• 虽然MDMServer终端用户认证委托系统用户但是它必须知道终端用户身份提供事务性授权数据授权。

    Although the MDM Server entrusts end user authentication to the system user, it is necessary for it to know the identity of the end user in order to provision transactional and data authorization.


  • 一个终端用户应用程序可以看作是其它终端用户服务

    An application to one end-user can be viewed as a service to another end-user.


  • 因为仓库终端用户直接数据集市进行交互,所以数据集市建模捕获终端用户业务需求有效工具之一。

    Since warehouse end users interact directly with data marts, the data mart modeling is one of the most effective tools in capturing end-user business requirements.


  • 收集终端用户需求时,可以采访终端用户研究现有文档报表以及监控进行中的信息分析活动

    When gathering end-user requirements, you might interview end users, study existing documents and reports, and monitor ongoing information analysis activities.


  • 终端用户满足因素——需求正如用户场景中所陈述的那样,有助于终端用户工作

    End user satisfiersRequirements, stated as user stories, which will help end users do their work.


  • 一些远见营销商还会终端用户角度来思考问题因为终端用户他们来说十分重要。

    Some of the more savvy marketers know enough to look at things from the perspective of end users as well, since those are the people they are ultimately trying to influence.


  • 版本6概要文件终端用户拥有编写文件集以及终端用户身份执行流程组成。

    A Version 6 profile is made up of the fileset that is owned and writeable by an end user, and the processes that execute under that end user's identity.


  • 作为用户许可管理员SaaS终端用户访问一个授权应用程序时,其他终端用户拥有更高优先级

    SaaS end user who functions as an administrator of a user license has a higher priority over other end users in accessing a licensed application.


  • EclipseIBMWorkplaceClientTechnologies终端用户应用程序的基础这些应用程序可以部署很多终端用户桌面电脑,而不仅仅开发人员桌面电脑上。

    The IBM Workplace Client Technologies version of Eclipse is the basis for end-user applications that are deployed to many end-users desktops, not just developer desktops.


  • 充当终端用户接口应用程序,将终端用户请求转换成MDMServer事务

    It serves as an interface application to the end user and translates the end user's requests into a set of MDM Server transactions.


  • 作为终端用户登录Windows(终端用户现在应该是管理员)。

    Log on to Windows as the end user (who will therefore now be an administrator).


  • 基于终端用户通信需求本文选择adm 5120硬件开发平台设计实现了一款基于SIP协议嵌入式语音终端

    Taking account of the communication needs of end users, a SIP-based embedded voice terminal is designed and implemented in this paper selecting ADM5120 for hardware development platform.


  • 由此强调是,终端用户性质例如他们什么,有什么产品,以及终端用户的确定性将决定着项目成败

    Therefore, I would like to stress that whether the project succeeds or not hinges on the characters of end customers, such as what they do, what product they produce.


  • 随着3g部署固定移动网络融合,同时固定终端移动终端用户提供的移动视频业务获得更多关注和研究。

    With 3g and the convergence of wired and wireless networks, the mobile video services for either fixed or mobile terminals are attracting more and more attention.


  • 银行增值服务系统设置POS交易终端银行交易主机之间的服务平台终端用户提供传统货币支付之外其他交易服务

    The Value-added Service System for the Bank is a platform setting up between POS and the bank's host computer, providing some other exchanging services except for the traditional currency payment.


  • 便携式终端用户可以终端在身边,并可以很远的地方通过远距离通讯设施中央计算机连接。

    A portable terminal is a terminal that users can carry with them to hook up to a central computer from remote locations, often via telecommunications facilities.


  • 便携式终端用户可以终端在身边,并可以很远的地方通过远距离通讯设施中央计算机连接。

    A portable terminal is a terminal that users can carry with them to hook up to a central computer from remote locations, often via telecommunications facilities.


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