• 品牌终端设计执行商业会展\化妆品\珠宝\烟酒\钟表\商超等专业柜台设计制作……

    Brand design and implementation of the terminal: Commercial Exhibition \ cosmetics \ jewelry \ tobacco \ watch \ counters are extra fine professional design and production … …


  • 本文研究嵌入式无线电台检测终端设计开发应用过程中所涉及关键技术问题,提出了解决方案

    This thesis researches key technology involved in the design, development and application of the embedded radio measuring terminal and proposes reasonable solutions.


  • 超越了设计编码工具扩展终端用户桌面电脑上

    It's extended beyond design and coding tools, and into the end user desktops.


  • 因为数据集市特定终端用户设计的,所以确认包含该组必要信息很好的想法

    Since the data mart is designed for a specific group of end users, it is good idea to make sure it only contains necessary information for the group.


  • HTML表单登上历史舞台时候,它们模仿模式终端设计但是没有提供紧凑导航机制,也没有用适当的GUI来代替

    When HTML forms came on the scene, they copied the design of block-mode terminals, but without the tight navigation and without replacing it with a proper GUI equivalent.


  • 这个过程主要特点终端客户常常可以直接参与设计他们要的印刷活件。

    A key characteristic of the process is that end customers can often be directly involved in the design of the desired template.


  • 自组网的经典设计方案是让终端节点随机选择另外一个节点进行数据传输

    Typical designs for AD hoc networks have each end-node randomly select another node to pass its data onto.


  • 包括终端机/服务器结构使用图形用户界面申请开放系统设计

    It will include client/sever structure, using graphic user interface and applying for opening system design.


  • 终端用户负责测试验证仓库设计实现

    End users, who are responsible for testing and verifying the warehouse design and implementations.


  • 方案是为非智能机设计只能传送最大负荷量75%至交换终端

    The scheme, designed pre-smartphone, can push only 75% of a tower's maximum capacity to the next switch or endpoint.


  • 本文分多部分系列教程的第一部分,介绍了硬件配置包括理解架构规划逻辑网络设计设置终端服务器以及更新固件等内容

    This part in this multipart series covers hardware configuration, including understanding architecture, planning logical network design, setting up terminal servers, and updating firmware.


  • 其他有用特性包括喜欢鼠标用户所设计的极多的键盘快捷键以及能够作为一个避免注意力分散功能全屏终端窗口

    Other useful features include a plethora of keyboardshortcuts for those who dislike mice and the ability to function as afull-screen terminal window to avoid distractions.


  • 黑客一般设计针对微软“视窗”操作系统(Windows)的病毒并不是因为这些黑客们讨厌个人电脑,而只是世界上个人计算机终端用户的数量最大的。

    Hackers generally design viruses that infect systems running on Windows; it's not because they hate PCs, it's because there are more PC users.


  • 经历中许多问题不仅是发生选举机器上还有其他终端,这些设计为了保证选民两次机会选择的权利

    In his case, most of the problems occurred not with the voting machines but with other terminals, designed to ensure that people are entitled to vote and have not voted twice.


  • 虽然演示所使用是针对直接输入设计PC但是服务器远程终端可以使用相同概念根据用户活动降低功耗

    Although demonstrated with a PC designed for direct input, servers or remote terminals can use the same concepts to reduce their power consumption based on user activity.


  • XYZ公司业务分析员设计业务空间页面套件终端用户使用

    XYZ company's business analyst will design a suite of business Spaces and pages, and share them with end-users.


  • 应用程序系统架构师如今具备Internetintranet基础设施设计多层冗余硬件软件终端等广博知识

    Application and system architects today have a broad base of knowledge from Internet and Intranet infrastructure designs to multi-layered redundant hardware and software backends.


  • 虽然为了演示,对Magnus进行了严格设计的云到移动终端应用程序包含传统视图组件主要包含了现有成功服务模型

    While devised strictly for the purpose of demonstration, my cloud-to-mobile app contains no traditional view component and largely models itself off of existing, successful services.


  • 本文描述嵌入式应用软件项目网络电话终端软件开发设计过程

    This article details the designing and developing process of an embedding application project-network telephone software.


  • 另外,项登录网站的隐私保护技术网站服务提供了支持。 在进行网站设计时,这项技术能够将移动终端设备变为一个次级转换单位,使得网站包含手机影像转换的功能。

    A secret technique many web services implement is redirecting mobile devices to a sub-domain containing the alternative mobile version of the site layout.


  • 本文研究内容企业级应用中手机终端设备系统界面数据设计

    The research topic of this paper is the mobile phone client system screen and data design in enterprise applications.


  • 同时设计了一中继通信协议,使终端具有中继功能

    A set of relay protocol is designed for relay function.


  • 第二,作为生产过程销售市场调研提供信息反馈进而影响设计阶段

    Second, sales, which is the end point of the manufacturing process, supplies feedback information to market research and further influences the stage of design.


  • 液晶显示模块采用使得语音终端硬件设计简单同时汉字菜单显示技术使用使得用户界面更加美观

    The hardware design of speech terminal is simple with a LCD module, while the user interface is more beautiful with the technology of chinese character and menu display.


  • 如何把握服饰性格营造服装店铺氛围引起设计终端销售部门的高度重视

    How to grasp the character costumes, creating an atmosphere of clothing stores should attract designers and marketing departments attach great importance to the terminal.


  • 介绍基于单片机家庭网络终端设计实现方法通过电话网络或互联网络实现了可以远程控制的智能家居系统

    The paper introduces the design and implementation approach of smart home network terminal based monolithic processor chip, and it accomplishes a remote smart home system through PSTN and Internet.


  • 文章主要介绍了C8051F020单片机核心配电变压器监测终端设计方案,并给出了硬件软件实现方法

    This paper presents the design of a monitoring terminal for distribution transformer based on C8051F020MCU, introduces the realization methods of hardware and software.


  • 同时设计了一中继通讯协议使终端具有中继功能扩充集中器的管理能力,降低安装维护费用

    A set of relay protocols are designed to make the system have relay function, which spread the work range of concentrator and reduce the costs of installation and maintenance.


  • 虚拟仪器概念设计PC终端软件提供自动判读网络传输功能。

    Thee a software on PC based on the concept of virtual instrument are designs, which cananalysis the ECG data automatic and transmit on the network.


  • 为了使患者能够时间地点因素影响接受实时远程心电服务提出了一种便携式移动监护终端设计

    In order to provide a telecardiology service to patients in real-time mode, which are not affected by any factors, such as time and place, a design of a mobile monitoring terminal is proposed.


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