• 他们未能承担一系列重建计划当前援救一揽子计划减少了希腊债务但是对于给予真正复苏机会远远不够

    They have failed to undertake a serious restructuring: the current rescue package reduces Greece’s debt, but not by enough to give it a genuine chance of recovery (see article).


  • 他们表示计划给予萨利赫免受起诉豁免权

    In addition, they say the plan would give Mr. Saleh immunity from prosecution.


  • 不仅有助于我们审视他们正面而且作为一个积极共鸣给予他们足够的刺激看到我们积极努力

    It will not only help us in looking at their positive light, but also act as a positive vibe giving them ample fillip to look at our efforts more positively.


  • PHP团队给予对本团队源代码提交访问权时,毫不知情。

    Before he knew it, the PHP team had given him commit access to its source code tree.


  • 但是给予的帮助远远不止这些。

    But he gave me much more.


  • 他们补充到,康拉德也曾病人不起医疗费时候,依然给予治疗

    They have also added that Conrad has got a history of giving treatment for poor patients though they could not pay the medical expenses.


  • 研究表明给予(比如慈善捐赠)会使感觉更好

    Research also shows that by giving to others - such as making a donation to charity or to your church - makes people feel better.


  • Google现在允许内容发布者给予访客更多隐私控制权

    Google now also gives publishers the ability to provide their visitors with an extra level of privacy.


  • Eucalyptus支持“混合”,这样私有云(通常用于存储私有数据)与公共云(服务供应商提供给予用户部署使用服务能力)资源就能组合在一起充分利用这两种部署模式的优势。

    Allowing a composite of private generally used to store private data and public provided by cloud service providers to offer customers the ability to deploy and consume services.


  • 为了解决海上计算经线的问题,1675年英格兰国王查理二世下令建造皇家格林尼治天文台,同时悬赏了大笔奖金给予第一个发明出在海上准确计时的钟表的

    He offered an enormous cash prize to anyone who could build a clock that would remain accurate at sea.


  • 条约包含一个某一成员国离开欧盟所谓“退出条款”,可真算得上是个新鲜事物。(虽然该条约没有给予欧盟将桀骜不驯者红牌罚场外的权力。)

    It also contains the novelty of an exit clause, letting a country leave (though not yet giving the EU the power to throw a recalcitrant out).


  • 给予的莫大自由恩惠没有别人敢于许多人为此责怪过

    This great boon of freedom which he allowed me, none else would have dared to do; many even blamed him for it.


  • 其实,就算发脾气不吝于给予,不让感到内疚因为时常旅行,经常去那些安全地方,所以我们多或少地孩子们不高兴。

    We all screw our children up somehow: I may not lose my temper or withdraw my love or fill him with guilt, but I go away a lot, often to places that aren't very safe.


  • RIM同时计划发布基于计算黑莓企业服务器它将给予企业如同内部服务器一样安全保障,而无需负担额外资源

    RIM also plans to offer a cloud-based version of its BlackBerry Enterprise server - giving companies the same safety as an internal server, but without the tax on resources.


  • 上帝不仅仅承诺给予我们宽恕而且我们眼前建立起宽恕原则。这是一份得体而深刻礼物

    It is a profound gift of grace that God has not only promised us forgiveness, but that he has established the foundations of it right before our eyes.


  • 德国一贯主张欧元区国家必须自我管理好财政拒绝给予救助。

    At German insistence, countries in the euro must tame their public finances and cannot be bailed out.


  • 集团给予套息交易足够的重视,不仅因为套息交易可能突然平仓引发金融危机因为它扭曲了日元汇率,也扭曲了全球经济

    The G7 should be concerned about carry trades not just because they could suddenly unwind and trigger financial turmoil but also because the yen's misalignment is distorting the world economy.


  • 对于那些觉醒着灵魂可能仅仅促使他们提升推动,给予他们真理敞开动力

    For those souls that are still awakening it may just be the nudge that lifts them up, and gives them the impetus to open up to the truth.


  • 部分公司严重亏损,像巴基斯坦抵押贷款提供商印度的一个药品连锁店大部分的公司可以清偿它们的债务给予低于市场利率的优惠),甚至创造了红利

    Some ventures, including a Pakistani mortgage provider and an Indian pharmacy chain, have flopped. But many others manage to repay their loans (granted at below market rates) or generate dividends.


  • 这个中心给予无家可归的病患友情通过小组讨论艺术课的方式鼓励他们自我表达,帮助他们找工作。

    The center offers friendship and encourages self-expression through discussion groups and art classes.


  • 一些工作组成员认为所有满足中国要求外国合资合格评定机构均应有资格获得认可给予国民待遇

    Some members also observed that all foreign or joint venture conformity assessment bodies that met China's requirements should be eligible for accreditation and accorded national treatment.


  • 慈善规定了慈善机构如何注册给予获准成立的慈善组织活动更多自由目前允许少数慈善机构募集资金

    The law stipulates how charities should be registered, giving approved charities more freedom in their operations. At present, only a few charities are allowed to raise money.


  • CNN去年报道,2016日历上普京是一只毛茸茸小狗,上面写道:“小狗给予彼此特别温暖感动。”

    Last year CNN reported that the 2016 calendar showed a picture of President Putin cuddling a fluffy puppy, with the words: 'Dogs and I have very warm feelings for one another.


  • 日记揭露这位巨星有依赖现已名誉扫地的医生康拉德·里,给予处方药

    Thee diary reveals just how much the star depended on his now discredited doctor, Conrad Murray, to administer the prescription drugs that helped him to sleep.


  • 谈及方向订购20件机器人产品,非常感谢及时给予回复

    Reference is made to the 20 robots we ordered from you, and thank you for your prompt reply to our counter offer.


  • 这里所推荐网站安全性上均做了严格过滤而且随时给予观测

    Recommended sites here in the safety of both the filter so strict, but also at any time given observation.


  • 表示富士康集团如何给予年轻员工精神帮助问题列入重要议题

    He also said, how will give foxconn group has helped young workers on important issues spirit problems.


  • 延长调色板超越绿色允许研究人员给予各种蛋白细胞不同颜色

    He also extended the colour palette beyond green allowing researchers to give various proteins and cells different colours.


  • 延长调色板超越绿色允许研究人员给予各种蛋白细胞不同颜色

    He also extended the colour palette beyond green allowing researchers to give various proteins and cells different colours.


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