• 所有患者铂类为基础的化疗方案治疗

    All the patients were treated with platinum-based chemotherapy.


  • 2010年,公司经以更大努力迎接挑战赢得未来我们一道共创美好的明天

    In 2010, the company through greater efforts to meet the challenge, winning the future, we will also join you in a better tomorrow.


  • 正义基本价值目标本身转化法律正义,法规格精神品格便也因之而升华。

    Once the law takes the justice as the basic value target, it changes into legal justice itself, the specification and spirit character of law also raise to a higher level.


  • 那个工人竟然一些验的工人指手画脚,告诉他们怎么工作—认为不自量了吗?

    The new worker has started to tell some of the more experienced workers how to do their work-don't you think he is getting above his station?


  • 大多数遵从性直接影响企业IT解决方案设计开发部署确保一个安全的、审计环境

    Most of the compliance directly influence the designing, development and deployment of it solution for businesses to ensure a safe and audited environment.


  • 波普引用先知命令解除纠纷——那些允许存在于信徒之间的人应该享有安全通道的。

    Mr Pope dissuades him by quoting the Prophet’s diktat that those with permission to be among believers should enjoy safe passage.


  • 波普引用先知命令解除纠纷——那些允许存在于信徒之间的人应该享有安全通道的。

    Mr Pope dissuades him by quoting the Prophet's diktat that those with permission to be among believers should enjoy safe passage.


  • 现在为止,实践证明有效从头到尾武装起来了,确保过程社会角度来看,团队代码评审过程之中能够节省大量的时间

    So now you're armed with an Arsenal of proven practices to ensure that you get the most of out of the time that your team spends on code reviews, both from a process and a social perspective.


  • 正如药物疫苗一样通过使用捐款者合理的价格许可的协议获得产品,这些产品本是获利为目的而为那些需要它们研制的。

    As with drugs and vaccines, it is possible to get products that were developed with profit in mind to the people who need them using donor money and clever pricing and licensing deals.


  • 互联网侵蚀到了那种广告主读者提供多重选择商业模式

    The internet has undermined that business model by providing alternatives for both advertisers and readers.


  • 唯一产生的情况银行集团必须年末审计账面价格转让资产

    The only condition would be that the four big Banks would have to convey the assets at year-end, audited book values.


  • 组合定义即可重用嵌套方式其他组件提供实现

    Once defined, a composite can be reused to provide the implementation for other components in a nested fashion.


  • 小组研究表明鸟类可能进化产生较高水平黑色素保护免疫系统

    Her team's research suggests that the birds may have evolved to produce higher levels of melanin in order to protect their immune systems.


  • 报道发表就会鼓励用户分析评论,补充图片视频,报道类似维基协作的方式不断丰富的同时记者负责维护。

    Once the report is published, users are encouraged to contribute comments, analysis, images and video, the journalist curating the file as it evolves wiki-like over time.


  • 斯拉乔治斯 弗拉讲了佛陀故事,出自《普曜》(基本上是“那时...吗”这样的故事的集合)。

    Ezra: Georges Ifrah tells a tale about the Buddha that comes from an ancient text known as the "Lalitavistara Sutra" (basically a collection of "did you hear about the time he...?


  • 青蒿素为基础新型联合疗法长效杀虫剂处理的蚊帐已知有效

    The new artemisinin-based combination therapies, and long-lasting insecticide-treated nets are known to be highly effective.


  • 然而必须使更多获得证实诸如杀虫剂处理的蚊帐最近青蒿素为基础复合疗法干预措施我们才能疟疾产生实际的影响

    However, proven interventions such as insecticide-treated nets, and the latest artemisinin-based combination therapies must reach many more people before we can have a real impact on malaria.


  • VQA同时酒”这个作为商标另一种方式表示这是VQA审核的酒。

    The VQA also trademarked the wordicewine” (as opposed to ice wine) as another way to communicate VQA-approved ice wines.


  • 并且整合确凿不移多种顾客分区区域行业值转预存资源。

    They also have well-established and integrated networks of value-added resellers (VARs) focusing on specific customer segments, geographies, and industries.


  • 网上银行占到货币市场账户存款7%,部分存款争夺是最激烈的(相比基本的活期账户和存款凭证)。

    Internet Banks now hold 7% of total deposits in so-called money-market accounts, the segment in which they compete hardest (in contrast to basic current accounts and certificates of deposit).


  • 杀虫剂处理蚊帐青蒿素为基础的联合治疗用于对抗疟疾之前许多年我们掌握了这些手段有效性数据

    And we already had data on the effectiveness of insecticide-treated bed nets and ACTs against malaria years before they were implemented.


  • 育儿

    He also said he was proud of his parenting skills.


  • 决定不记名投票方式,全体成员过半数通过

    Each decision shall be adopted by secret ballot and with a simple majority of the committee members supporting.


  • 所有架构元素属性类型枚举必须具有定义并且它们必须核准开始短语比如Anameof Arelationship)中的一个打头。

    All schemas, elements, attributes, types, and enumerations must have definitions, and they must start with one of an approved set of beginning phrases, such as A name of or A relationship.


  • 当地网络媒体调查公司称,去年Micromax制造商通过适应当地特色,攫取了印度7.6%手机销售份额。

    By adapting to local tastes, manufacturers like Micromax grabbed 7.6 percent of phone sales in India last year, according to CyberMedia Research, a local firm.


  • iPhone4推出,就有用户发现某种特定的方式持有手机会大幅降低手机信号强度

    The launch of the iPhone 4 was followed almost immediately by users’ discovery that holding the device a certain way dramatically decreased cell reception.


  • iPhone4推出,就有用户发现某种特定的方式持有手机会大幅降低手机信号强度

    The launch of the iPhone 4 was followed almost immediately by users’ discovery that holding the device a certain way dramatically decreased cell reception.


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