• 此外还有一个分支统计要求准确统计数字,根据确切概率报表

    Moreover, there is a branch of statistics called exact statistics that is based on exact probability statements.


  • 应用这些统计特征模拟出符合统计要求基于非平稳时间历程设计震动。

    Utilizing these statistical features, we can simulate the design ground motion founded on the theories of non-stationary time history.


  • 查询根据查询条件的不同显示不同的查询结果同时可根据统计要求显示不同的结果。

    Enquiries can be different according to query show different results, according to statistical requirements and also show different results.


  • 查询根据查询条件不同显示不同的查询结果同时也可根据统计要求显示不同的结果。

    Inquire that can be showing different inquiry results according to different condition of inquiring, at the same time; it can show different results according to the statistics request.


  • 心灵感应的辩护者指出要求每一项研究有令人印象深刻证据,这忽略基本统计事实需要大量样本才能检测到微小影响

    Defenders of telepathy point out that demanding impressive evidence from every study ignores one basic statistical fact: it takes large samples to detect small effects.


  • 要求最新销售统计数字给她送来。

    She sent for the latest sales figures.


  • 不难设想有(譬如)这样民意测验调查,它们要求用户每个选项提供数值评分(从1100),对此,参数性的统计检验比较合适。

    It is easy to imagine polls and surveys, for example, that would require users to provide numerical ratings (1 to 100) for each option and for which parametric statistical tests would be appropriate.


  • 本月英国首相大卫喀麦隆要求国家统计办公室测算英国总体幸福度”,这承诺重视GWB不是关注GDP举措之一。

    This month David Cameron, Britain's prime minister, asked the Office of National Statistics to measure the country's "general well-being", as part of his promise to focus on GWB not just GDP.


  • 使用标准MBean要求定义一个管理接口,接口名称基于每个性能统计实现例如PerfStatsImplMBean。

    Using Standard MBeans would require me to define a management interface with a name based on each implementation class of performance statistics, such as PerfStatsImplMBean.


  • 应读专业金融学、工商管理学会计学统计经济学之间一个这个职业严格要求准备

    Get the degree: Choose from a bachelor's degree in finance, business administration, accounting, statistics, or economics to prepare for the rigors of this career.


  • 这种来自微软研究策略完全去除了复杂密码的要求同时也保护词典攻击统计猜测

    The new scheme from Microsoft Research does away with complexity requirements entirely while protecting against both dictionary attacks and statistical guessing.


  • 完成巨变的一步恐怕先明确我们到底要求我们精确统计所有人种具有深浅不同肤色的群体。

    The first step down that path is probably figuring out just who we are. And that requires an accurate count of all colors and the various shades in between.


  • 受访者问及他们过去30天里服用什么补品,他们还被要求产品标签提交全国卫生统计中心营养学家

    Participants were asked what supplements they had taken in the past 30 days and submitted the product label to National Center for Health Statistics nutritionists.


  • 正如长崎那样日本民众已学会坚决要求公正统计票数

    As Nagasaki shows, the Japanese have learned to exact summary justice at the ballot-box.


  • 具体统计专业知识高度技术技能常见工作要求

    It is very common for the job requirements to include specific statistical expertise and highly technical skills.


  • 我们任何时候要求100%单元测试,所以说,单元测试作为一个统计不是非常有价值的。

    We require UnitTests to be at 100% all the times, so that's not very interesting as a statistic.


  • 总体来说,法院里更换名字案例1995年202例增加到了2009年的3109例,办公人员他们没有统计要求更换的原因

    Name-change cases over all increased at the court to 3, 109 in 2009 from 202 in 1995, but officials said they did not keep count of the reasons for the requests.


  • 新的能源之星5.0认证要求电源必须通过80plus青铜认证,据统计目前符合要求的电源一共有708款。

    The new Energy Star 5.0 specifications for computer require 80 PLUS Bronze level certified power supplies. There are 708 PSUs that have been certified to meet the 80 PLUS Bronze level or higher.


  • 28以下,28岁28岁以上申请人过去收入要求广义上等价各自年龄组全职工人全部统计收入。

    The past earnings requirements for under 28s and 28s and over are both broadly equivalent to the top decile earnings of all full time workers in the respective age groups.


  • Adler表示软件不会收集任何有关用户本身的信息——下载程序时不会要求填写任何登记项目,另外Soluto收集用户的人口统计数据

    Adler says the software collects no information about the user — no registration details are required to download the program, and Soluto gathers no information about the users' demographics.


  • 统计下面行动来自文莱达鲁萨兰国法律的第81每位汇款人被请求完成全部要求信息

    It says that under the Statistics Act, Chapter 81 from Laws of Brunei Darussalam, every remitter is requested to complete all the required information.


  • 英国统计学家要求另一个智囊团——国家经济社会研究机构算英国的数据总和。

    British statisticians have asked the National Institute of Economic and Social Research, another think-tank, to do the sums for Britain.


  • 灰度统计直方图均衡实现彩色增强处理降低虚拟照相系统环境照度要求

    The color image reinforcing which realized by grey statistics histogram equalization method has reduced the need of environment brightness in virtual photographing system.


  • 经过对大量检测数据分析后,隧道二次衬砌厚度的检测要求采用数理统计方法表达

    After pass through analyze a lot of fact checking data, tunnel lining concrete thickness require could express by probability statistic.


  • 分析表明,近似公式替代统计表格基本满足计算要求

    It shows that using the approximation formulae to replace the statistical tables can essentially meet the calculation needs.


  • 分析表明,近似公式替代统计表格基本满足计算要求

    It shows that using the approximation formulae to replace the statistical tables can essentially meet the calculation needs.


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