• 这个地区葡萄园原来属于教会后来根据拿破仑法典中的继承法,葡萄园被分给工人们

    The region's vineyards were originally entirely owned by the Church, then divided up among workers according to Napoleonic Inheritance Laws.


  • 宽松继承法,再加上一夫多妻制,使得财富迅速消融于无数索债人中。

    The combination of generous inheritance laws and the practice of polygamy meant that wealth was dispersed among numerous claimants.


  • 在信中写道:“英国我们发现越来越难以就《王位继承法》中方面正当性进行辩护。”

    He writes: "In the UK, we have found it increasingly difficult to continue to justify two particular aspects of the present rules on the succession to the Crown."


  • 这些分支(1)合同法商法,(2)民事侵权行为法,(3)财产法,(4)继承法,(5)家庭,(6)公司法

    These branches are (1) contract and commercial law, (2) tort law, (3) property law, (4) inheritance law, (5) family law, and (6) corporation law.


  • 大量案例出现使我们的继承法不得不重新面对自由秩序冲突平衡

    With large Numbers of new cases arising, the inheritance law has to confront the conflict and balance of liberty and order.


  • 我国对放弃继承制度重要意义认识一直存在不足使得我国继承法放弃继承制度规定又不明确。

    It has been insufficient of the cognizance of the value of the abandon inheritance, which makes the abandon inheritance little and indeterminate prescribed in the Inherited Law.


  • 继承承认放弃起源于罗马,为近代各国民法所承袭并进一步完善,成为现代继承法一项重要制度

    Originated in the ancient Roman law, the acceptance and waiver of succession has been developed into an important system in contemporary inheritance law.


  • 第五部分:笔者分析我国现行继承法继承承认放弃制度不足,并提出自己立法建议

    Part v: Examining the deficiencies of the system of acceptance and waiver of succession in the present law in China, the author gives his own Suggestions on legislation.


  • 杰克逊实际上当地继承法使问题雪上加霜。法律要求房产应该平分所有儿子

    It's actually even made worse because of local inheritance laws that require property be split equally among all sons, Jackson said.


  • 我国继承法对遗产债权人的利益保护则具体的制度规定

    But our law of succession make no provision for this.


  • 决定了谁是你的亲戚,幸运的是上帝继承法补偿我们

    God make relatives; Thank God for compensating us with inheritance law.


  • 目前我国正在制定民法典继承法其中

    At present, China is formulating its Civil Code, succession will be one of a series.


  • 我国法律继承法》第28条外,关于胎儿利益保护相关规定几乎片空白

    However, in China, except the 28th article of Inheritance Law, there are hardly any relevant provisions about the protection of embryos' interests.


  • 人类社会产生继承法以来,遗嘱自由加以限制成为各国继承法一项不可或缺内容

    Since there was succession law, limiting the freedom of testament has become an indispensable content of the succession law in every country.


  • 继承法私法中的强行继承法这种双重品格决定了存在固有缺陷

    Law of succession is a compulsory law of private law, and such double characters lead to its inherent defaults.


  • 我国现行继承法》对如何进行遗产债务清偿没有作出详细规定司法实践出现很多纠纷

    Our country's current Law of Succession do not make out the detailed provisions on the liquidation of the inherited debts, thus causing a lot of disputes in judicatory practice.


  • 各国特别保护群体利益继承法具体制度设计强调关注

    States for the special protection of the interests of this group, inheritance of specific design of the system have highlighted the need for the old, weak, sick, and disabled concerns.


  • 笔者认为我国继承法增加单纯承认内容。

    The author holds that the absolute acceptance should be added into the inheritance law in China.


  • 继承法遗嘱执行只是略有提及实质规定。

    There is only a little recite on testament execution in Inherit Law, but has not essential prescript about it.


  • 遗嘱信托具有独特理论构造可以成为克服继承法缺陷工具

    Trust created by will has special structure in theory, which makes it become a instrument to overcome the main defaults which lie in the law of succession.


  • 我国继承法因为历史技术原因存在一些缺陷

    However, because of historical and technical reasons, there are some drawbacks in China's "law of succession".


  • 继承人生前所欠债务如何处理,我国继承法采取了有限责任继承原则,致使债权人合法权益难以得到有效保护

    As to how to deal with inheritee's debts, inheritance principle of limited responsibility is adopted in Chian's law, which cannot protect effectively creditor's rights.


  • 第十三设立遗嘱信托应当遵守继承法关于遗嘱规定

    Article 13 the establishment of testamentary trust shall abide by the provisions of the Succession Law on testament.


  • 有限责任制度民法中的一项重要制度适用继承法中的限定继承制度和法人制度。

    As an important system in civil law, limited liability applies to the specified succession system in law of succession and legal person system.


  • 目前解决区际继承冲突重点解决冲突法冲突。

    At present, the focal point is to solve the conflict of interregional conflict of laws in the interregional succession.


  • 摘要 网络虚拟财产继承我国《继承法修改难以回避议题之一

    Abstract : The inheritance of Virtual Property is one of the inevitable and significant issues in the amendment ofLaw of Succession of China.


  • 法律学习纲要民法课程包括门:总则、法、法、权法以及家庭继承法

    The law Program of Study bases its syllabus on five courses of civil law: General Part, Obligations, Contracts, Real Property law and Family together with Succession law.


  • 遗产继承中如何有效平衡保护继承人和遗产债权人利益,不仅反映一国继承法价值取向,决定着继承法基本制度设计

    The balanced protection to the heirs'and the estate creditors'equity is not only about the national legislative intent, but also about the construction of the basic norm of inheritance law.


  • 梁云蔚房地产、婚姻法、继承法公司法合同法法律法规较熟知,处理商品房二手房买卖婚姻家庭纠纷等方面一定的实务经验

    Yvonne Liang is familiar with real estate, family, corporate, and contract law. Yvonne has experience in second-hand property transactions and family disputes, such as divorce and inheritance.


  • 梁云蔚房地产、婚姻法、继承法公司法合同法法律法规较熟知,处理商品房二手房买卖婚姻家庭纠纷等方面一定的实务经验

    Yvonne Liang is familiar with real estate, family, corporate, and contract law. Yvonne has experience in second-hand property transactions and family disputes, such as divorce and inheritance.


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