• 视窗维斯数字生活方式蓬勃发展的核心力量。

    Windows, and now Vista, is the central element that allows the digital lifestyle to thrive.


  • 美国运通万事达国际大来俱乐部维斯卡,国际长城

    C: American Express, Master, International Diner's Club, Visa, International Great Wall, and so on.what.


  • 微软公司承诺维斯视窗操作系统所作次精彩昂贵造势活动。 各个版本的维斯卡视窗系统的开发共耗时5,耗费60亿美元

    The event was the beginning of what promises to be a flashy and expensive campaign by Microsoft to promote an operating system that took five years and six billion dollars to ready for the world.


  • 1956年,歌手埃尔维斯·普雷斯利·帕金斯约翰尼·杰瑞··刘易斯孟菲斯太阳工作室钢琴前即兴表演的照片讲述了一个不为人知的故事

    The 1956 picture of singers Elvis Presley, Carl Perkins, Johnny Cash and Jerry Lee Lewis jamming at a piano in Sun Studios in Memphis tells a hidden story.


  • 乔治梅森大学托斯中心自由市场经济学家维罗妮克·德鲁吉表示:“非常令人费解。”

    "It's very puzzling," says free market economist Veronique de Rugy of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.


  • 乔治梅森大学托斯中心自由市场经济学家维罗妮克·德鲁吉表示:“非常令人费解。”

    "It's very puzzling," says free-market economist Veronique de Rugy of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.


  • 什维利荷兰语言学桑德拉·罗洛夫斯结婚

    Saakashvili is married to Dutch linguist Sandra Roelofs.


  • 问题鲸鱼没有用以保护的毛发毛皮羽毛而且它们为了呼吸,要被迫浮出水面,”合著琳娜。阿塞维多·怀特豪斯这样告诉探索频道新闻

    "The thing is, whales do not have hair, fur or feathers that could offer some protection, and they are forced to surface in order to breathe," co-author Karina Acevedo-Whitehouse told Discovery News.


  • 事发当天马克·欧文斯驾机艾弗森克里斯托弗以及巡防队员伦敦维勒一起公园里一个偏远地点

    On the day of the shooting, Everson said, Mark Owens flew him, along with Christopher and the scout, London Kawele, to a remote location within the park.


  • 尽管认识布莱维克泡泡极度凶残杰斯塔曾经见识过同样狭隘的思想。

    While acknowledging the murderous extremity of Breivik's bubble, Kjaerstad says he has witnessed similarly ideologically blinkered thinking before.


  • 第二我们杰姬毛里斯弗农特德维基·肯尼迪以及埃德洛琳·肯尼迪。施洛斯·贝格一起去划船游泳

    The next day we went sailing and swimming with Jackie and Maurice, Ann and Vernon, Ted and Vicki Kennedy, and Ed and Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg.


  • 加州卫生服务部埃里·维斯硕士研究员表示面向公众健康宣传活动媒体报道可能上述概率下降原因

    Researcher Erica Weis, MPH, of California's health services department, suggests that public health campaigns and media coverage of outbreaks may be responsible for the decline.


  • 新婚夫妇丽娜安顿•布克哈诺维斯手牵着手乌里扬诺夫斯克州首府大街上。

    Newly-weds Karina and Anton Bukhanovsky walked hand in hand down the main street of the regional capital of Ulyanovsk.


  • 肯塔基州的路易斯维尔,包括休斯·克莱(即拳王阿里)成长的地方,房屋项目将围绕健康为中心重新设计。

    In Louisville, Kentucky, housing projects, including the one where Cassius Clay grew up, have been redesigned with a focus on health.


  • 纽约市心理治疗师维斯塔·兰德同意说,性别撒谎无关,男人女人撒谎的方式各不相同

    Vesta Callender, psychotherapist in New York City, also agrees that one's gender does not play a role in lying, but men and women do lie differently.


  • 那天夜里,米基·坎特、布鲁斯·林赛、詹姆斯·维尔保罗。贝加拉乔治斯迪法诺普洛斯、还有希拉里曼彻斯特天天汽车旅馆一个房间里开会。

    That night Mickey Kantor, Bruce Lindsey, James Carville, Paul Begala, George Stephanopoulos, Hillary, and I met in one of our rooms at the Days Inn Motel in Manchester.


  • 修斯·克莱于1942年1月17日出实施种族隔离肯塔基州路易斯维尔虽然来自贫苦的黑人家庭仍然成为名可以认为是有史以来伟大重量级拳手

    Cassius Clay was born on Jan. 17, 1942, in racially segregated Louisville, Kentucky Though from a poor black family, he went on to become arguably1 the greatest heavyweight boxer of all time.


  • 维多斯露天剧场每年夏天这里都会晚上举办一些音乐会及戏剧表演

    Overhead of open-air theatre of Lykavittos hill, each summer hosts musical, theatrical performances in evenings.


  • 学者维尔弗雷多·帕雷托莫斯根据意大利经历,提出意大利的少数精英始终统治着大众

    Intellectuals Vilfredo Pareto and Gaetano Mosca drew on Italy's experience to argue that elite minorities always rule majorities.


  • 珍妮弗·弗劳尔斯现在起诉詹姆斯·维尔保罗。贝加拉希拉里声称希拉里诽谤

    Gennifer Flowers still has a suit against James Carville, Paul Begala, and Hillary for allegedly slandering her.


  • 主教练加的带领下,人们一直质疑拥有丹尼·阿尔维斯罗比尼奥当然还有在内的如此风格华丽、技术精湛球员,却要通过丑陋务实的1-0赢得比赛。

    Under coach Dunga, there has been criticism that a side containing such stylish and skilful players as Dani Alves, Robinho and of course Kaka himself, is playing for dour 1-0 victories.


  • 杰斯塔有着迷人而朴素性格可以用名字称呼首相或者分析布莱·维克是否正常精神科医生。

    Kjaerstad, who's a charmingly understated character, is also on first-name terms with the prime minister and the psychiatrist who is analysing Breivik to decide whether or not he is sane.


  • 科斯图·先生讲话让人惊人地想起米罗塞维克的演讲——但罗马尼亚现在却还受到欧盟北约的控制。

    Mr Kostunica's speech was shockingly reminiscent of Milosevic 's-but Romania is now in both the EU and NATO.


  • 对于特维年科之死克里姆林宫主要解释,将波利特·科夫斯·娅被相提并论,予以谴责心想让普京名誉扫地敌对势力所为。

    The Kremlin's main explanation for Mr Litvinenko's demise is to blame both it and the Politkovskaya killing on hostile forces bent on discrediting Mr Putin.


  • 意大利在马雷斯切万顿的进球帮助塞维利亚2球击败对手,西班牙人赛季第一场失败积分滑落第8

    Italian Enzo Maresca and Ernesto Chevanton were on target to help Sevilla move two points off the lead, while Espanyol slip to eighth after their first defeat of the season.


  • 其中催眠的画面是从丽丽拉纳 扎尼“午夜守门人卢奇诺·维斯的“恐怖诅咒”一类虐待电影中得来。

    Its hypnotic images are drawn from such sado-masochistic films as Lililana Cazani's"The Night Porter" and Luchino Visconti's "The Damned."


  • 西班牙爸爸佩德罗·曼纽尔·罗·阿尔维斯(Pedro Manuel RocaAlvarez挑战这项法律,休假申请小孩妈妈自由业者而被驳回,为此他要鸣不平。

    Spanish dad Pedro Manuel Roca Alvarez, who challenged the law, cried foul after his application for leave was tossed out because the mother of his child was self-employed.


  • 威尔逊·维加(WilsonVega)家人哥伦比亚,奥图斯一个土路纵横交错社区

    Wilson Vega and his family live in Altos DE Cazuca, Colombia, a community criss-crossed with dirt roads.


  • 英国手机零售商冯-维尔·豪斯集团(CarphoneWarehouseGroup)股价上涨3.8%,集团上调了2010全年利润预期

    Carphone Warehouse Group Plc soared 6.8 percent after the mobile-phone retailer raised its profit forecast for the full year.


  • 英国手机零售商冯-维尔·豪斯集团(CarphoneWarehouseGroup)股价上涨3.8%,集团上调了2010全年利润预期

    Carphone Warehouse Group Plc soared 6.8 percent after the mobile-phone retailer raised its profit forecast for the full year.


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