• 他们霍加斯出版社经营地下室房间维斯托克广场

    Their Hogarth Press had operated from the basement room in Tavistock Square.


  • 阿尔贝二世王子夏莱娜·维斯托克于2011年71日在摩纳哥王宫举行婚礼。

    Prince Albert II and Charlene Wittstock will marry at the Monaco palace on July 1, 2011.


  • 维斯托克诊所18个月药物试图其他人精神分析疗法治疗对照试验接近完成。

    At the Tavistock Clinic a controlled trial of 18 months 'psychoanalytic therapy for people who have tried medication and other therapies is nearing completion.


  • 摩纳哥一家商店中展出摩纳哥王子阿尔贝二世未婚妻夏莱娜·维斯托克正式订婚照片

    The official photo of the engagement of Prince Albert II of Monaco and his fiancee Charlene Wittstock is displayed in a shop in Monaco.


  • 比亚·维斯托克今年62岁,一位心理学领域享有盛名研究教授,现任教于加拿大多伦多市的约大学

    Bialystok, 62, is a distinguished research professor of psychology at York University in Toronto, Canada.


  • 颗粒运动满足牛顿第二定律流体相的运动规律局部平均维斯托克方程求解,两相间的耦合由牛顿第三定律决定。

    The motion of individual particles is obtained by solving Newtons second law of motion and gas flow by the Navier Stokes equation based on the concept of local average.


  • 那天早晨,3炸弹分别列不同伦敦地下铁列车上引爆了自己,紧接着小时,在维斯托克双层巴士发生第四次爆炸性袭击事件。

    That morning, three bombers detonated themselves in three of London'sUnderground trains, before a fourth explosion occurred on adouble-decker bus in Tavistock Square an hour later.


  • 球队上周足总杯决赛中战胜托克夺得36年来首个冠军后,曼奇尼已维斯留在市政球场

    But Speaking after City's FA Cup win over Stoke last week - their first major trophy in 36 years - Mancini said that Tevez would be staying at Eastlands.


  • 塔夫茨·维尔位于伍德·斯托克伯灵顿南部90分钟路程。

    Taftsville, located in the town of Woodstock, is about 90 minutes south of Burlington.


  • 不过我们必须承认,如果重新嫁接德贝维尔这个急需更新复苏的名字,斯托克这户人家倒是根上好的砧木

    Yet it must be admitted that this family formed a very good stock whereon to regraft a name which sadly wanted such renovation.


  • 城队相比于西布朗维奇维冈队来说,更难缠,给蓝军造成了更大威胁对于切尔西这样一支状态奇佳,凯歌高奏的球队来说,仍然算不上什么太大的威胁。

    Stoke posed a stiffer, burlier threat than West Bromwich Albion and Wigan, but still not much of a threat at all. Not to a team as gloriously on-song as Chelsea.


  • 周二托克城进了两球之后,曼奇尼希望维斯留下来帮助球队冲击赛季冠军联赛

    Mancini had hoped striker Tevez would stay and help lead his Champions League charge next season in the wake of Tuesday's two-goal supershow against Stoke.


  • 上周六温布利以1;0战胜托克举起足总杯维斯有机会超越东家曼联留在曼城的动力。

    After lifting the FA Cup at Wembley following last Saturday's 1-0 victory over Stoke, Tevez said the chance to overhaul former club Manchester United could yet persuade him to stay at City.


  • 09年莱切斯特城征战甲,之后代表沃特福德出赛英冠,而这个赛季竞技发挥的很出色。 莱弗利仍旧专注于维冈竞技最后一城的保级生死战,但是不忘记关注一下自己在未来的道路。

    Cleverley's focus remains on helping Wigan avoid relegation in his final game for the Latics against Stoke, but he is also looking further into the future.


  • 维拉今晚托克城的比赛中继续由唐纳执掌。

    Villa will be under MacDonald's charge against Stoke tonight.


  • 为了研究孤立带有陡升台地陆架上传播,用MAC方法求解了二维纳维尔-方程

    The two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations are solved by the MAC method to study a solitary wave propagation on a shelf with a terrance risen up suddenly.


  • 伦敦艺术展瞬息万变,这次则伦敦南部维尔住宅区的一个地下球场举行。

    London's s fastest-changing art gallery is hidden in a sunken ball court on a housing estate in Stockwell, south London.


  • 1948年,路德维格-古特曼爵士英国的曼·德维尔专门为二战脊髓受损老兵组织了一次运动会

    In 1948, Sir Ludwig Guttmann organized a sports competition involving World War II veterans with a spinal cord-related injury in Stoke Mandeville, Eingland.


  • 我们最近状态不错,作客维冈竞技城都获得了胜利对阵布莱收获

    We have been on a great run of late, winning at places like Stoke and Wigan, as well as gaining maximum points here like we did last time out against Blackburn Rovers.


  • 托克租借维拉前锋卡路直到赛季结束

    Stoke have signed the Aston Villa striker John Carew on loan until the end of the season.


  • 维尔·基恩打进唯一进球帮助曼联曼彻斯特高级杯中托克

    Will Keane hammered home his first goal for United's Reserves to give the Reds a narrow Manchester Senior Cup victory at Stockport County.


  • 比如,在1891年城对阵阿斯顿·维拉比赛出现意外以前,伤停补时这个概念就没有被写入章程。

    For instance, stoppage time was not included until 1891 after an incident that occurred during a match between Stoke City and Aston Villa.


  • 流动非线性纳维·方程控制,因此获得该流动的精确一个十分困难的流体力学问题。

    The flow is governed by Navier-Stokes equations. Therefore it is extremely difficult to obtain an accurate solution.


  • 本周他们排除了我会在维拉比赛中复出,但是比赛前一天,线训练然后我得知我入选了比赛名单

    Earlier in the week they had me down to be back for the Villa game but the day before the Stoke game I trained with the first team and then I heard that I was in the squad.


  • 本周他们排除了我会在维拉比赛中复出,但是比赛前一天,线训练然后我得知我入选了比赛名单

    Earlier in the week they had me down to be back for the Villa game but the day before the Stoke game I trained with the first team and then I heard that I was in the squad.


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