• 利用模糊数学方法,建立固体推进剂综合评价模糊数学模型,并用于NEPE推进剂的综合感度评价。

    The fuzzy mathematic model for synthesis sensitivity evaluation of solid propellant was established by means of fuzzy mathematic method.


  • 综合常见神经疾病之一,大多夜间休息时发病,发病时腿部有针刺、刺痛、麻木等不舒适的觉,活动、晃动下肢或行走才能缓解。

    Restless leg syndrome is one of the UK’s most common nerve syndromes.


  • 空巢综合确实存在,不过对于各种形式失落悲伤来说个可喜的消息

    The empty-nest syndrome is real, but there is good news for this and all forms of loss and grief.


  • 空巢家庭综合父母亲其他监护人个或更多子女离开家后受到的一种孤独

    Empty nest syndrome is a general feeling of loneliness that parents or other guardian relatives may feel when their children leave home.


  • 工作挫败社会媒体工具综合因素可能会兴起公共辞职浪潮

    The combination of workplace frustrations and social media tools might make a public resignation difficult to resist.


  • 克兰费尔特综合糟糕事情使人精神不振没有安全

    One of the worst things about Klinefelter's is it can make me depressed and insecure.


  • 国家统计局已经开始20万成就焦虑压力这些所谓的“主观”标准进行年度综合家庭调查

    The ONS has already started surveying 200, 000 people about their level of fulfillment, anxiety, and stressthe so-called ‘subjective’ measures – in its annual Integrated Household Survey.


  • 科学家发现种瓦尔登布尔综合症相关基因和两种在拟南中负责重力的基因对上了号。

    The scientists discovered that two Waardenburg-linked genes matched mustard plant genes for sensing gravity.


  • 使用了一组处理程序用来综合计划字母间距间距,断字字符缩放非常细微调整某些字母宽度保证调整后的文字依然很强肌理

    They use a combination of letter spacing, word spacing, hyphenation and glyph scaling (i.e. very slightly adjusting the width of individual letters) to produce an even texture in the body copy.


  • 综合起来看这些措施提高财政调整一揽子计划公正而且可以通过增值税提高占GDP1%的额外收入。

    Taken together, such measures will enhance the perceived fairness of the fiscal-consolidation package, and could then be supplemented by a carbon tax or higher VAT to raise an additional 1% of GDP.


  • 因为之前McMillan已经发现一些闭锁综合患者有幸福幽默存在,尽管之前已被法律认定生命保障人群,却渴望生存

    In previous cases, McMillan has found some of these patients were happy, had a sense of humor and wanted to live despite previous court applications to withdraw life support.


  • Carley说,很多阿斯·伯格综合症患者自己的诊断有着一种自豪,因为历史上一些重要人物比如爱因斯坦爱迪生,也被描述成有此特征的人。

    Many people with Asperger's take pride in a diagnosis that probably describes some major historical figures, including Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison, Carley says.


  • 训练总是保持多样化,保持新鲜也可以综合起来会员知道他们制定的下周训练计划他们有所期待。

    Have variety in your training, keep it fresh and mix it up. Let the client know what is planned for them in the coming weeks so they are always looking forward to something.


  • 了解胰岛素抵抗如何改变能量存储导致严重问题前,帮助那些预防代谢综合出现,”舒尔曼

    "Knowing how insulin resistance alters energy storage before it leads to more serious problems can help those susceptible prevent the onset of the metabolic syndrome," Shulman said.


  • 主观幸福成为衡量人们生活质量一个重要综合心理指标

    Subjective Well-Being is an important comprehensive psychological index to measure the mass of people's life satisfaction.


  • 我们一种基于基因位点MS风险综合测量方法的有效性进行了研究

    We investigated the usefulness of an aggregate measure of risk of MS that is based on genetic susceptibility loci.


  • 目的了解综合监护室内住院患者兰阳性菌医院发病特点探讨因素防治措施

    OBJECTIVE To investigate the characteristic of Gram-positive bacteria in general ICU then discuss the susceptible factors and the treatment.


  • 针对整个综合不同区域,又采用同一家族又不同色彩材质设计整个综合视觉统一功能划分明确用户识别非常清晰

    Aiming at the different areas of the complex, designed the same sense but using different color, material, lead to complex visual unity, functional division clear and identify clear.


  • 沉浸交互性实时性的综合效果传统平面效果图与动画播放无法达到的。

    Its immersing feels, interactive nature and synthetical real time nature effect are that the tradition flat surface effect pursues and the animated cartoon broadcasts what has no way to reach.


  • 社会责任大学生道德素质重要组成部分当代大学生综合素质的薄弱环节

    Social duty is an important component of university students moral quality and a weak link of current students comprehensive quality.


  • 综合考虑ABS系统比例组合使用行之有效,且是可靠性制动压力调节方法

    The combined use of ABS System & Load-Sensing Proportion Valve is an effective brake pressure regulation method which has high reliability.


  • 综合材料绘画抽象语言图式表现主要有:暗示意境等几个方面的表现。

    The forms of expression of abstract language in comprehensive painting include feelings, suggestion, movement, the mixture of different senses, artistic conception.


  • 综合比较已有树木算法基础提出了HSV色彩空间基于图像的层次树木可视化方法

    On the basis of analysis and comparison of the existing algorithms, a new visualization method of trees using HSV color space based on IBR is presented.


  • 研究将游戏疗法统训练等自闭症干预方法相结合,一例自闭症儿童实施综合干预。

    Comprehensive interference blending play therapy and sensory integration therapy were implemented for an autistic child case.


  • 综合节奏培养现代美育现实起点之一。

    The fostering of comprehensive sense of rhythm is the practical starting point of modern art education.


  • 本文介绍公平综合模型、亚当斯公平理论中国学者公平理论方面研究

    This article introduces the generalized model of equity sense developed by Mr. E·Lawler, the equity theory of Mr. Adams and the study on equity theory by Chinese scholars.


  • 假后综合症状包括疲惫没有胃口、无法集中精力易怒无助等。

    Symptoms include fatigue, lack of appetite and concentration, irritability and a feeling of helplessness.


  • 主观幸福作为一种重要衡量个人社会生活质量综合心理指标越来越受到社会各界的关注

    Subjective Well-being has been paid more and more attention as an important comprehensive psychological index to measure the life quality of individuals and the society.


  • 有4万名额外警官值勤一项综合安全计划已经使得当地民众以及外国游客获得了安全

    Forty thousand extra police officers have been on the beat and a comprehensive security plan has kept locals and foreigners safe and secure.


  • 有4万名额外警官值勤一项综合安全计划已经使得当地民众以及外国游客获得了安全

    Forty thousand extra police officers have been on the beat and a comprehensive security plan has kept locals and foreigners safe and secure.


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