had their triumphs, inventing brilliant new pigments, perfecting the old - red lead oxide, yellow arsenic sulfide, a little copper and vinegar and you've got bright green verdigris.


  • 对于餐厅来说,最佳的色彩组合蓝色色,或者绿和橘色。

    A good combination for restaurants is pale blue or turquoise and orange.


  • 车站的装饰主题多种多样,大太空,小至黄色粉色绿等不同色彩今年,“世界杯成了车站的一大装饰主题。

    Themes have ranged from outer space to colors yellow, pink, turquoise, and this year, it pays homage to the World Cup.


  • 我们进行同样速度的色彩训练,使用同样熟悉物品组我们蓝色蜡笔”,另一组,我们则说“这支蜡笔是绿的”。

    In both cases, we would simply show them familiar objects and say encouraging things like “This is a blue crayon” or “This crayon is green.”


  • 春天我们世界充满阳光地方,到处覆盖绿树木色彩缤纷鲜花所以可以说得上是一个天堂。

    In spring days, our world is a sunny place, which is covered with green trees and colorful flowers, so it can be described as a paradise.


  • 蓝色绿湖中通明的板,遮光作用非常色彩瑰丽的消费者的喜爱。

    Light blue and green grass in the lake is not lit, shading effect is very good, and colour is magnificent, more popular among consumers.


  • 因为感恩节秋天节日,所以要像是金色红色绿色彩

    Since Thanksgiving is an autumn holiday, use colors like gold, red, orange, and dark green.


  • 艾伦明白了于莉,我在我们上方贴有珍珠的绿色球感兴趣。我想清楚一点

    Allan: I see. Emily, I am interested in that green painted ball with pearls hung above. I'd like to have a clear look.


  • 简约线条勾勒出通透大气空间宽幅绿背景代表环保理念跳跃色彩代表着迸发活力

    Contracted line draw the outline of the space of transparent atmosphere, wide green background wall represents the environmental protection concept, bouncing colour represents a burst of energy.


  • 研发人员表示他们目前研制测试样本使用红色绿蓝色也是组合led能显示的所有鲜艳色彩三种颜色。

    According to the researchers, the samples they've so far built and tested use the same red, green, and blue colours which combine to give LEDs their vibrant displays.


  • 绿夜视镜所采取色彩由于人类视觉绿色的分歧深淡色调最为敏感,更易于辨识。

    Green is the color used for night-vision goggles because the human eye is most sensitive to and able to discern the most shades of that color.


  • 专辑五彩缤纷》,绿黑色沥青路增添了色彩

    Listened to the album a Todo color (colorful), adding colors to the green trees and the black asphalt road.


  • 商场研讨有些查询P C面板湖蓝量现在商场上最大商场,其次绿草地再次通明的,相对别的色彩所说

    According to market research some query, PC board lake blue tent panel is one of the largest store in the mall now, the second is the green grass, is lit again, relative to other less color and say.


  • 休息厅陈设黑色几何框架形桌椅,与白色办公相互相得益彰绿室内装饰品为空间带来了不一样的色彩

    The furnishings in the lounge area have exposed black frames which complement the white grid of the office volume. Green upholstery offers an injection of colour.


  • 酒店大堂色彩方案采用春季秋季主色调,用绿植物及其树枝图案进行装饰。

    The Ficus tree and its branches are a dominant graphic and pattern throughout the hotel, whilst the colour scheme is mainly evolved around spring and autumn tones.


  • 酒店大堂色彩方案采用春季秋季主色调,用绿植物及其树枝图案进行装饰。

    The Ficus tree and its branches are a dominant graphic and pattern throughout the hotel, whilst the colour scheme is mainly evolved around spring and autumn tones.


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