• 同时朋友不可能的;绝对需要知道选择哪一个

    It is impossible for you to be my friend and his at the same time; and I absolutely require to know which you choose.


  • 指出说:“可以其他部门寻找友谊同事成为朋友但是绝对不要老板直接上司约会。”

    She states, "you can pursue friendships in other departments and with friends of your coworkers, but don't ever date a boss or a direct report."


  • 指出说:“可以其他部门寻找友谊同事成为朋友但是绝对不要老板你的直接上司约会

    She states, "You can pursue friendships in other departments and with friends ofyour coworkers, but don't ever date a boss or a direct report.


  • 对手削减20%的但是朋友们,不过是蒙骗你们的空话,其实心里都明白在国会绝对不过的。

    My opponent keeps talking about cutting our taxes by 20%. But, my friends, he's just blowing smoke at you; he knows as well as I do that Congress will never ever approve it.


  • 可能相信朋友的,人们绝对相信他们自己的想法。

    People may believe what their friends tell them but people will only really believe what they tell themselves.


  • 承认:“一位亲友朋友倾诉来摆脱郁闷的情绪好的方法,但是绝对不要工作抱怨,这样做别人会不喜欢的。”

    She admits, "it's good to get negative emotions off your chest by venting to a close friend or family member, but don't complain at work at all — people won't like you."


  • 绝对不会出卖她们中的任何,她们是我最好朋友

    But I wouldn't trade a single one of them for all the perfect friends in the universe.


  • 如果人们绝对道德的,他们不会朋友

    If men were perfectly virtuous, they wouldn't have friends.


  • 不要赛事中途“这是怎么回事,十几个人追着一个跑来跑去”,朋友一听绝对发火

    Please don't say, "What's going on, a dozen people are rushing to and fro chasing a ball?" during the match, your boyfriend might get angry.


  • 对手削减百分之二十的但是朋友们,不过是蒙混你们的空话,其实心里都明白在国会绝对不过的。

    1:My opponent keeps talking about cutting our taxes by 20 percent. But, my friends, he's just blowing smoke at you; he knows as well as I do that Congress will never ever approve it。


  • StepcaseLifehack朋友们,我们希望千万别听信建议绝对要保持水分

    Friends of Stepcase Lifehack, we hope that you'll ignore his advice, and stay hydrated instead.


  • 朋友一句,一万美元绝对不是一笔小钱

    Let me tell you, friend, 10,000 dollars is certainly nothing to sneeze at!


  • 所有朋友以及知道一点不会绝不会绝对绝对不会对一个孩子做这种事情一丝可能性都没有

    Any of my friends and anyone knows that and there is not a chance on this planet I would ever, ever, ever do anything like that to a kid.


  • 来说,绝对笑容无论朋友还是捕获情人没有什么一个笑容更能心情放松的了。

    Well, for me, it is absolutely the smile. Whether you're trying to attract a romantic partner or a friend, nothing beats a smile for putting someone at ease.


  • 绝对不要在背后谈论朋友的是非,因为总会莫名其妙地让他们知道

    Never gossip about your friends to others as it always gets back to them somehow.


  • 所以为了避免承担冒犯他人危险我列出一些六种绝对不能一个生病朋友亲戚或者同事的话,以及四种应该对他们说的话。

    So at the risk of offending some well-meaning people, here are Six Things You Should Never Say to a Friend (or Relative or Colleague) Who's Sick. And Four Things You Can Always Say.


  • 数字化时代一封老式平信朋友绝对可以高兴一整天

    In the digital age, writing an old fashioned, snail mail letter to a friend will surely make his day.


  • 事实我们需要这两关系才能幸福快乐,我们绝对不能选择情人配偶或者朋友之中一个

    The truth is, we need both kinds of relationships to be happy and fulfilled, and we should never think we have to choose between only having a lover or mate, or having friendships.


  • 如果正在父亲朋友生日寻找件超凡脱俗礼物,这件奢华睡袍绝对你的首选。

    If you are looking for a great Father's Day or Birthday gift that is out of this world , this luxurydressing gown may be just what you are looking for.


  • 绝对不是用自己所知道一些育儿知识考虑给你朋友打去电话,这些都会减少你的压力。

    Consider all the parenting knowledge you have and the network of people you can call on to help.


  • 朋友打电话绝对好处

    It's never a bad time to call an old friend.


  • 吉姆绝对不是不但很喜欢朋友辩论喜欢和陌生人辩论。

    Jim: Absolutely not. I like a good debate with strangers as well as with friends.


  • 认为自身一个优点这个优点你们可以考虑一下就是对我的朋友绝对忠诚

    I think I have their own advantages, the advantages you can consider, this is my friend absolute loyalty.


  • 一位绝对的好朋友

    He was an absolutely great friend.


  • 可是随着时间推移不断抱怨会让成为家人朋友一个不幸对于改变你的情况状况绝对没有好处

    However, as time progresses, constant complaining turns you into your family's and friend's misfortune and does absolutely nothing to improve your state of affairs.


  • 这个优势上盖茨先生接受一次采访时说,“幼儿园年级朋友,针对他们电脑绝对不能替代传统教育,否则就显得滑稽。”

    Making that point, Mr. Gates said in an interview that for children from kindergarten to about fifth grade “the idea that you stick them in front of a computer is ludicrous.”


  • 这个优势上盖茨先生接受一次采访时说,“幼儿园年级朋友,针对他们电脑绝对不能替代传统教育,否则就显得滑稽。”

    Making that point, Mr. Gates said in an interview that for children from kindergarten to about fifth grade “the idea that you stick them in front of a computer is ludicrous.”


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