• 他们一种全新的“失败观”——任何事都有益的经验反复试验,不断摸索被他们看成是通往成功的正途。

    They also have a refreshing attitude to "failure" - everything is viewed as a useful experience, and trial and error is seen as a legitimate path to success.


  • 建立新的模式需要通过辩论试验借鉴成功失败亲历者的经验

    New models will have to be constructed through debate, experimentation, and learning from those who have lived through successes and failures.


  • 不要害怕试验,要尝试完全不同的风格,成败吸取经验

    Never be afraid to experiment and try something drastically different, and learn from both your successes and failures.


  • 经验建立试验和统计基础上,在某些方面有可能做得不一定非常准确,但逻辑可以进行调整没有用或者副作用大的取消,或者被减量就是试

    Therefore it is not definitely right on some aspects. Mistake test is to adjust its logics by canceling or reducing the dose of useless medicine or that of severe side-effects.


  • 这种提高在很大程度上归功与实践经验以及操作试验(参见参考文献)期间获得众多反馈

    The improvements can be largely attributed to implementation experience and the great feedback received during the Interoperability Workshop (see Resources).


  • 通过这种绝妙的办法不仅可以获取经验放在简历工作申请表里,可以试验一下你是否真的适合这种职业

    Not only is it a great way to get experience which you can put on your resume or on a job application, it is also a great way to try out a career to see if it is really what you want to do.


  • 假如接受了那个经验老工人意见,你的试验不会失败

    If you had taken the old experienced worker's advice, you wouldn't have failed in the experiment.


  • 试验项目团队完成初始阶段撰写所得到许多经验

    Your pilot project team completes the Inception phase and documents dozens of lessons learned.


  • 获得最佳线程需要经过一些试验失败很好的经验法则100个并发会话分配一个线程

    It takes a bit of trial and error to get the optimal number of threads, but a good rule of thumb is 1 thread for every 100 concurrent sessions.


  • 这个阶段中的这个活动致力于较大范围证实方法的延展性,并且建立试验员那里得来经验

    The activities in this phase are focused on validating the roll out approach on a larger scale and building on the experience gained from the pilots.


  • 经验通过尝试多种方法发现哪种方法有效来获得的——经典反复试验方法

    Experience is gained from trying many approaches and discovering which one worksthe classic "trial and error" method.


  • 通过SOA实现关注事项分离甚至允许试验项目能够积累专业经验验证业务价值中断主要操作方式引入SOA。

    The separation of concerns possible with SOA lets even a pilot project introduce SOA in a way that allows building expertise and verifies the business value, but doesn't disrupt major operations.


  • 经验是建立试验统计的基础上,某些方面有可能做得不一定非常准确,但其逻辑是可以进行调整,没有用的或者副作用大的药会取消,或者被减量就是试错。

    The experience depends on clinic experiments and statistics, which though not absolutely precise can also perfect itself by canceling non effective or harmful side effect herbs.


  • 正交试验为基础,获得翅片高度厚度经验公式

    Based on orthogonal experiments, the experiential formulas of fin height and thickness were obtained.


  • 传统冰箱设计方法经验试验为主。

    The traditional designing method is based on the experience and the experiments.


  • 认真研究精确的临床试验以及避免简单地基于经验固执观点也许我们找到一些治疗疾病途径开始

    Careful study, rigorous trial design, and avoidance of rigidly held points of view based simply on experience may be ways for us to start making some inroads into the treatment of this disease.


  • 经验建立在试验统计的基础上,在某些方面有可能得不一定非常准确,但其逻辑是可以进行调整,没有用或者副作用的药会被取消,或者被减量,这就是试

    The medicine with no use or big side effect will be removed or decreased, that is what we said trial and error.


  • 根据实践经验试验研究焊缝构造等问题,提出了作法设想

    It put forward some new ideas about detail of welded joints on basis of experience and tests.


  • 系列文章源于我们一个试验项目oneida - 2中的经验(请参阅oneida - 2 project以获取更多信息)。

    This article series is based on our experience in a pilot project, Oneida-2.


  • 工作经验以上化学试验工作经验

    Work Experience: Worked on chemistry experimentation more than one year.


  • 经验证据建议作者们常常进行实施报告试验忽略他们自己在计划中所说的内容。

    Empirical evidence suggests that authors often ignore, in the conduct and reporting of their trial, what they stated in the protocol.


  • 根据计算经验,侧伸长率焊缝表面经过加工,不表面质量影响,所以试验结果更接近实际,更为准确。

    On the basis of calcuiation and experience, through side-bending test, test piece's extensibility is relative small, and its weld surface after processed is unaffected by the piece's surface quality.


  • 目前实践中仍主要依靠试验经验获得激光工艺参数

    At present, the parameters of laser processing are chosen mainly by experiment and through experience.


  • 这些方法建立经验试验的基础上的,本文提出的防火设计方法主要是通过计算来进行。

    These means are all based on experience and test. In the thesis, we make fireproof design through calculation.


  • 研究中结合规范经验通过正交试验找到符合惠州地区特点较优路面纤维混凝土配比

    Through orthogonal experiment the good ratio of fiber-concrete suited for the concrete pavement in Huizhou city considering the standard and experience.


  • 从事程序检查试验工作人员符合本程序1规定工作经验知识背景要求

    Personnel who perform inspection and test functions covered by this procedure shall meet the requirements of experience and required knowledge as defined by Table 1 to this procedure.


  • 总结多年试验经验给出了状直流结构设计结构参数选取原则选取范围

    Based on many years, experience from our research and experiments structural design, constructional parameters and choosing range of tubular valve was introduced.


  • 目前辊铸轧带坯生产中前温度主要通过经验大量试验确定

    At present, the temperature of aluminum liquid in front box is decided by experience or a larger number of experiments.


  • 结合平时运行经验电气试验和气相色谱分析数据进行综合分析可以比较准确地判断变压器故障类型故障部位

    Together with the operation experience, the type and position of transformers fault can be determined correctly through comprehensive analysis on the data of electrical test and gas chromatography.


  • 这些试验结果以及个人的经验来看ACS患者最佳抗凝策略有何理解

    From the results of these trials and your own experience, what is your understanding of the best anticoagulant strategy for patients presenting with ACS?


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