• LotusQuickr 8.1servicesforIBMWebSpherePortal中内容搜索通过使用搜索范围结果定向特定领域来执行的。

    In Lotus Quickr 8.1 services for IBM WebSphere Portal, searching content is performed using search scopes to target results to specific domains.


  • 结果请求无法定向其他服务器上,不会产生安全性错误

    As a result, your requests aren't able to be redirected to another server without generating a security error.


  • 现在如此多的技术被应用于把条简单的广告放置页面都是出于希望人口统计学上的准确定向或者是一次点击能够导致希望结果

    There is so much technology now evolved in getting that single ad on a page - all in the hope of either perfect demographic targeting or a click which results in the desired action.


  • 如果现在输入一个搜索Search按钮不会得到结果列表,反而被重定向帮助页面

    If you now enter a search term and press the search button, you do not receive a result list — rather, you are redirected to the Help page.


  • 这个输出不是唯一的,就是说,我们可以使用一些特殊符号,将很多命令的输出结果定向文件设备甚至作为其他命令的输入

    This does not have to be the case, however. By using some special notation we can redirect the output of many commands to files, devices, and even to the input of other commands.


  • 利用包含所有输出消息定向日志文件验证迁移结果

    Use the redirected log file containing all output messages to verify the migration result.


  • 可以很轻松地通过命令行将结果定向文本文件或者重写自动化直接记录结果

    You can easily redirect results to a text file from a command line or recast the automation to log results directly.


  • SSH一个突出优点远程计算机定向相同位置(标准输出、标准错误),所以可以在本地进行重定向同时保持输出结果含义

    This highlights one of the benefits of ssh-the remote machine redirects to the same location (standard output, standard error), so you can redirect locally while retaining the meaning of the output.


  • 为此再次运行脚本输出结果定向文件中

    To do this, run the script again and redirect the output to a file.


  • 注意如果输出重新定向文件无法命令看到输出结果

    Note that if you redirect the output to a file, you won't see it on the command line.


  • 请将输出结果定向某一文件中

    Redirect the output to a file.


  • 为了这个列表缩短自己需要范围,可以使用管道psef标准输出定向grep,从而搜索自己真正希望看到结果

    To shorten the list to what you're looking for, redirect the standard output of ps a "ef using a pipeline to grep to search for exactly what you want to see."


  • 与之类似可以URI赋予扩展名查看XML格式结果

    Similarly, you can specify that you want to view the results in XML format by appending the extension to the URI


  • 由于结果包含很长的varchar可取的做法是将输出定向一个文件。

    Since the result set contains a lengthy VARCHAR column, it is advisable to redirect the output to a file. In this case we call it trace.fmt.


  • 最后这种算子用于数字影像相对定向,取得了令人满意结果

    At last, the new operator is applied in the relative orientation of digital image pairs and the results are very satisfactory.


  • 方法结果我们首次研究巨噬细胞凋亡能力早期晚期动脉粥样硬化斑块定向保护效应

    Methods and Results - We first evaluated the impact of targeted protection of macrophages against apoptosis at both early and advanced stages of atherosclerosis.


  • 结果显现指纹清晰,通过定向反射、暗视场照相方法进行比较偏振光照相效果明显其他光学方法。

    Result To compare with the directional reflection photography and darkfield photography, polarization photography is better than the other methods.


  • 研究结果对于定向凝固涡轮叶片设计、分析方法完善成形工艺改进具有重要意义。

    The research results may also help to improve the fabrication processes of directional turbine blade solidification.


  • 目的研究立体定向放射治疗肺癌呼吸运动频率图像扫描时间靶体积定位成像结果影响

    Objective: to study the effects of respiratory movement frequency and scanning time on the image results in the treatment of lung cancer by stereotactic radiotherapy.


  • 允许程序定向流动系统活动不同位置改变自己的结果

    And it allows to let programs redirect the flow of system events to different locations and change their results.


  • 但是对于我们网站本身定位定向受众群体来看下拉菜单相关搜索结果展现出的需求关键词并不完全我们需要的。

    But for the positioning of our site itself has targeted audience, drop-down menus and relevant keyword search results show the demand is not what we need.


  • 例子中有一般角度影像定向结果

    The orientation results of general image pairs and big angle ones are presented.


  • 强制服务器立即客户发送响应,包含重定向指示,并将结果URI作为地址提供给客户端。重定向规则通常放在最后

    Force server to send immediate response to client with redirect instruction, providing result URI as a new location. Redirect rule is always the last rule.


  • 强制服务器立即客户发送响应,包含重定向指示,并将结果URI作为地址提供给客户端。重定向规则通常放在最后

    Force server to send immediate response to client with redirect instruction, providing new URI as a new location. Redirect rule is always the last rule.


  • 并用设计供料装置玻璃马赛克进行定向排列试验结果表明效果良好有实用价值

    An experiment, to make directional arrangement of glass Mosaic with the designed feed device is conducted. The result shows that the device is effective and practical.


  • 结果表明自我效能内在动机任务定向目标等动机因素和课堂环境学业求助行为显著正相关

    The result showed that: self-efficacy, intrinsic motivations the goals of task orientation, classroom context were positively correlated with the behavior of academic help-seeking.


  • 采用管法测定定向结构刨花板系数,分析比较定向结构刨花板混凝土性能的差异。结果表明定向结构刨花板具有良好吸声性能。

    The sound absorption coefficiet of osb was tested by the stationary wave method. the results showed that the osb had good sound absorption property compared with brick and concrete.


  • 研究结果森林定向培育木材加工利用具有重要理论意义实际应用价值

    The results were provided with important theoretic and realistic values for forest oriented cultivation and wood processing utilizing.


  • 研究结果森林定向培育木材加工利用具有重要理论意义实际应用价值

    The results were provided with important theoretic and realistic values for forest oriented cultivation and wood processing utilizing.


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