• 彼得爵士表示:“完成课程研究员经营全球性科学企业的概念一个出色认识。”

    Researchers completing the programme come out with an excellent understanding of what it is to run global science-based firms, says Sir Peter.


  • 坦白说如果我们已经有科学证据来证实,正是一些心智不健全的疯子经营华尔街华府以上所说的只是我们尽义务的一小部分,而我们真正应该的还有更多

    Frankly, if we have scientific proof that the inmates are running the Wall Street and Washington asylums, this is the least we should do - and we really should do a whole lot more.


  • 归咎于佛朗哥时代[25]忽视科学研究:指出只有西班牙十分之一人口以色列却拥有更多经营投产

    He blames neglect of science in the Franco era: he points out that Israel, with a population one-tenth of Spain's, has more business start-ups.


  • 2006年至2009年,Caplow博士同事经营科学驳船”,一个停泊曼哈顿漂浮水耕温室(自从那时已杨克斯)。

    Between 2006 and 2009 Dr Caplow and his colleagues operated the Science Barge, a floating hydroponic greenhouse moored in Manhattan (it has since moved to Yonkers).


  • 虽然科学没有研究的配方,但是他们人们获取和经营段成功婚姻提供了一些有用秘诀

    While scientists have yet to concoct a love potion, their research is providing some helpful tips for a successful marriage.


  • 环保机构地球观察研究院经营可以亲自参与项目他们将观光客研究动物环境科学组成一队。

    The Earthwatch Institute, an environmental organization, runs hands-on programs, teaming tourists with research scientists studying animals and the environment.


  • 公司质量科学管理持续改进诚信经营争创一流企业

    The quality of our company are: scientific management, continuous improvement, integrity management, first-class enterprise.


  • Goddard中心美国最大科学工程师技术人员组织并且美国主要科研开发经营无人驾驶航天器实验室

    The Goddard center is home to the nation's largest organization of scientists, engineers and technologists, and is a major U.S. laboratory for developing and operating unmanned scientific spacecraft.


  • 科学合理地经营森林实现林业目标任务重要手段

    Meanwhile, scientific and rational forest management is also important mean to realize forestry target and task.


  • 经营城市近年来我国推进城市化过程出现一种新的理念具有深刻科学内涵

    As a new philosophy emerging in the process of promoting urbanization in China, running cities possesses deep scientific content.


  • 当代社会劳动分为科学技术劳动、经营管理劳动和直接操作劳动。

    T he Labour of present society can divide into the management Labour and direct operating Labour and Labour of science and technology.


  • 哈佛大学马萨诸塞科学研究所联手经营的Broad研究所也开展一项相似公共计划

    A similar public project is being carried out by the Broad Institute, a collaboration between the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard.


  • 研究表明方法土地资源持续利用经营管理理论实践提供科学依据

    The study showed that this method could provide scientific basis for the theory and practice of land resources management.


  • 经营不专业管理科学

    The management specialty, the management is unscientific.


  • 客观评价森林生态系统服务功能价值动态变化对于科学经营管理森林资源具有重要现实意义

    It has important significance for scientifically managing and running forest resources to evaluate the dynamic changes of the service function of forestry ecosystem system.


  • 科学有效内部控制制度现代企业实现经营管理目标有力保证

    Scientific and effective internal control system is an effective guarantee for a modern enterprise to achieve its management objectives.


  • 会计信息真实准确企业经营管理科学决策重要依据

    The reality and accuracy of accounting information is the important foundation of management and scientific decision making of enterprise.


  • 技术标准体系企业标准体系主体,编制科学有序的技术标准体系能为企业生产、经营提供有力的技术支撑

    The technical standard system is the essential of enterprise standard system, and the scientific and orderly technical standard system can provide powerful technical support for enterprise operation.


  • 数学保险数理基础,是保险业科学经营依据因此,数学保险教育处于基础性地位

    Mathematics is the basis of mathematical theory and the evidence of scientific management in insurance. Therefore mathematics is in the basic position in insurance education.


  • 所以对竹林林地水分进行适当控制可以提高竹笋竹材的产量质量,从而进行科学经营竹林并取得显著经济效益

    It proved that rational control of moisture in bamboo stand could increase yield and quality of bamboo shoot and culm, and could obtain significant benefit through scientific management.


  • 公司治理研究现代企业制度由于所有权经营权分离信息不对称而产生代理问题科学

    The corporate governance is a science concerning proxy problem under modern enterprise system, which is caused by the separation of ownership and operation, as well as the information dissymmetry.


  • 产生这些问题一个重要原因在于港口经营市场缺乏科学行之有效法律规范

    An important cause of these questions is that port operation market lacks scientific and effective regulation of law.


  • 利用已建立阶跃函数模型可以有效地预测不同桉树品系人工林树冠生长动态,桉树人工林合理经营提供科学依据

    With these step function models, the crown diameter growth of Eucalyptus clones can be predicted, and it also provided scientific basis for the reasonable management of Eucalyptus plantations.


  • 信息科学专业经营管理信息专业也有较少增加

    Information science grads and management information system had conservative increases.


  • 经济知识积累赵尚阳商场中科学管理规范经营奠定良好基础

    Accumulation of economical knowledge has laid a good foundation for the scientific management and standard management for Zhao Shangyang.


  • 本厂一贯秉承“质量第一科学生产价格优惠服务至上经营理念,受到广大业内人士支持厚爱

    You has a "quality first, Scientific Production and price concessions and service-oriented" business philosophy. supported by the great majority of the people in the industry and love.


  • 我国石油企业而言建立科学合理有效经营业绩评价指标体系意义重大

    It is of great significance for Chinese petroleum enterprises to establish a scientific, reasonable, and effective management achievement appraising index system.


  • 科学管理体制既是现代企业高效率经营机制核心构成也是实现高效率经营的现代企业共同标志

    The scientific managerial system is not only the core for the high efficient management mechanism of the modern enterprise, but also the symbol of the modern enterprise run with high efficiency.


  • 科学管理体制既是现代企业高效率经营机制核心构成也是实现高效率经营的现代企业共同标志

    The scientific managerial system is not only the core for the high efficient management mechanism of the modern enterprise, but also the symbol of the modern enterprise run with high efficiency.


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