• 福特6月30号声称,若不计一次性项目季度经营损失为6.38亿美元,去年同期亏损额为14亿美元。

    Ford reported a loss of $638 million, before special items, in the quarter that ended June 30, compared with a $1.4 billion loss in the same period a year ago.


  • 一个彻底失败经营项目使损失严重。

    A disastrous business venture lost him thousands of dollars.


  • 明确地表示要抛弃它们混合经营模式这种模式使持股人获得利润,却要使公众承担威胁生命损失

    He is clearly in favour of scrapping their hybrid business model, which delivers profits to shareholders but leaves the public to shoulder life-threatening losses.


  • 金融市场中的巨大损失同时影响了公司的经营利润

    The big losses in the financials impact operating as well as reported earnings.


  • 可能问题,只用户经营造成有限损失没有造成任何功能损失、甚或未造成任何损失而且容易最终用户克服或避免。

    This may be a minor issue with limited loss or no loss of functionality or impact to the Customer's operation and issues in which there is an easy circumvention or avoidance by the end user.


  • 相较财务损失而言,这一事件对瑞银声誉与其扭转经营局面的努力所造成破坏更为严重

    The damage to the reputation of UBS and its attempted turnaround is much more serious, however, than the financial loss.


  • 新闻公司老板公布季度损失时作出上诉表态。造成亏损的部分原因MySpace社交网站经营不善。

    News Corporation's boss was speaking as the company revealed a quarterly loss, caused in part by its struggling MySpace social-networking site.


  • 汇丰银行(HSBC)8月4日公布了年报,尽管惨重损失仍资本雄厚经营多元。他的股票银行投资者们难得的避难所

    HSBC, which reported its first-half results on August 4th, has taken heavy losses but is strongly capitalised and well diversified; its shares have been a rare haven for bank investors.


  • 拉塞尔波特拉克德克萨斯州大学经营认知能力神经科实验室,他发现前叶腹部皮层活动取决于一个对待损失态度。

    Russell Poldrack, who runs a cognitive neuroscience lab at the University of Texas at Austin, has found that activity in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex depends on a person's attitude to loss.


  • 西方银行认识到,很多国家小规模经营容易造成损失

    The Western banks have found that establishing a light presence in lots of countries is a great way to lose money.


  • 如果银行贷款定价贷款收入则不能抵补贷款违约所造成的损失经营成本

    If loan price is over low, the loan revenue cannot compensate loss by default and operation cost.


  • 金融资产管理公司近期的经营目标尽快有效地处置不良资产,尽量减少损失

    The short operation target of AMCs is to dispose NPL as soon as possible and reduce the loss as little as possible.


  • 此外酒店经营需要制定有效策略减少Expedia依赖以抵消Expedia带来的生意损失

    Furthermore, hoteliers should develop a robust strategy to decrease over-dependence on Expedia and offset loss of business from this ota.


  • 早期确实将易趣经营很好但是由于错过了“Web 2.0”的大潮流,导致损失惨重

    She ran eBay well in its early years, then missed the trends known as "Web 2.0" and made a financially disastrous acquisition.


  • 如果损失符合问题条件不能掩盖结果经营业绩

    If the loss is not in line with the conditions of issue, but can not gloss over the results, operating results.


  • 消防重点部位火灾危险性一旦发生火灾职员伤亡大、损失,有可能影响整个酒店经营重要部位

    The fire security important section is the very important place, where will effect the operation of the whole hotel and lead people to hurt or dead, and destroy huge properties once the fire happens.


  • 他们一般采用美国的举债经营比例但是信用市场被冻结损失累积的时候,任何举债经营成为了问题

    They generally didn't use US-sized leverage ratios, but when credit markets freeze and losses mount, any leverage eventually becomes problematic.


  • 可惜大多数事业经营者均未能认识到一点,等到错误决策造成了重大的损失寻求弥补,有时亡羊补牢,为时已晚。

    It's a pity that many enterprise managers fail to see this and try to seek remedies after wrong decisions have incurred great losses, which, they will find, may be too late to make up for.


  • 商业银行资本核心功能弥补银行经营过程中各种不确定性可能导致预期损失

    The core function of commercial banks' capital is to cover the unexpected loss induced by all kinds of uncertainties during banking operation.


  • 这些收益损失如果金额较大的话应该计算经营收益损益表单独列示

    These gains or losses, if material in amount, should be shown separately in the income statement in computing the income from operations.


  • 重大损失一般致使权利人经营活动受到严重损害造成权利人商品滞销,严重积压等情形。

    "Heavy loss" generally refers to serious damage to the obligee's business activities, resulting in sales holdup and overstocking of commodities to obligees.


  • 企业经营的结果使投资人遭受损失

    The enterprise turned out badly for the investors.


  • 人民生命财产造成巨大损失同时,也给保险经营构成严重威胁

    Flood forms a great challenge towards insurance operating, while it brings huge loss to human being's lives and properties.


  • 内部控制制度规范企业经营有效防范风险减少损失重要手段

    The internal control system is the important method to standardize enterprise management, effectively guard against the risk and reduce the loss.


  • 公路经营企业责任形式主要包括排除危害赔偿损失

    The forms of liability mainly include removing harmfulness and compensation for the losses.


  • 要是当初注意经营风险公司不会蒙受如此损失

    No such heavy losses would have been inflicted on the company, which had watched out for the risks underlying its business operations.


  • 毛利润减去运营费用后的余额,不包括利息股息和红利、特别收益与企业持续经营无关损失的金额。

    It means gross profit less Operating Expenses, excludes interest and dividends and extraordinary gains and losses that do not relate to the continuing operations.


  • 毛利润减去运营费用后的余额,不包括利息股息和红利、特别收益与企业持续经营无关损失的金额。

    It means gross profit less Operating Expenses, excludes interest and dividends and extraordinary gains and losses that do not relate to the continuing operations.


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