• 中间一句疯癫句子——“上帝小熊维尼。”

    There is a kind of goofiness at the center of it—"God is Pooh Bear."


  • 维尼主要景点莫奈花园

    The main attraction at Giverny is Monet's garden.


  • 维尼总统国家愿意吸引私企投资

    President Mwinyi said his country would also like to attract investment from private companies.


  • 肯总统最初是如何回应维尼的请求的?

    How did President Lincoln first respond to Vinnie's request?


  • 在第二天,维尼收到了总统的邀请。

    The very next day, Vinnie received an invitation from the President.


  • 环顾四周,注意到了他办公室的大小。

    Vinnie glanced around and noted the size of his office.


  • 们告诉我,你想做一个我的雕像是吗,维尼令小姐?

    They tell me that you'd like to make a statue (塑像) of me, is that correct, Miss Vinnie Ream?


  • 一部经典电影,《小熊维尼大风吹》。

    He was watching the classic film Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day.


  • 艾琳于1914年10月进入维尼大学准备攻读数学物理学位

    Irene entered Sevigne University in October, 1914, to prepare for her degree in mathematics and physics.


  • 第一次世界大战开始离开了维尼大学帮助母亲,她的母亲当时正在使用x光设备帮助拯救受伤士兵生命

    When World War I began, she left Sevigne University to help her mother, who was using X-ray facilities to help save the lives of wounded soldiers.


  • 颗大石头称为维尼

    This large stone became known as the Tavernier Blue diamond.


  • 尤厄尔·斯维尼没有女儿

    Youell Swinney never had a daughter.


  • 浪漫维尼威尼斯附属国亚得里亚海升起就像一个疏远威尼斯

    The romantic town of Rovinj a former Venetian vassal state rises from the Adriatic like an estranged island of Venice.


  • 事实上维尼14世纪罗马教皇避难地。

    In the 14th century, Avignon was in fact the refuge of the Popes fleeing the dangers of Rome.


  • 本文给出了积分采样数据维尼迪柯夫调和分析方法

    In this paper, the harmonic analytical method that USES the integration sample data is given.


  • 是从翁寄的吧?但愿里别说妹妹病势加重了。

    Was it from Avignon? I hope it is not to say that your sister is worse.


  • 由于采用基于最小二乘原理维尼柯夫滤波器方法精度经典的别采夫方法要高。

    Evidently, owing to the application of Venedikov's filter based on the least squares principle, the accuracy obtained by this method is better than that by Pertsev's.


  • 维尼沃夫医生说,调查者发现,屋内车内严格禁烟令与二手影响儿童健康这一认知密不可分。

    The belief that second-hand smoke harms children’s health was not independently associated with strict smoking bans in homes and cars, the researchers found.


  • 经过一番仓促谈论得知自己只消火车站可以乘火车直达普罗旺斯的中心城市翁。

    After some hurried discussion, he understood that he only needed to take himself to the station to board a train which would take him directly to Avignon, in the heart of Provence.


  • 此后莫奈便维尼度过余生,在整整43年里,吉维尼花园成了许多伟大画作重要灵感源泉

    Monet spent the rest of his life at Giverny-a total of 43 years-and the garden in particular became a significant source of inspiration for many of his greatest paintings.


  • 门将一对一机会上,范佩西比热尔维尼奥来处理更好。温格在夏季签约时更看重他其他方面的能力。

    Gervinho's one-on-one with the keeper was the kind of opportunity that Van Persie is snaffling with ease at the moment and Wenger sympathises with his otherwise impressive summer signing.


  • 比赛结束后霍奇森问及是否考察热尔维尼简明表示了这个科特迪瓦人只是他考察计划的一部分。

    At the end of the game, when Hodgson was asked if he was following Gervinho, he simply stated that the Ivorian was not the only good player on the field.


  • 今年夏天,阿森纳主帅已经带来詹金森热尔维尼奥,现在又瓦伦西亚马塔埃弗顿的贾吉尔卡联系起来。

    The Arsenal manager has already brought in Carl Jenkinson and Gervinho this summer and he has been linked with moves for Valencia playmaker Juan Mata and Everton defender Phil Jagielka.


  • 肢解截肢、四肢脱臼修复维特吕维于斯维尼奥尔倡导者们所进行希腊式罗马式野蛮式工作

    Mutilations, amputations, dislocation of the joints, "restorations"; this is the Greek, Roman, and barbarian work of professors according to Vitruvius and Vignole.


  • 翁距地中海海岸大约60公里37英里),属于普罗旺斯地区,深受地中海气候夏季干热,冬季湿冷)影响。

    Roughly 60 kilometers (37 miles) from the Mediterranean Coast, Avignon is part of Provence, and enjoys a Mediterranean climate, with hot summers and mild winters.


  • 萨拉并不兴趣,印度发现钻石故事却挺让人振奋的。几乎所有的人都萨拉感到高兴当然除了维尼娅。

    Sara was not interested in money, but a story about diamond mines in India was exciting. Nearly everybody was very pleased for Sara, but not Lavinia, of course.


  • 俱乐部总经理十分期待温格买下詹金森热尔维尼奥之后继续人,但是表示他们不会透露他们想买球员名字。

    The Club's Chief Executive Officer fully expects Arsène Wenger to add to the purchase of Carl Jenkinson and Gervinho. But, he commented, they would keep their targets under wraps.


  • 枪手分别里尔查尔顿签下了热尔维尼奥和小将延金森,但是看上去温格更需要注意应该如何留下法布雷加斯斯里。

    The Gunners have snapped up Gervinho from Lille and Charlton rookie Carl Jenkinson but much of Arsene Wenger's focus has seemingly been on keeping hold of Cesc Fabregas and Samir Nasri.


  • 沃尔科特热尔维尼组合范佩西进球狂潮中,多次输送炮弹。 沃尔科特表示,热鸟将会证明俱乐部的重要

    Walcott and Gervinho have helped provide ammunition for Robin van Persie’s incredible goalscoring run - and the England man says his new team-mate will prove to be a big asset for the team.


  • 沃尔科特热尔维尼组合范佩西进球狂潮中,多次输送炮弹。 沃尔科特表示,热鸟将会证明俱乐部的重要

    Walcott and Gervinho have helped provide ammunition for Robin van Persie’s incredible goalscoring run - and the England man says his new team-mate will prove to be a big asset for the team.


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