• 其他人得勒紧裤腰带过活的时候法官加薪是不合适的。

    It would be unseemly for judges to receive pay increases when others are having to tighten their belts.


  • 吉姆大叔孩子带来了大堆礼物

    Uncle Jim brought a whole load of presents for the kids.


  • 经理指责自己过高工资

    Managers are also accused of paying themselves excessively high salaries.


  • 糟糕的朋友打电话出去了。

    The worst thing is when you call friends and they've gone out.


  • 动物造成了可怕的痛苦

    It has caused terrible suffering to animals.


  • 秘书减少一些工作量

    She's taking some of the load off the secretaries.


  • 农民出每蒲式尔$2.15的价购买玉米

    They are offering farmers $2.15 a bushel for corn.


  • 应该孩子特别

    Special provision should be made for children.


  • 孩子盖好被子晚安

    I tucked the children in and said goodnight.


  • 孩子穿上漂亮的衣服

    She dressed the children in their best clothes.


  • 困难在于尽力孩子灌输胜利心态

    The tough thing is trying to instil a winning attitude in the kids.


  • 这里孩子提供各种活动

    There is a full range of activities for children.


  • 记者讲述这件实际情况。

    He related the facts of the case to journalists.


  • 孩子吃了夜宵然后上床睡觉。

    She gives the children their supper, then puts them to bed.


  • 哈里精心马克买好包好那些孩子礼物

    Harry had carefully bought and wrapped presents for Mark to give the children.


  • 答应把这笔孙儿孙女

    He promised the money to his grandchildren.


  • 孩子答案极其发人深省

    The answers the children gave were extremely revealing.


  • 组织者一份花销细目

    The organizers were given a breakdown of the costs.


  • 至关重要的是,父母子女提供关于毒品明确一致的观点

    It is vital that parents give children clear and consistent messages about drugs.


  • 学校组织的旅行可以孩子提供教室里学不到的亲身体验

    School trips give children firsthand experience not available in the classroom.


  • 餐馆老板必须餐馆配备接纳残疾人的设施。

    Owners of restaurants have to equip them to admit disabled people.


  • 了几句英语所以孩子翻译

    She couldn't speak much English so her children had to interpret for her.


  • 孩子零花钱时,一定要确保攒下一部分

    When you give kids pocket money make sure they save some of it.


  • 孩子每人一个或者放在盘子里

    The children were given one each, handed to them or placed on their plates.


  • 认为不能惯着孩子要什么就什么。

    She did not believe in indulging the children with presents.


  • 散着步孩子冰淇淋每个周日的一样。

    People are strolling, buying ice cream for their children, just like they do every Sunday.


  • 即使最有造诣作家都会展示创作中的作品鉴赏力读者看。

    Even the most accomplished writers show their work-in-progress to discerning readers.


  • 孩子掖好被子,让他睡觉了

    I left the children tucked up snugly in bed.


  • 不仅孩子思想而且使他玩得有意思。

    Books provide children with ideas and a stimulus for play.


  • 同事上意大利语

    He gives Italian lessons to his colleagues.


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