• 经过平衡最大限度地增加了。

    After equalizing, maximize the gain again.


  • 如果我们释放弹簧那么弹簧经过平衡时,弹性转变动能

    If we let go, the elastic energy, as the spring passes through the equilibrium point, is converted to kinetic energy.


  • 如果我们释放弹簧那么弹簧经过平衡时,弹性转变动能

    If we let go the elastic energy as the spring passes through the equilibrium point is converted to kinetic energy.


  • 电机转子机床主轴内燃机曲轴汽轮机转子、陀螺转子钟表摆轮等旋转零部件制造过程中,都需要经过平衡才能平稳正常地运转

    Motor rotor and spindle, crankshaft, turbine rotor, gyro rotor and escapement rotating parts in the manufacturing process, need to go through in order to smooth the normal operation of balance.


  • 经过大量的练习终于学会了如何平衡自己

    After much practice, you finally learned how to balance yourself.


  • 可以很慢,很稳定经过路径因此这条路径上的任意一点气体处于平衡态。

    I could have that path be very slow and steady, so that at every point along the way, my gas is an equilibrium.


  • 经过多年痛苦特蕾莎修女似乎个相当有洞见顾问帮助下重新建立了属灵平衡

    After more than a decade of open-wound agony, Teresa seems to have begun regaining her spiritual equilibrium with the help of a particularly perceptive adviser.


  • 就推动主权资产负债表回归平衡来说,窃取投资者储蓄财富经过历史检验种手段。

    Picking the pockets of investors and savers is a historically validated manoeuvre to rebalance sovereign balance sheets.


  • 经过了一定时间——不是若干年而是以若干千年计的时间——生命开始适应环境,形成一种与环境的平衡

    Given time time not in years but in millennia life adjusts, and a balance has been reached.


  • 经过了一定时间——不是若干年而是以若干千年计的时间——生命开始适应环境,形成一种与环境的平衡

    Given time — time not in years but in millennia life adjusts, and a balance has been reached.


  • 因此,一支卓有成效工作者队伍经过谨慎筹划并达到适当平衡专业专业社区工作者组成。

    Therefore, an effective workforce should consist of a carefully-planned balance of professional, paraprofessional and community workers.


  • 5月2日宣布经过这么,我终于金里奇议长参议员洛特党的国会谈判者平衡预算上达成一致意见

    On May 2, I announced that, at long last, I had reached a balanced budget agreement with Speaker Gingrich and Senator Lott and the congressional negotiators for both parties.


  • 为了达到平衡性能MMI对于IBMJVM 支持每种平台都有一个默认的上限计数器,经过仔细选择的,并经过了广泛的测试研究

    MMI has a default threshold count that was carefully chosen, through extensive testing and research, for each platform IBM JVM delivered for to achieve balanced performance.


  • 印度摆脱国际收支平衡危机去了20而且长期以来人们都在谈论将会成为一个经济强国

    It is 20 years since India had a balance-of-payments crisis and for a long time the talk has been about it becoming an economic superpower.


  • 立法者经过权衡制定的法规'听别扭,而且也不对.建议如下: 立法者因此建立一种平衡,鼓励创作的同时,也兼顾公众自由获取知识艺术的权利。

    The lawmakers intended thus to balance the incentive to create with the interest that society has in free access to knowledge and art.


  • 经过一个铁质长椅时,失去了平衡膝盖撞到了椅子上。

    While passing by an iron bench I lose my balance again and my knee hits the corner of the bench.


  • 经过1注射,老鼠竟重新有了平衡感。

    A month after the injection, the animals have regained their sense of balance.


  • 经过保持平衡加强本人的协调能力大脑身体运动同时达到最佳形状。

    From maintaining balance to improving coordination, your brain fires while you're moving your body, keeping it in tip-top form.


  • 其他不在列表中的制动圆盘型号只有经过设计审阅设计修改才能进行平衡这种情况下建议先行制造商沟通

    Other brake disc types not listed may only be balanced after a design review and design adaptations, if required. It is recommended to consult the manufacturer in this case.


  • 款酒经过法国美国橡木窖藏,酒体稳定,有力且精致平衡柔软单宁辛辣温厚的口感。

    This wine offers power firmness and is carefully balanced with the soft tannins and spicy, toasty character from the use of small French and American oak barrels.


  • 每个室内空间各种开口经过仔细考虑以便抵御西晒提供日光遮荫平衡同时减少人工照明依赖

    Various openings are carefully considered in each interior space to withstand the harsh west sun, providing a balance of daylight and shading while reducing reliance to artificial lighting.


  • 装置包括双面凳子,它经过一系列119度独特的相互交织的剖面之后变为一个躺椅而后变成互动平衡

    The installation is comprised of a double-sided bench which transforms through a series of 119 unique and interconnected sections into a chaise lounge and finally an interactive balance board.


  • 经过多次现场动平衡测试实验证明系统操作方便运算速度快平衡精度有较好的工程应用价值

    Multiple experiments have proved that the system features in convenient operation, fast operational speed, high balance accuracy, good engineering application.


  • 双回转机构的步进电机控制电路TDA1521音频集成功率放大器组成平衡桥式功率驱动电路,由计算机并行经过存器构成脉冲分配器

    To control stepping motors, the balance bridge power drive circuit is made up by TDA1521 integrated audio power amplifier, the pulse allotter is made up by the parallel ports of computer and latches.


  • 天地人系统是从宇宙早期以来处于非平衡混沌体,经过一系列对称破缺对称重组的结果

    Modern heaven earth men system is a result of the early universe which passed through a series of symmetry destruction and symmetry organization.


  • 这项自然采光策略通过平衡光线给室内提供了舒服的光线,光线是经过天花板上连续进入室内,窗户中的玻璃都是仔细安装过得。

    This natural lighting strategy provides glare-free and comfortable lighting levels by balancing light entering through continuous transom openings at the ceiling with carefully placed vision glass.


  • 文章通过实例提出解决FMS加工中心负荷不平衡的零件工序分配原则经过优化,使各加工中心充分发挥作用。

    In this article, a process distributing principle for unequilibrantly loaded machining centers in a FMS is put forward, and optimized through solve practical examples.


  • 经过实验运行中点电位始终保持允许范围内实现动态平衡

    After experiments with a load, neutral point potential is always maintained within the allowable range, to achieve a dynamic balance.


  • 经过精心设计适应我们现代生活方式帮助补充营养很好的平衡,是一种科学为基础的有效体重管理方案

    It has been carefully designed to fit our modern lifestyle and help you with a nutritious, well balanced, scientifically based, effective weight management program.


  • 经过精心设计适应我们现代生活方式帮助补充营养很好的平衡,是一种科学为基础的有效体重管理方案

    It has been carefully designed to fit our modern lifestyle and help you with a nutritious, well balanced, scientifically based, effective weight management program.


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