• 导出求和公式给出选择适当函数规则

    The general summation formulas and the rule for finding the suitable wave functions are given.


  • 给出选择构工法准则避免盾构工法施工事故的措施。

    The rules to select the shield method and the handle to avoid the accidents during the constructing are developed in this paper.


  • 为了高效地利用缓存回答查询我们缓存历史查询进行选择给出选择条件

    In order to efficiently use cache to answer queries, we should choose history query which will be cached, give the selection criteria.


  • 第一演示我们可以选择孩子学习什么单词孩子可以陌生声音陌生的环境下给出指令回应单词。

    This is the first demonstration that we can choose what words the children will learn and that they can respond to them with an unfamiliar voice giving instructions in an unfamiliar setting.


  • 我们给出答案当然它们行为大部分是自然选择结果

    The answer we'll propose of course is that their behavior is largely a matter of natural selection.


  • 注意:发现选择机制样本给出指示表明它们实际上什么也没

    Note the indication given by the sample discovery and selection mechanisms that they are really doing nothing.


  • 这本白皮书的目标给出北美公司选择欧洲数据中心合作伙伴需要信息帮助他们这个有利可图市场中成长

    This white paper is designed to give North American companies the information they need to select a European data center partner that can help them grow in this lucrative market.


  • 另一种选择通览全书,给出梗概,简要地介绍观点读者书中的获益之处

    Another option is to review the book - give a synopsis, your opinion about the book and how your readers can benefit from reading this book.


  • 非常喜欢语法高亮中可以选择加粗颜色虽然大多数编辑可以配置但是默认给出比较柔和颜色

    I really like the bold color choices in the syntax highlighting, though most editors are configurable, and just present more muted colors by default.


  • 此时给出一些提示说明现有的不安全的地方,可以选择是否修复这个问题

    You will be prompted with various statements that note the insecurities that exist, and you will be given a choice whether to fix that insecurity.


  • 给出建议哪个选择最好?哪个能使我们代码更好的复用性?

    Could you please advise on what is the best choice, what makes our code more reusable?


  • 使用RUNSTATS之后需要重新绑定使用静态SQL应用程序,这样查询优化器就可以选择统计信息给出最佳存取方案

    Rebind applications that use static SQL after using RUNSTATS so that the query optimizer can choose the best access plan given the new statistics.


  • 选择应该给出特定外观元素类型

    Select the element types that should be given a particular appearance.


  • 我们猜想所谈论主题已了如指掌了,的书《葡萄藤语》中,关于如何餐厅选择合适的葡萄酒,他给出建议里有哪些好的内容呢?

    So we guess he knows what he’s talking about! Which is a good thing since here are his top tips for how to choose a wine in a restaurant from his book “Heard It Through The Grapevine”.


  • 需要预订时,客户给出两个预订选择—给供应商打电话或者供应商分销商网站上进行预订。

    When it comes time to book, consumers currently are presented with two booking optionsphone the supplier or make a bookiing on supplier or intermediary websites outside of the app.


  • 我们给出公司业务的很多领域中,做出第一第二第三选择

    We give them a list of areas in the business, and they get to select their first, second, third choice.


  • 而其他艺术品盗贼不会给出这种选择惠特曼说。

    Others aren't given that option by the thieves, says Wittman.


  • 本文我们已经给出如何选择应用不同模式产品建立适合于otmps系统体系结构的方法。

    In this article, we've shown a recipe for how to choose and apply different patterns and products to create the system architecture for an OTMPS.


  • 点击目标元素时,会显示弹出菜单给出一个与选择元素匹配目标操作列表

    When you click the source element, a pop-up menu displays a list of target actions that match the selected source.


  • 在这里我们给出大家两种显示图片选择(见下图),他们都采用向下排列模式”作为他们的导航方式

    Here we present two options of how to format a gallery, both using drill down as navigation structure.


  • 选择哪种无关紧要——每种都给出创建示例。

    It doesn't matter which one you select first — we'll create one of each here.


  • 记者兴趣了解读者们剩余架宇宙飞船亲自选择最后安息地(下面给出您的评论)。

    Your correspondent is interested to learn the final resting places readers would personally choose for the four remaining shuttles (please make your comments below).


  • 一些选择,”,并给出工作前后的一些时段

    'Give the person on the other end a lot of options,' he says, offering some time slots before work and after.


  • 如果给出积分区域就要找出积分边界也许通过选择适当坐标系做。

    If it is the region of integration then it will go into the bounds of the integral and maybe in the choice of the coordinate system that you use for integrating.


  • 下面给出遇到某个XML模式类型将要选择DB2 类型。

    The following table indicates the DB2 type that will be selected for a column when an XML schema type is encountered.


  • 最后节点选择addserver,同时给出服务器名称(2)。

    Finally, select Add server from the node and provide the name of your server (Figure 2).


  • Net workDeployment安装中,选择add cell而不是选择addserver然后给出单元名称

    In a Network Deployment installation, instead of selecting Add server you would select Add cell and provide the name of your cell.


  • 如果右键单击选择元素给出一系列选项

    If you right-click a selected element, you're presented with a number of options. In this example you.


  • Simpleservlet打包Web模块,可启动组装工具然后给出列表中选择Create WebModuleWizard

    To package the Simple servlet as a Web module, start the assembly tool and choose the Create Web module Wizard from the list that is presented.


  • Simpleservlet打包Web模块,可启动组装工具然后给出列表中选择Create WebModuleWizard

    To package the Simple servlet as a Web module, start the assembly tool and choose the Create Web module Wizard from the list that is presented.


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