• 这些工具多数经过特别改装,供残疾人使用

    Most of these tools have been specially adapted for use by disabled people.


  • 这里一些原始建筑大部分地区经过现代化改造,现在被用作各种海上航行工具港口包括游艇一些令人惊叹摩托艇

    There are some original buildings here but most of the area has been modernised and is now used as a harbour for all kinds of sea craft including yachts and some amazing power boats.


  • 那么为什么使用经过高度提炼那些用于文本文件工具而且程序员已经掌握了许多有关它们知识有深入体会

    So why not use the tools for working with text files that have been highly refined, and about which a programmer already has a lot of knowledge and deeply felt opinions?


  • 患者一个玻璃诊断工具呼气经过训练的蜜蜂探测到任何类疾病激素时会飞接近这个呼气试管

    Patients breathe into a glass diagnostic tool; when the trained bees detect any of the diseases or hormones, they move towards the tubes that lead closer to the breath.


  • 这种方式校准文档好处得到片段用于任何兼容XLIFF工具需要经过复杂的、容易出错标签转换

    The advantage of aligning documents this way is that the resulting segments can be used with any XLIFF-compliant tool without complicated and error-prone tag transformations.


  • UML经过试验测试的用于面向对象系统建模工具作为设计XML模式一种媒介,开发人员业务分析人员和供应商都具吸引力。

    UML is a tried and tested modeling tool for object-oriented systems, and it is attractive for developers, business analysts, and vendors as a medium for designing XML schemas.


  • 经过分析获取了目前使用最广泛的两种攻击工具以下它们进行简短说明

    During the forensic analysis, I acquired two attack tools that were used in almost all cases, so here is a short description of them.


  • 为了找到项目所处的位置Mylyn花费了不少时间已经度过孵化器经过技术项目阶段然后工具项目阶段,直到最终成为顶级项目。

    Mylyn has taken some time to find its home, having come through an incubation phase, through the Technology and then Tools projects, until it's final resting place at the top-level.


  • 如果希望扫描经过网络传输原始数据信息那么需要使用一种其他工具而不是nmap,因为只能扫描主机端口

    If you want to scan the raw data information that goes past on the network, you need to use a tool other than nmap, which only scans, hosts, and ports.


  • 经过专注领域特定语言(DSLs)相关建模工具的研究,微软扩宽了他们的产品策略包含了更多U ML相关建模工具

    After several years pursuing a modeling tool strategy focused on Domain Specific Languages (DSLs), Microsoft is broadening its approach to include more UML-related modeling tools.


  • 3.4中,PDE团队经过辛勤劳作更新现存的关于更新系统工具,使能够适应p2。

    In 3.4, the PDE team worked hard to update the existing tooling around the old update system to make it p2 aware.


  • 源代码可以经过分析表示IR(中间表示,IntermediateRepresentation)形式这种形式可以后期被各种工具分析和处理

    The source code can be analyzed and is represented into an IR (Intermediate Representation) form, which can be later analyzed and manipulated with various tools.


  • 使用工具请参阅参考资料确定响应是否包含会话Cookie如果包含,则认为请求经过验证的请求。

    Use a tool (see Resources) to determine whether a response contains a session cookie, in which case the request is considered to be authenticated.


  • sar较早通用UNIX工具之一,而这些工具已经经过多年改进

    SAR is one of those older generic UNIX tools that have been improved over the years.


  • 一种免费工具——用于Win32——提供XML文档经过语法分析结构化视图

    It is a free toolfor Win32 only — that provides a parsed and structured view of XML documents.


  • 使用这种方法经过本地化的字符串不是通过诸如gettext之类的工具提取的。

    With this approach, the localized strings are not extracted by a tool like gettext.


  • 穿刺使用工具经过消毒或者一次性丢弃工具

    the person doing the piercing uses sterilized instruments or instruments that are thrown away after use


  • traceroute工具ping工具相关,它通常提供网络数据包传输所经过每个路由器的ping时间

    Related to the ping tool, the traceroute tool will normally provide you with the ping times for each router that the network packets travel through to reach their destination.


  • 必须服务器工具提供相同用户名和密码因为工具经过身份验证控制台用户接收命令

    You must provide the same username and password for both the server and the tool, because the tool will only receive commands from that authenticated console user.


  • 经过五个简单定制步骤之后,可以获得一个强大的工具可以使CM用户数据企业用户数据同步

    After these five simple customization steps, you obtain a powerful tool to keep your CM user data in sync with your enterprise user data.


  • 我们一系列经过测试有效工具以及使用这些工具明确计划

    We have a range of effective, tested tools, and a clear plan for implementing them.


  • 现在我们需要这些出土地点得到就是关于石器工具本身证据所以我们能够预见,它们要么经过打磨的石头,要么就是恰巧用来屠宰天然石头,”补充说

    "What we need from these sites now are evidence of the stone tools themselves, so we can see if they were manufactured or were natural stones that happened to be used for butchery," he added.


  • 然而至关重要的当前数据库专业人员用来执行这些任务工具经过扩展包含相同XML数据功能

    It is essential, however, that current tools that database professionals use to perform these tasks have been expanded to include the same functionality for XML data.


  • 需要这些系统开发工具,比较让人放心的做法运行经过解释脚本

    When it comes to tooling for these systems, there is something comforting about running interpreted scripts.


  • 然而一个产品也许经过改变才能通过自动化方式测试——架构开发工具变更要求将非常巨大的。

    However, a product may need to be altered to be testable through automated means - this could be as dramatic as a change in architecture or development tools.


  • 除了这个工具之外,是否还有一些值得我们了解经过考验性能工具流程

    Along with the new, are there are some tried-and-true performance tools and procedures that people might want to know about?


  • 采用XML这样标准语法主要原因兼容其他应用程序工具真正值得使用经过良好测试的情况之一

    Because the main reason to adopt a standard syntax like XML is to be compatible with other applications and toolkits, this is one case where it really pays to use a well-tested library.


  • 文章中的图片经过了裁剪强调增加对比度镜片处理工具移除

    The image in this article has been cropped and enhanced to improve contrast. Lens artifacts have been removed.


  • 第二个负载测试工具经过改进处理这些问题

    An improved load test tool was created to address these issues.


  • 我们现在已经有了神经成像基因组扫描那样工具搜寻与阿尔茨海默氏症有关基因以及经一大批经过时间随访人群样本。

    We now have such tools as neuroimaging and genome-wide scans that hunt for genes related to risk, as well as big samples of people who've been followed over time.


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