• 房间继续收拾行李

    I went up to my room to continue with my packing.


  • 乔伊可以继续收拾客房

    Joey and I can finish up the guest room.


  • 菲比乔伊继续收拾

    Phoebe and Joey, keep packing!


  • 哪些话题我们需要继续摆在桌面上谈,哪些需要收拾起来放到年后呢?

    What are the topics that we need to keep on our desks and get back to them later this year?


  • 完成交易里,雅虎或许很多都会走,之后怎么收拾摊子继续向前

    For doing that a year and a half probably people of Yahoo will leave, a lot of people will leave. How do you then pick up the pieces and keep going?


  • 中国上海世博会即将落幕,但是上海世博会的主题我们铭记在心,你们准备收拾行程回国的时候,希望你们能够继续这个字眼传播到世界各地。

    The Shanghai Expo will soon close... but it will not be forgotten. As you prepare to return home, I hope you will keep spreading the word.


  • 微笑着,不时的望着远方:“如果生意继续下去就接着干;如果不行,那我收拾东西回老家。”

    "If the business can keep going, so be it," she said, smiling and looking away. "If it can't, I will pack up everything and retire to my hometown."


  • 想象一下叹息收拾残局整理好一切以及继续好像什么都没有发生过一样

    Imagine - sighing, picking up the pieces, putting things back in order and move on as if nothing happened.


  • 以为只是自己幻觉收拾工具便回家了,因为他没什么心情继续当天的活儿

    He thought it was all his fancy and picked up his tools and went home, for he did not feel inclined to do any more work that day.


  • 收拾心情继续走吧错过收获错过个,你才会遇到一个。

    Pack up the mood, continue to go, miss flower, you will harvest rain, missed this one, you will meet the next.


  • 无论是狡猾前妻算计,还是我们心仪的对象打击,我们都起来收拾行囊,我们都要站起来,继续旅程。

    But whether the damage is infected by a cunning ex-wife... or a blow delivered by the object of our affection... the time comes when we must pick ourselves up and continue on our journey.


  • 自己一个合理时间用来吃饭,吃完后就收拾干净继续工作

    Allow yourself a reasonable amount of time to eat, then clear your desk and get back to work.


  • 感情收拾好,抬起继续

    Pick up the feelings, raised his head to continue to smile.


  • 无论是狡猾前妻算计,还是我们心仪的对象打击我们起来收拾行囊,继续旅程

    But whether the damage is inflicted by a cunning ex-wife... or a blow delivered by the object of our affection... the time comes when we must pick ourselves up and continue on our journey.


  • 总是自信现在,我回到俱乐部收拾床铺继续干下去。

    I always feel confident. It's about going back to Chelsea now, putting England to bed and cracking on from there.


  • 收拾现在心情继续追逐自己理想外面大风大浪,加油呐喊

    To clean up the current mood, to continue to pursue their own ideals and outside the ups and downs when it was refueling in my cry.


  • 转念一想我的梦想收拾收拾继续工作吧。

    But then I thought, No, this is your dream. Recommit and get to work.


  • 来不及收拾自己的情绪继续埋头工作

    No time to manage own mood, I have to continue working.


  • 关系继续段时间姐妹们不要一下子收拾消失,但在此之前分享他们秘密

    The relationship continues for a while, but one day the sisters suddenly pack upand disappear, but not before sharing their secret with Kazuhiko.


  • 尽管约书亚哀伤时期过去后,继续怀念摩西约书亚必须收拾心情,继续上路,负起领导子民的责任,而独自承担的艰苦任务。

    Long after that time of grief, Joshua would continue to miss Moses. But Joshua had to move on and take up his responsibilities as leader of God's people. It would be lonely and difficult.


  • 我们都是正常人有的时候,人们必须接受失败羞辱,然后收拾行囊继续前进,就是我们目前的情况

    We are all human - and sometimes you need to take it on the chin, look at it and move on. That is what we are doing.


  • 收拾心情继续走吧错过收获错过个,你才遇到下一个

    Too pack up their mind and continue to go, miss the flowers, you will harvest rain, missed this one, you will encounter next.


  • 收拾心情继续走吧,错过收获错过个,你才遇到下一个

    Packed up the mood, to go, miss the flowers, you will harvest rain, missed this one, you will encounter next.


  • 大学毕业一家人力中介公司找到了工作继续清早晚间兼职收拾房间的工作。 她一开始收费标准是5小时100美元。

    After college she found work at a staffing agency but continued to take tidying jobs in the early mornings and late evenings, initially charging $100 per five-hour block.


  • 收拾心情继续走吧错过收获错过个,你才遇到下一个

    To pack up their mind and continue to go, miss the flowers, you will harvest rain, missed this one, you will encounter next.


  • 收拾心情继续走吧错过收获错过个,你才遇到下一个

    To pack up their mind and continue to go, miss the flowers, you will harvest rain, missed this one, you will encounter next.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定