• 乔治梅森大学墨卡托斯中心自由市场经济学家维罗妮克·鲁吉表示:“非常令人费解。”

    "It's very puzzling," says free market economist Veronique de Rugy of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.


  • 乔治梅森大学卡托斯中心自由市场经济学家维罗妮克·鲁吉表示:“非常令人费解。”

    "It's very puzzling," says free-market economist Veronique de Rugy of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.


  • 认为整个浪潮开始。”Worldwide XR 的首席执行官特拉维斯·克罗伊说道。该公司迪安数字娱乐背后的公司之一

    "I think this is the beginning of an entire wave," says Travis Cloyd, CEO of Worldwide XR, one of the companies behind the digital recreation of Dean.


  • 嘉宾作家维韦克·瓦一个企业家变成学者

    Is an entrepreneur turned academic.


  • 伯爵夫人——只不过贝丝·哈维克——为了一件绣满黑白方格外套

    The Countess– who was only plain Bess Hardwick thenembroidered him a coat all chequered over with black and white squares.


  • 与此同时麦欧维克把情况告知·赞——泰瑞家里在找一个机会动手杀她。

    Meanwhile Myovic tells Andre Drazen that Teri is in the house but he is waiting for the right moment to kill her.


  • 事实上斯坦福大学的心理学家卡罗·维克进行研究发现父母表达嘉许的方式影响孩子表现乃至他们自己感觉

    And in fact, research performed by Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck has found that the way parents offer approval affects the way children perform, even the way they feel about themselves.


  • 除了反布尔什·维克三大力量(指、意、日)附属国外,希望旨在罗马尼亚吸收进来,波兰可能也包括在内。

    Apart from the dependencies of the three anti-Bolshevik Powers, Germany hopes for and aims at obtaining the adhesion of Rumania and possibly of Poland.


  • 1998年,科研人员安鲁·维克费尔论文提出疫苗儿童自闭症之间存在关联篇报告引发的疫苗恐惧一直持续今天

    A 1998 paper by scientist Andrew Wakefield reported a connection between vaccinations and autism in children. The report set off a vaccination scare that lasts to this day.


  • 杰弗里·维克优秀的传记中解释格伦并不认为杰作夺走市内主要商业区生意,而把它们看作是辅助品。

    As Jeffrey Hardwick explains in his excellent biography, Gruen did not believe his creation would take business away from downtown shopping districts. He saw it as an adjunct to them.


  • 联盟最棒的4号克诺维茨基,原因就是他这次季后赛中的疯狂表演

    Marlon Elliott, via Facebook: The best 4 in the league is Dirk Nowitzki for reasons all on display during the playoffs.


  • 官员们星期一说,海军海岸警卫队星期天印度西南海岸近海拉克·沙·维普岛屿附近抓获了这些海盗

    Officials said Monday the navy and coast guard captured the pirates on Sunday near the Lakshadweep islands off India's southwestern coast.


  • 战前一直研究海洋学关注他的导师——哈拉尔斯维·鲁普,在指导下芒克很快成为美国顶尖海洋学家。

    Before the war, Munk had been studying oceanography, so he took his concerns to his mentor, Harald Sverdrup, then director of Scripps and widely regarded as the top oceanographer in the US.


  • 塔夫茨·维尔位于·斯托克伯灵顿南部90分钟路程。

    Taftsville, located in the town of Woodstock, is about 90 minutes south of Burlington.


  • 因此贝克博士华盛顿大学电脑科学家邹兰•波波维克研究生赛斯·瑞恩•特瑞尔着手编制一个引人入胜的游戏

    So Dr Baker, Zoran Popovic, a computer scientist at the University of Washington, and graduate students Seth Cooper and Adrien Treuille set about creating a compelling computer game.


  • 想要知道天才普通人之间区别?那拿 托克维尔 古斯塔夫••博蒙 做对比吧 。两一起游历美国,写出传世之作,另一个却只写出一部平庸的砖头。

    To see the difference between a genius and a non-genius one could begin with the difference between Tocqueville, who wrote a great book, and his friend Beaumont, who wrote a mediocre one.


  • 普瓦捷大学古灵长目动物古人类研究所主任帕特里克.维格诺告诉BBC新闻这些猫科动物和现在的狮子差不多大小

    Patrick Vignaud, director of Poitier University's Institute of Palaeo-primatology and Human Palaeontology, told BBC News the cats were about the same size as modern lions.


  • 克·诺维斯基带领着达拉斯小牛夺得球队第一个NBA冠军因为突出表现获得MVP称号

    Dirk Nowitzki was named MVP of the NBA Finals for his huge role in leading the Dallas Mavericks to their first championship.


  • 这样将会给我们的揭幕战增添一些别样的趣味的,尤其是克诺维斯基勒布朗等人面前领取自己的总冠军戒指

    Such a rematch would add a little extra spice to opening night, especially if Dirk received his ring right in front of LeBron before tipoff.


  • 法国振兴经济部部长帕特里克·维让今天法国媒体说:“医院传来的消息一切正常,今天就会出院一点也可以证明。”

    "The news from medical staff is good, he's leaving today, which proves that it's fine," Patrick Devedjian, the minister on charge of France's fiscal recovery plan, told French radio RTL on Monday.


  • 与此同时芒克斯维·鲁普建立了基地,开始进行海浪预报

    Meanwhile, Munk and Sverdrup set up shop at Scripps and began turning out entire classes of surf forecasters.


  • 当然,巴塞名出色的前锋大卫.维拉中场哈维.埃尔南伊涅斯塔塞尔吉奥.布斯克兹和阿尔维斯能轻易比赛出色表现。

    In Pedro and David Villa, Barcelona has two top strikers, and midfielders Xavi Hernandez, Andres Iniesta, Sergio Busquets and Dani Alves are easily the top midfield in the game.


  • 报道曼城今夏需要切尔西争夺阿贾克斯后卫格里高利··维尔。

    According to reports Manchester City will face a battle with Chelsea FC in the summer to land Ajax defender Gregory van der Wiel.


  • 不管因为何种原因维克·费尔研究不正确的,篇论文最终也被撤回

    For whatever reason, Wakefield's work was fraudulent, and the paper was eventually retracted.


  • 布莱恩特达拉斯小牛队的大前锋克·诺维茨基NBA球员当中仅有他们的合同拥有交易否决权的球员。

    Bryant and Dallas Mavericks forward Dirk Nowitzki are the only NBA players with no-trade clauses in their contracts.


  • 希思罗、盖特·维克斯坦·斯泰机场之间竞争同样有效。

    Competition between Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted would help too.


  • 烈·拉赞打电话给约文。麦欧维克寻找弟弟亚历克西斯

    Andre Drazen calls Jovan Myovic looking for his brother, Alexis.


  • 维斯不会再次体现自己的真男人,真性情呢,或者科比好友卡龙巴特勒如果继续签约小牛的话,证明如果自己健康的,那么小牛湖人更强大?

    Will Dirk Nowitzki send a "I'm the man now, dog" message, or will Kobe's friend Caron Butler, if re-signed, demonstrate that when he's healthy, the Mavericks are still better than the Lakers?


  • 维斯不会再次体现自己的真男人,真性情呢,或者科比好友卡龙巴特勒如果继续签约小牛的话,证明如果自己健康的,那么小牛湖人更强大?

    Will Dirk Nowitzki send a "I'm the man now, dog" message, or will Kobe's friend Caron Butler, if re-signed, demonstrate that when he's healthy, the Mavericks are still better than the Lakers?


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