• 这个以5:1的绝对优势领先

    The team built up an impregnable 5-1 lead.


  • 公司奠定竞争对手的绝对优势

    The company has established total supremacy over its rivals.


  • 一些美国飞行员这次经历描述方占有绝对优势情形

    Some American pilots described the experience as a turkey shoot.


  • 绝对优势赢得了上个月总统选举

    He won last month's presidential election by a landslide.


  • 即使警报代码编写得非常恰当,集中化服务仍然具有绝对优势

    Even if your alarm code is written elegantly and well, there is a compelling advantage to a centralized service.


  • 皮革一个很大绝对优势如果丽城为everydai氩磨损打算

    Leather is the a lot of absolute advantage if your belvedere pump ar intend for everydai wear.


  • 11月20日,拉霍诺带领人民党西班牙议会绝对优势获胜,取得1982年以来差额最大多数(另文)。

    On November 20th Mr Rajoy led the PP to an absolute majority in the Spanish parliament with the biggest margin of victory since 1982 (see article).


  • 绝对优势获胜来自弗吉尼亚的一家公司名为"公开来源解决方案",明显优势电子世界把握

    The winner, by a large margin, was a tiny Virginia company called Open-Source Solutionswhose clear advantage was its mastery of the electronic world.


  • :“逐渐下降的结婚数据部分无疑来自男人认知,他们觉得妻子离婚中会有绝对优势冗长而又繁重程序

    She said: "The declining figures are no doubt partly due to the perception that wives do really rather too well in divorce, and that it is a long and stressful procedure.


  • 秘鲁国会以8212绝对优势废除允许石油公司钻井法律加西亚被迫自己的“严重错误肆意夸张道歉

    The Peruvian Congress repealed the laws that allowed oil company drilling, by a margin of 82 votes to 12. Garcia was forced to apologize for his "serious errors and exaggerations".


  • 他们赢得众议院绝对优势41席位绝对手到擒来。

    But the 41 seats they need to gain for a majority in the House are within their reach.


  • 相信任何事情都会个案例外但是我们讨论真实压倒一切绝对优势

    I'm sure there must have been individual exceptions to everything, but we're talking about the overwhelming reality.


  • 有时候本地商人会感觉他们数量绝对优势得透不过气。

    Local businessmen sometimes feel that they are being overwhelmed by sheer force of Numbers.


  • 相反是,太平洋战场上日军面对美军绝对优势火炮空优,利用挖掘链式极大地强化许多岛屿的防御力。

    By contrast, the Japanese in the Pacific theatre, faced with overwhelming American artillery and airpower, heavily fortified many of their islands with chains of deeply dug caves and bunkers.


  • 周一选举委员会宣布PT党以绝对优势获胜,于500国会席位摘得265个席位。

    The election commission announced on Monday that PT won an outright majority, taking 265 of 500 seats in parliament.


  • 雌鼠绝对优势的分组中的雌鼠在一起这样的行为会减少

    The females did this less when they were with a male rat that had grown up in a female-biased litter.


  • 麦克阿瑟战略失误促使中国加入战争美国人虽然技术军备后勤上占据绝对优势,但却彻底击溃。

    When MacArthur's strategic blunders brought China into the war, the Americans, overwhelmingly superior in technology, armament and logistics, were routed.


  • 为了对抗家庭成员人多口绝对优势开口说话总要先摆几个手势

    To combat the verbal steamrollering of members of my family, I raise my hand before speaking.


  • 重量级企业和力拓外,澳大利亚没有多少能够国际竞争舞台上拥有绝对优势知名企业。

    Other than heavy hitters BHP and Rio, Australia doesn’t have a lot of national champions that hold their own in an international arena.


  • 意大利2005年通过的选举法规定,只有获得公认的和令人信服的的胜利才能院中取得绝对优势大多数

    Under Italy's 2005 electoral law only a convincing victory can deliver an outright majority in the upper house. This appears to be exactly what Mr Berlusconi has obtained.


  • 这个数字非常庞大,并不具有绝对优势当然没有公司将 20%用户拱手与人。

    That's a large majority, but not an overwhelming one—certainly no company can afford write off 20% of its customer base out of hand!


  • 功能对比角度来看,微软具有绝对优势不足为奇了。

    On a feature comparison basis, it's not surprising that Microsoft has a huge lead.


  • 五月印度国大党绝对优势赢得大选消息政界权势人物大为震惊,同时股市飞涨

    The news in May that the Congress party had won India's elections by a big margin electrified the political establishment and sent shares soaring.


  • 去年十二月选举也是阿瓦米联盟党绝对优势赢得选举所做出的一个重要承诺

    This was one of the League’s main promises in the campaign for the election that it won in a landslide in December 2008.


  • 从全球来看美国军备仍处于绝对优势

    Globally, American arms remain vastly superior.


  • 这种情况下大规模火山喷发使绝对优势大量气体50万以前进入大气层从而引发环境灾难

    In this scenario, mass eruptions triggered environmental catastrophe by belching an overwhelming quantity of gas into the atmosphere for half a million years.


  • 奇怪,只是或许,发动这次进攻时,美军尚未取得赫尔曼德区域的绝对优势而且最近获得任命McChrystal将军还没完成行动评估

    Oddly, perhaps, the assault is taking place before the marines are at full strength in Helmand, and before the recently appointed General McChrystal has completed his review of operations.


  • 奇怪,只是或许,发动这次进攻时,美军尚未取得赫尔曼德区域的绝对优势而且最近获得任命McChrystal将军还没完成行动评估

    Oddly, perhaps, the assault is taking place before the marines are at full strength in Helmand, and before the recently appointed General McChrystal has completed his review of operations.


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