• 功效:幽蓝水漾写真粉底液润泽的感触轻柔延展调理出柔软细腻肌肤效果

    EFFICACY: the faint photo Shuiyang moisturizing liquid foundation to extend the soft feelings, conditioning the skin soft and delicate effects.


  • 一款特别清新的柔肤水,肌肤陷入清爽细腻的滋润舒适中,有效净化温和去除老化角质,加倍白皙

    A special refreshing skin conditioner brings your skin with refreshing and delicate moistening and comfort, effectively purifying and mildly remove aging cutting, making redouble whitening effort.


  • 按摩可以使宝宝的肌肤保持柔软细腻,还可以确保他们的肌肉关节健康柔韧

    Massage would keep skin soft and protected and ensure that muscles and joints were healthy and supple.


  • 柔和的光晕宛如母亲轻轻的触摸云雾的细腻肌肤虚幻空间有着异常动人的实质

    Soft light like a mother's hand, gently touch the clouds and delicate skin, unreal space has substantial sense abnormal moving.


  • 不用担心只要知道自己出现毛孔问题的原因,找到适合自己的毛孔护理方法肌肤照样恢复往日细腻

    Don't worry, just know oneself appear, pore for nursing methods, the skin pores to restore old so delicate.


  • 植物配方上色触感柔和、细腻不易晕开,完美贴合眼部幼嫩肌肤,为美眸描绘出加倍动人的“彩颜色带给令人羡慕的惊艳

    With plant formula, easy colored, mild and soft, it can not be messed easily, and stick with eye skin closely, create more attractive eye color, and leaves you enviable eye makeup.


  • 刺激细胞再生能深层营养润泽鼻部肌肤觉得柔滑细腻展现嫩白亮采的迷人质感

    To stimulate cell regeneration and more in-depth nutrition nasal moisturizing skin feeling silky delicacy of a whitening Herbal fascinating texture.


  • 亲肤细腻的泡沫温和清除肌肤污垢

    Mildly remove dirt from skin with fine and compatible foam.


  • 海水富含多种矿物质成分生育酚乙酸酯一起配合富含自然多糖黄原胶肌肤有光泽细腻

    Rich in various minerals, sea water works well with tocopheryl acetate and Xanthan, the latter with abundant natural polysaccharides, making the skin illuminating and smooth.


  • 触感清爽细腻肌肤时刻保持不粘腻的舒适感

    The fresh and fine touch give skin comfort at any time.


  • 肌肤亲和力显著纳米粒子柔和细腻呵护眼角肌肤快速吸收深层

    Significant affinity with the skin soft and delicate nanoparticles eye skin care, and quickly absorbed into the deep.


  • 功效:蜂胶性质温和轻柔清洁呵护娇嫩肌肤减少外界有害物质肌肤刺激肌肤健康、细腻舒适

    Efficacy: Mild honey can gently clean and care the delicate skin, alleviate the stimulation of foreign baneful materials. Skin will feel healthy, delicate and comfortable after use.


  • 肌肤活力细腻、轻舞飞扬、宛若刚盛开花儿

    Making your skin delicate with vitality, like blossoming flowers dancing and flying in the air.


  • 中性肌肤中性皮肤属于百年一见天生丽质,不干呈现里透美感肤质细腻毛孔较小。

    Neuter skin: neutral skin belongs to a hundred of natural beauty, do not appear white oil, the red aesthetic feeling, fine skin pores.


  • 牛奶纤维蚕丝不仅具有富含肌肤吸收多种氨基酸具有牛奶纤维特有细腻爽滑

    Milk fiber silk was, not only has the rich skin easily absorbed amino acids, also has the characteristic of milk fiber smooth.


  • 完美感受带来柔滑滋润的全新感受,质地细腻肌肤透明毫无厚重负担

    Perfect feeling: Bring about brand new soft and moisturizing feeling, delicate in feature, leave skin moisturized, transparent without any burden.


  • 特别添加奥氏海藻提取物保湿滋养的同时缔造细腻嫩滑肌肤质感弹性充满活力

    The especially added extracts of CLADOSIPHON OKAMURANUS bring you fine and smooth skin texture while providing moisture and nourishments, to make your skin resilient and energized.


  • 经常使用肌肤玫瑰般娇艳靓丽、且嫩白细腻富有弹性。

    By regular usage, it can keep your skin tender, white, fine and elastic as the rose.


  • 肌肤一整天通透细腻丝般柔滑

    Let your skin a cool day light transparent, delicate silky.


  • 细腻质感肌肤一个角度呈现动人柔和效果

    The fine and delicate quality can make skin present the appealing and soft effect looked from any angle.


  • 杏仁核微细颗粒温和去除身体老废角质,用后肌肤光滑细腻散发清新香氛

    The tiny particles of almond can gently remove the aging cuticles and make skin become smooth and send out the fresh fragrance.


  • 蕴含珍贵天然植物杜松迷迭香马鞭精华洁净更新肌肤的同时,保持其天然的油水平衡细腻丰富的泡沫独特的芬,带给肌肤舒爽清新的沐浴感受。

    Contain precious and natural hackmatack, rosemary and verbena extract, cleanse skin, balance natural oil and water, and make skin refreshing and comfortable with fine foam and unique fragrance.


  • 提高防疫功能,减少外界毒素皮肤的损伤,延缓衰老。使皮肤细胞短时间回复活力,显出饱满、亮泽、紧致、细腻完美肌肤

    Strengthen immunity, protect skin from external toxin, fight ageing, boost vigor of dry and withered skin cells, and make skin smooth, lustrous, firm, tender and perfect.


  • 弱酸性保水配方性质温和泡沫丰富细腻洁净油脂污垢同时轻柔祛除老化角质,使肌肤细腻柔滑,弹性。

    Subacidity moisture retention formula, mild property, rich delicate foam, it can clean the grease and dirty while gently removing the ageing cutin, make the skin delicate and soft with elasticity.


  • 酪乳加水冲淡乳酪——遍及全印度的与茶奶昔一样有名的一种流行饮品,能取得惊人毛孔闭合的效果,打造纹理细腻完美肌肤的质感。

    Buttermilk or watered-down yoghurt, a popular drink all over India known as chars or la ssi, works wonders, closing the pores to create the illusion of finely textured, perfect skin.


  • 配方中含有中国天然植物,促进面部皮肤细胞再生平衡水份,增强新陈代谢,对皮肤有良好的俏面、滋润作用,长期使用使肌肤娇嫩细腻,美丽动人。

    Contains many chinese herbs. it will enhance skin cells regeneration, keep skin moisture balance accelerate skin cells metabolism, leave skin soft and glossy.


  • 卓越的超细腻轻盈粉质配方天衣无缝贴合肌肤的同时,蕴涵的高效隔离配方更帮助肌肤抵御每日环境压力紫外线的侵害。体验细致柔滑一瞬间,尽情塑造肌肤本色

    Contain super fine and mild powder, perfectly attach onto skin, apply effective isolating formula, protect skin from external pressure and UV, and make skin tender, smooth and beautiful.


  • 轻盈柔滑质地迅速肌肤吸收赋予肌肤无比细腻触感

    Characteristic: with light and silky texture, quickly absorbed by skin, giving skin extremely delicate for touching.


  • 功能多重功效的营养,感觉滋润细腻,可深层保湿,抚平改善松弛,令肌肤亮泽饱满富有弹性

    Benefits: smooth and exquisite, this cream delivers multiple nutrients. Helps moisturize skin deeply, smooth over fine lines, and enhance skin's compactness. Leaves skin smooth, plump and elastic.


  • 纯度玫瑰精油天然保湿因子活肤精华——辅酶Q 10,细腻的泡沫有效清洁肌肤表面妆及毛孔内的油垢

    The high purity of rose essential oil and natural moisturizing factor, combines with the activating essences-coenzyme Q10. Rich bubbles can mildly and thoroughly remove skin dirt.


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