• 本文提出了多年径流过程周期分析模糊假设检验模型模糊统计判断方法

    In this paper, the test model of fuzzy hypothesis for the period analysis of the runoff process over a number of years and the method of a fuzzy statistical inference are presented.


  • 实例说明尺寸误差合格统计判断和尺寸公差统计计算方法推广统计公差标准提供种实用方法。

    A new method for judging the qualification of size tolerance isdescribed. An actual example is included to illustrate the method.


  • 论文主要完成了以下工作1介绍土坝震害预测评估研究现状必要性,并简单介绍了袁一凡教授的土坝震害经验统计判断模型。

    Main research works include:1, The necessity of the study on seismic disaster prediction in earth dam is introduced, the development and state of seismic disaster prediction are briefly discussed.


  • 甚至收集统计情报以后,也需要判断

    Even after you've collected statistical information, use your judgment.


  • 由于每个索引(片段)都自己udi计数器,因此根据索引(片段)的修改程度判断是否跳过或是重建索引统计

    Since each index (fragment) has its own UDI counter, the decision to skip or rebuild index statistics is done based on how much the index (fragment) has changed.


  • 智能统计允许服务器判断现有统计是否可以准确表示当前数据或者是否需要它们进行更新。

    Smarter statistics allows the server to determine if the existing statistics accurately represent the current data or if they need to be refreshed.


  • 容易通过简单检查判断传出耦合:打开要检查统计(字段参数)其他引用

    It is easy to determine via simple inspection: open the class in question and count the references (in fields and parameters) to other classes.


  • AutoAutomatic模式下应用规则判断是否需要创建片段统计否则默认级别分布

    AUTO - in Automatic mode, apply rules to determine if Fragment level Statistics should be created, otherwise default to table level distributions.


  • 连续运行updatestatistics将使用这些判断现有统计数据是否过时

    These values are then used by consecutive update statistics runs to determine if existing statistics are good or stale.


  • 可以通过查看google网页优化工具统计结果报告,来判断一种页面变化最有效率地提升转化率。

    You can access the results and reports of various statistics within Google Website Optimizer to see which variant is the most effective.


  • DB 2判断需要哪些统计信息以及哪些需要更新然后后台自动地运行RUNSTATS实用程序

    DB2 determines which statistics are required and need to be updated and then automatically executes the RUNSTATS utility in the background.


  • 因为国家统计数字没有反映出问题很难判断受灾的程度

    Because the problem is not yet reflected in national statistics, its scale is hard to judge.


  • DB 2定期检查已经更新统计信息索引判断它们是否需要重组需要时安排执行这些操作

    DB2 determines if a table or index reorganization by periodically checking tables and indexes that have had their statistics updated, and schedules such operations whenever they are necessary.


  • 如果具有片段统计,那么将片段层面上判断是否执行统计刷新因此只有片段被修改出现片段的情况下重建统计

    If the table has fragment-level statistics, the decision to refresh statistics is done at the fragment level, thereby rebuilding statistics only for changed or new fragments.


  • 缺乏官方统计资料情况下,《财经》杂志引用其他人的判断估计,2007年到2010年出售的新房当中,高达50%到70%的比例都是投机购买的,目前处于空置状态。

    In the absence of official statistics, Caijing cites and estimate that an astonishing 50-70% of new apartments sold between 2007-2010 have been purchased by speculators and are now standing empty.


  • 然后统计他们各自曾受教育情况,再让他们辨别一系列照片人物的面部表情判断他人的情绪。

    They then collected data on the volunteers' educational attainment and asked them to identify facial expressions in a series of photographs.


  • 使用这些统计数据判断是否可以清楚地区分两个任务速度(平均值之差超过标准偏差),还是相互重叠

    Use these statistics to decide that two tasks are either clearly distinguished in speed (means greater than three standard deviations apart), or else that they overlap.


  • 分析家判断必须超越数学统计有效性

    The analyst's judgement then must override mathematical and statistical significance.


  • 至于回报风险以及夏普比率可能作出正确统计意义手段和合理的判断

    As to returns and risks as well as Sharp Ratio, it is impossible to make correct and reasonable judgement by means of statistic significance.


  • 德国联邦统计局(FederalStatisticsOffice)本周发布数据判断最后这个方法可能不是最好的。

    That last might not be the best approach, judging from figures released this week by Germany's Federal Statistics Office.


  • 阐述统计过程控制原理、应用控制对过程作出统计稳态的判断分析提高过程能力

    Presents the principle of statistics process control, the judgement of state in statistical control for a process by means of control chart, and the analyses and improves process capability.


  • 方法首先依据病案内容判断主要诊断正确性然后进行医疗质量及单病种费用统计分析

    Methods Research on the correctness of main diagnosis in medical record archives and its relationship with medical cost by statistics and analysis.


  • 本文统计图形识别问题转化风险最佳假设检验问题,并用之于机器运行是否正常判断

    In this paper, the problem of statistic pattern recognition converted into the problem of the best hypothesis test of risk which can be used to judge whether the machine is in normal operation or not.


  • 最后他们利用统计方法判断他们发现成百上千个突变中,哪些有可能导致癌症

    Finally, they used a statistical calculation to figure out which of the hundreds of mutations they'd found were likely to contribute to cancer.


  • 目前多数油田工作者还是通过人工判断分类统计,然后再报表

    But now workers in the oil fields make tables processing by artificial judging, classifying, statistic, etc.


  • 概率统计思维本质在于:对随机事件发生频繁程度定量化不确定情景作出良好判断

    The essence of probability statistics is to quantify the frequency of the happening of random events and to make a good judgment in an uncertain situation.


  • 概率统计思维本质在于:对随机事件发生频繁程度定量化不确定情景作出良好判断

    The essence of probability statistics is to quantify the frequency of the happening of random events and to make a good judgment in an uncertain situation.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定