• 便是DIY汽车维修明天还需要更多证明么?

    Need more proof that this is the future of DIY car maintenance?


  • 经过试验证明烘干结构简单维修方便耗电,炉内温度均匀性较烘干质量良好。

    The application result showed that this oven was characterized by simple structure, easy maintenance, less power consumption, good temperature homogeneity and high drying quality.


  • 签署维护版本证明适航飞机机械师检查员要求具备加拿大运输部颁发飞机维修工程师ame许可证

    Aircraft mechanics and inspectors who sign maintenance releases and certify airworthiness require an Aircraft maintenance Engineer's (AME) licence issued by Transport Canada.


  • ipaidabribe.com所运营网站公布了包括开出生证明维修供水系统等等,需要向相关部门打点的总金额,网站通过此举来揭露印度的贪腐现象。

    Websites, led by ipaidabribe.com, reveal the cost of graft by publicising the sums demanded for everything from registering a baby to fixing a broken water supply.


  • 经过多种行业时间实践足以证明RCM一种行之有效维修方法

    Proved by long time practice in various industries RCM is an effective way of maintenance.


  • 实际应用证明趋势分析维修决策建议可靠性符合工程技术量级的要求

    It is proved by practical application that the reliability of trend analysis and repairing proposal can meet the requirements of engineering.


  • 拥有几年熟练帮工经历后,其中表现优异维修工人可邀请提交他们的“绝活”以作为他们长年积累技能证明

    After years as a journeyman, a select few were invited to submit their "master-works" as proof of their accumulated skill.


  • 数据试验实践证明改造后的成套原油仪表计量系统技术先进、运行安全可靠、计量精度高维修操作方便,便于管理

    The data test and practice show that the reformed system is safe and reliable in operation, accurate in metering, convenient to maintain and operation as well as management.


  • 实践证明状态维修使织机状态有明显改善和提高

    Practice shows that this combined condition maintenance can significantly improve loom condition.


  • 垂直涡轮(相当于系统过程推动)由于易于维修较长的使用期限证明是节省成本

    Vertical turbine pumps (equivalent to Process Systems Thrust Head) have proven cost effective due to the ease of maintenance and long service life.


  • 装置各个油田的运行实践证明,其具有流程简单自控程度维修方便、运行平稳安全可靠等优点。

    The application in tanks has shown that this unite has characteristics in simple process flow, high automatization, easy to maintain, stable operation and safety and reliability.


  • 通过工业性试验研究证明工艺技术先进运行安全可靠、利于管理、方便操作维修

    Through industrial test and study, it has been proved that the process flow is advanced in technique, safe and reliable in operation and convenient in maintenance.


  • 成功实例证明预知维修可行性实效性

    From these successful applications, it proves that predictive maintenance is feasible and practicable.


  • 最后通过理论计算仿真结果比较证明维修资源仿真预测的可行性。

    At last, by comparing the simulation results to the computed values in theory, this paper proves the maintenance support resources can be well predicted by the computer simulation.


  • 已经超出三包有效期限免费维修期限或者无法证明保修期内产品

    The warranty period or free maintenance period has expired or no evidence shows that the product is still in the warranty period;


  • 此外,戴要么回应或是干脆拒绝云辉一再要求其协助来共同维修这个甲板出示证明甲板可投入使用请求

    Furthermore, DIAB has either not responded to or refused Winfair's repeated requests to assist in the repair of the deck and certify the deck to be usable.


  • 实践证明在线监测技术保证设备稳定运行实现预知维修可靠保障。

    The practice showed that the online monitoring technology was the reliable guarantee of stable operation and realization of predictive maintenance of plants.


  • 实践证明液压破碎具有结构简单冲击冲击频率可无级调节节能维修方便等优点

    It is verified that the new hydraulic breaking hammer features simple structure, stepless adjustment of impacting power and frequency, power saving, easy maintenance, etc.


  • 最后通过实践证明采用PLC控制提高了万能铣床运行可靠性减轻了机床维修人员工作量

    Finally, practice has proved that the adoption of PLC control systems have greatly increased the machine's reliability and reduced workload of machine maintenance staff.


  • 通知医务人员,由证明问题确实存在然后打电话给各家轮椅维修公司拿到最低报价

    She was supposed to notify the medical worker, who would certify that there was a problem. Then the medical worker called the wheelchair repair companies to get the cheapest bid.


  • 通过板式橡胶伸缩型钢缝的对比证明新型桥梁伸缩具有维修方便、行车平稳舒适、经济效益等优点。

    This new bridge expansion was proved that it maintains convenient, drives comfortable. and has good economic benefit. contrasting to rubber expansion joint and shaped steel joint.


  • 触摸机械设计证明这种先进包装功能防止意外接触危险电压维修服务更安全

    Touch-Proof Mechanical Design: This advanced packaging feature prevents unintentional contact with hazardous voltage, allowing for safer service and maintenance.


  • 实践证明这种检测简单实用显著提高心电导 联线维修效率

    The kit proves to be simple and practical and thus can significantly increase the maintenance efficiency of ECG cable.


  • 每年这个时候忙,所以可能很难移动翻新维修一些人来说,可能证明唯一正确时间这样做。

    This time of the year is busy, so it may be hard to move, renovate, or do repairs, but for some, it may prove the only right time for you to do so.


  • 建立维修扩大覆盖范围如果相信产品信息显示正确,可以提交购买证明网上传真

    Set Up a Repair Extend Coverage If you believe that the information shown for your product is incorrect, you can submit your proof of purchase online or by fax.


  • 控制阀经过实践使用证明具有工作可靠、使用寿命长装配容易维修方便等优点。

    We have found that the valve box is credible, prolonged working life, easy to assemble and convenient to maintain.


  • 模型算法战时维修保障决策支持系统得到实际应用证明算法一种非常实用的求解途径

    The model and the algorithm is applied in maintaining and supporting decision -making system in the wartime, and the algorithm proves an applied approach.


  • 为客户提供技术咨询、技术指导、技术培训产品维修备品备件等等;按合同要求提供相应分析报告质量证明等等。

    Technical instruction and consultation, training, product maintenance, spare parts et... Related analysis reports and quality certificates can be provided based on the requirements of the contracts.


  • 实践证明利用这种无重复灌水泵设计解决离心泵的气缚现象降低运行设备维修费用技术废水处理循环回收工程具有推广意义

    Practice proves that using this design will reduce both operation cost and maintenance cost. This technology has popularizing significance in sewage treatment and water reclamation engineering.


  • 实践证明利用这种无重复灌水泵设计解决离心泵的气缚现象降低运行设备维修费用技术废水处理循环回收工程具有推广意义

    Practice proves that using this design will reduce both operation cost and maintenance cost. This technology has popularizing significance in sewage treatment and water reclamation engineering.


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