• 绿色功能支持打盹待命暂停方式遵从apm 1.2。

    Green function: supports doze, standby and suspend modes. APM 1.2 compliant.


  • 遵照绿色功能标准并且支持能源节约特点三种类型打盹方式准备方式暂停方式。

    It complies with the "Green Function" standard and supports three types of power saving features: Doze mode, standby mode and Suspend mode.


  • 左边列出目前使用九种产品现在可以它们替换第五列中绿色显示的功能相当三种产品。

    The nine products listed in the left-most column that we've used so far can now be replaced by their three functional equivalents listed in green in the fifth column.


  • 无论是黑色绿色,含咖啡因或不含咖啡因(当然草药计数),由于其含有大量所谓黄酮类化合物,因此,茶具有强大的抗氧化功能

    Tea, whether black or green, caffeinated or decaffeinated (herbal teas don't count), has spectacular antioxidant capabilities owing to large amounts of substances called flavonoids.


  • 词语高优先级”中等优先级”红色绿色标志图标其实词语意思相同因此这些图标就是非功能性的或者说是冗余的。

    The red and green flag ICONS before the words "High Priority" and "Medium Priority," in this case, actually have the same meaning as the words, so the ICONS are non-functional or redundant.


  • 从2006年开始惠普12个月内重新设计全部个人电脑产品线,将高效电源更快进入节电休眠模式能力绿色环保功能包括进来。

    H-P redesigned its entire PC product line in 12 months, beginning in 2006, to include green features such as more efficient power supplies and the ability to go into power-saving sleep mode faster.


  • 茶室位于当地已重建的公园里,的建立赋予公园区域更多中心功能以及街区改善角色成为绿色心脏”。

    The tea house is situated in a local park that is being revitalised in order to give it a more central function in the district and to improve its role as 'a green heart' in the neighbourhood.


  • 日本包装设计现代魅力和谐魅力;功能魅力;自然魅力;绿色魅力。

    Japanese packaging design; modern charm; harmonious charm; functional charm; natural charm; green charm.


  • 非正式学生休息大厅安置走廊交叉口,它呈现新鲜的绿色,使空间一个功能过渡到一个功能

    An informal student lounge space is defined at the intersection of corridors by a donut of green, marking the transition from one department to another.


  • 绿色理念为出发点分析基于绿色设计原则产品功能设计思路

    Starting with the green concept, it analyzed the design thinking of product function based on green design principle.


  • 个12平方米卧室有点设计得很灵活的,而且功能齐全,值得一提的是,这间私人提供了一个绿色景观阳台

    A 12-square meter bedroom is a bit small but designed to be flexible, fully functional and more, this room privately offers a big tree-green balcony.


  • 绿色开敞空间结构决定功能能否优化的关键。

    Among all factors influencing its actual functions and effects, the structure of the Green Open Space is undoubtedly the crucial one.


  • 阳台增加功能,既可以锻炼身体休憩喝茶可以放置折叠书桌充当绿色自然书房

    In six, the balcony increased function, can exercise, rest, drinking tea can also be placed folding desk as green nature study.


  • 本文实施绿色化学实验角度,对功能用途进行了比较全面系统探讨和比较深入的研究,并提出了一些使之更加完善建议

    From the perspective of green chemical experiment, this paper makes a comprehensive and systematic exploration of its functions and USES, and provides some constructive Suggestions for perfection.


  • 除了其他功能之外智能电网防止停电事故发生节约能源推动电动汽车分布式发电其它绿色环保事业

    Among other things, a smart grid would be able to avoid outages, save energy and help other green undertakings, such as electric cars and distributed generation.


  • 绿色产品概念设计方案生成过程需求结构映射过程在这一过程中不仅要考虑产品基本功能还要考虑产品的环境性能

    The conceptual scheme generation of green product is an evolving process from requirements to structure of product, which considering both the basic functions and environmental performance of product.


  • 由于橄榄油营养成分丰富医疗保健功能突出公认绿色保健食用油,素有液体黄金”的美誉

    Because nutrient rich olive oil, medical treatment and health care function outstanding, which is recognized as the green health care cooking oil, known as the "liquid gold" reputation.


  • 银杏的制品保健功能比较看看相关说明即可天然绿色的比较

    The sanitarian function of the goods of ginkgo is better! See relevant specification can. The comparison of natural green is good!


  • 他们认为绿色屋顶的设计不同决定建筑物凉爽或是收集雨水功能不同。

    They found that designs differ in their ability to keep buildings cool and to capture rainwater.


  • 基座各种功能作为一个整体整合,溶入统一的绿色元素中

    The entirety of the functions in the base are integrated into a single green element.


  • 小孩来说重要要“十分有趣的绿色外壳防水功能

    Most importantly for kids, the computer is cool. Its playful green case and keyboard are waterproof.


  • 通过绿色设计获得产品应有功能、使用寿命质量的基础上,使得产品及其生产过程环境总体影响到最小。

    Through green design, products with good function, life cycle and good quality were obtained, and the influence of the process on the environment was reduced.


  • 海洋绿色GDP核算主要功能记账功能管理功能

    The Marine green GDP accounting has two major functions, accounting function and management function.


  • 每个绿色”的产品功能能源效率提供一个直接成本节约

    Each "green" product features energy efficiency and offers a direct cost-savings to you.


  • 清洁制备连同产品功能设计一起添加专一这一基本问题,构成了绿色化学的基本概念网络。

    Clean preparation together with the design of functional products is added to the topic of specificity to build up a fundamental framework of green chemistry.


  • 设定绿色通道功能任意数字即可开门

    One-Key opening function(Passage Mode) :Press any digital key to open the lock.


  • 由于橄榄油营养成分丰富医疗保健功能突出公认绿色保健食用油适合人体营养的油脂

    Because of olive oil, medical and health nutrition ingredient rich outstanding features and is recognized as the green health care oils, is the most suitable human nutrition of grease.


  • 由于橄榄油营养成分丰富医疗保健功能突出公认绿色保健食用油适合人体营养的油脂

    Because of olive oil, medical and health nutrition ingredient rich outstanding features and is recognized as the green health care oils, is the most suitable human nutrition of grease.


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