• 伟大的喜悦满足让我们去给予帮助其他灵魂提升他们自己。

    There is great joy and satisfaction in giving and helping other souls to lift themselves up.


  • 我们每个神奇力量来影响他人就是简单地通过慷慨地给予表扬鼓励而不是批评帮助他人意识到自己潜能

    Every one of us has the magic power of empowering other people simply by generously giving praise and showing encouragement instead of criticism to help them realize their potential.


  • 佐治亚大道上下车步行一个街区商贩其他一些市民握手交谈,谈论他们遭遇的问题以及我能给予他们的帮助

    On Georgia Avenue, I got out of the car and walked for a block, shaking hands and talking to merchants and other citizens about their problems and what I could do to help.


  • 所以我们同情他们,我们帮助他们而且我们觉得给予他们帮助治疗理所当然的事情。

    In response, we sympathize, we want to help, and we feel that assistance and treatment are well-deserved.


  • 有人给予支持帮助你就成功了一半。

    Having someone there to support you and help you will significantly improve your chances of success.


  • PortfolioManager再一次通过给予包括全部业务可交付使用可见性提供帮助

    Portfolio Manager again provides assistance by giving visibility to the entire portfolio and the deliverables contained within it.


  • 然而JFace给予一些帮助告诉大型UI对象(窗口查看器)何时可以清除它们图像然后您负责清除创建任何图像。

    However, JFace gives you some help by telling you when large UI objects like Windows and viewers can have their images disposed of, and it is then up to you to dispose of any images you have created.


  • 还要感谢大家上海世博会给予的宝贵支持帮助

    I also wish to take this opportunity to express thanks to all of you for giving valuable support and assistance to Expo 2010 Shanghai.


  • 接受记者采访时说:“队里一些经验丰富球员在比赛中给予帮助支持庆幸成为这个队伍中的员。”

    "I am glad to be in a team that consists of more experienced players who can help and support me on the field," he told reporters.


  • 适时的展开元素导入时,它们不仅仅能够给予帮助的。

    Element imports and package imports are not only helpful when you expand them in place.


  • 我们始终不会忘记阿尔及利亚给予中国多方面支持帮助

    He stressed that China will not forget the support and help offered by Algeria in many aspects.


  • 作为一个添加额外给予的东西,可以得到打印识别指南事实帮助识别看到动植物——额外的灌木树篱配方一起

    As an added bonus, you can also get printable ID guides and fact sheets to help you identify what you see – along with the odd hedgerow tipple recipe.


  • 观察呼吸感受给予帮助

    Respiration and sensations will help in two ways.


  • 意味着痴呆者他们陪护两者给予帮助关心他们需要爱好即使困难压力条件下他们生命也是结合在一起的。

    This means giving support and recognising the needs and interests of both the person with dementia and their carers, whose lives are often bound together, albeit in difficult and stressful conditions.


  • 促进个人进步实现个人目标方法就是帮助员工认识到,公司需要他们付出给予他们帮助

    Set up an approach that promotes personal growth and purpose: What you want to do is help employees appreciate that they have something to contribute and you want to help them do that.


  • 另一种给予困难父母提供额外服务资讯帮助

    Another is to help struggling parents by providing extra services and information.


  • 通过适当鼓励孩子给予关心支持帮助孩子树立起自信心

    Develop your child’s self-confidence by praising them appropriately and giving plenty of love and support.


  • 整个评选过程中给予很大帮助支持后来成为检察长州长,他也一直给予明智建议

    He was extremely helpful to and supportive of me during the whole selection process and a source of wise advice later, when I became attorney general and governor.


  • 能够更多给予雇员帮助帮助他们超越对于工作生活得挑战,你有可能在你需要他们时候得到雇员支持

    The more you can shine light on and surmount your team's life-work challenges now, the more likely you are to get your employees' support when you need it.


  • 西哈莫尼中国柬埔寨的伟大朋友多年来给予巨大支持帮助

    Sihamoni said that China is a great friend of Cambodia and has offered enormous support and help to it over the years.


  • 信托基金会国际参与最近给予的资助金帮助项目扩大恩德培坎帕拉地区更多社区村庄

    A recent grant from the Wellcome Trust International Engagement Award will help the project to expand to more communities and villages within the Entebbe and Kampala areas.


  • 所有任职期间对通用汽车以及本人给予过无私帮助支持的人表示感谢

    I also want to extend my sincerest thanks to everyone who supported GM and me during my time as CEO.


  • 一进程可能越来越慢因为反抗军指挥官他们缺少武器燃料,战士们也缺乏训练而北约给予帮助太少

    That push may be slowing. Rebel commanders have said that they are fighting without weapons and adequate fuel, with untrained troops and little help from NATO.


  • 如果喜欢这个发行版并且愿意帮助成长改进,你可以捐赠数量多少没关系给予帮助

    If you like this Distro and would like to help it improve and grow you can always donate, it doesn't matter how small the amount is, it all helps.


  • 对各种各样流亡者给予慷慨帮助,让人回想起了巴格达开罗虚幻宫廷相似的是他们拥有巨额财富

    His generous patronage of exiles of all stripes harks back to the fabled courts of Baghdad and Cairo, with their similarly fabulous wealth.


  • 为了解决这个问题XML编辑器验证工具可以文件相关任务管理方面给予帮助例如文档遗留格式转换

    To address this issue, XML editors and validating tools became available to aid in the management of the files and the tasks relating to them, such as documentation and conversion to legacy formats.


  • 给予帮助包括提供创造性地解决办法备选方法例如采用高温缺水的作物品种

    It involves providing creative solutions and alternative approaches, such as introducing crop varieties that can tolerate heat and water stress.


  • 卡迪加马外长表示,中国斯里兰卡可信赖朋友总是在斯最困难需要时候及时给予帮助

    Foreign Minister Kadirgamar said that China is the most reliable friend of Sri Lanka and always renders timely help to Sri Lanka when it is in the most difficult conditions and in most urgent need.


  • 感谢中方给予缅方帮助希望巩固促进双方合作

    He thanked the Chinese side for its assistance to Myanmar, hoping that the two sides will cement and further promote the cooperation.


  • 感谢中方给予缅方帮助希望巩固促进双方合作

    He thanked the Chinese side for its assistance to Myanmar, hoping that the two sides will cement and further promote the cooperation.


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