• 透射电镜示肌腱纤维排列整齐,细胞形态正常

    Under the electron microscope, tendon fibers arranged regularly, and the cell morphology was normal.


  • 结果表明各组细胞正常贴壁,生长良好细胞形态正常

    The results showed: each group of cells grown well and the form of cell was normal.


  • 库存两周的细胞悬液发现细胞碎片少量微聚体,其红细胞形态正常清洗前的回收相近。

    But some particles and even a neurocyte bigger than erythrocyte still could be found in the washed blood.


  • 蛋白质细胞生命支柱他们首先被制成长分子只有他们被折叠最终形态才能正常工作

    Proteins are the building blocks of life inside cells; they are first made as long chains of molecules and work properly only after they have folded into their final shape.


  • 黑色素细胞形态都是正常的,只是先天性氨酸减少缺乏致使不能产生黑色素所引起的。

    Melanoma cells and its patterns are normal, but congenital enzyme tyrosine sharp reduction or lack of, with the result that should not have caused melanoma.


  • 结果正常大鼠视网膜组织结构层次清楚染色均匀细胞形态规整

    Results Normal rats have clear layers of retinal structures, stained evenly and with regular cell shape.


  • Heller团队使用多种信号分子诱导胚胎来源细胞分化为形态功能正常细胞相似的细胞

    Heller's team treated cells taken from mouse embryos with various signaling molecules that coaxed them into becoming cells that looked and functioned like normal hair cells.


  • 正常肿瘤银屑病患者角质形成细胞可以产生TNF, TNF又影响角质形成细胞形态功能

    Keratinocytes of healthy persons and the patients with tumor or psoriasis can produce TNF. Meanwhile, TNF can affect the form and function of keratinocytes.


  • 体外试验正常细胞形态相似腺泡结构排列整齐然而那些高侵袭上皮细胞系的结构紊乱并且失去极性

    Normal cells form similar, well-organized acinar structures in vitro, whereas in highly metastatic epithelial cell lines these structures are disorganized and lack polarity.


  • 结果神经元细胞经过延长后可保持正常形态及维持轴功能

    Results After the human embryo DRG cells were elongated, the normal morphology of neuron and function of axolemma were maintained.


  • 课程主要介绍神经系统正常组织结构、细胞形态及病理状况下的变化

    This course not only includes the normal histological and cellular features of nervous system, but introduces their pathological changes.


  • 通用型细胞结构功能形态正常细菌热原实验合格

    The prepared universal red blood cells were normal in structure, function and morphology and qualified in bacterium and pyrogen tests.


  • 型肺泡上皮细胞形态完整,数目增多,板层小体结构趋于正常

    The structure of type I, IIalveolar cells and pulmonary alveolar capillary endothelial were maintained normal.


  • 正常青年儿童角膜内皮细胞六角形大小一致;40以上者形态和大小不一致。内皮细胞的密度随年龄增长减低,面积随年龄增长而增加。

    The normal corneal endothelial cells of youths and children were hexagonal in shape and uniform in size, but they became irregular both in shape and size in persons above 40 years old.


  • 目的应用激光显微镜正常眼角膜中央角膜组织结构与细胞形态观察和分析。

    Objective To observe the microstructure and cellular populations of normal human limbal and central corneas using laser confocal microscope.


  • 获得正常脱落细胞不同细胞形态计量参数总体细胞形态计量学参数值的频率分布图

    The study obtained the morphometric parameters of different cells and frequency distribution figures of morphometric parameters of total cells in normal lingual exfoliated cells.


  • 细胞通过包囊背面小孔,恢复成为正常形态纤毛虫

    The differentiated cell gets out of the cyst through a dorsal small pore of cyst wall and becomes a morphologically normal ciliate.


  • 透射电镜正常处理后金黄地鼠甲状旁腺细胞内质网,进行形态观察

    With transmission electron microscopy, the endoplasmic reticulum of the parathyroid chief cells in normal and cadmium-treated golden hamsters was observed.


  • 应用扫描镜超微病理技术分析对比肺癌患者胸膜细胞正常胸膜间皮细胞间超微形态的异同。

    The ultrastructures of pleural mesothelioma were compared between patients patients with lung cancer and normal subjects by pathological technique under scanning electron microscope.


  • 体外培养正常HRPE细胞角蛋白免疫细胞化学染色鉴定观察细胞形态

    Normal HRPE cells were cultured in vitro, and were identified by observing the morphous and immunocytochemical staining of keratin.


  • 胸腺中间细胞排列松散,少部分形态结构正常大部分死亡状态

    The cells in center part of the thymuses were arranged loosely, and small part of the cells were normal in shape and structure, most parts of the cells showed death state.


  • 镜下观,平滑肌瘤细胞大小形态没有很大变化,和正常平滑肌细胞非常相似

    The microscopic appearance of a leiomyoma indicates that the cells do not vary greatly in size and shape and closely resemble normal smooth muscle cells.


  • 方法采用角膜内皮显微镜计算机图像分析技术,对67糖尿病患者的128只角膜和67正常134只角膜进行活体角膜内皮细胞形态学定量分析。

    Methods: 128 eyes from 67 patients with DM and 134 eyes from 67 age matched nondiabetic persons as normal controls were examined by specular microscopy and computer assisted image analysis techniques.


  • 诱导分化在分化诱导剂存在恶性肿瘤细胞形态、生物学或生物化学方面的诸多标志均正常细胞方向分化,甚至完全转变成正常细胞

    By derived differentiation, we mean that under the effect of differentiation inducer, malignant tumor cell has the tendency to differentiate to normal cell, even became normal cells.


  • 结果受损细胞逐步得到修复,视网膜形态结构渐趋正常

    Results The retinal lesions were repaired and the morphological structure of the retina was brought to normal gradually.


  • 本文报道应用接触式角膜内皮显微镜观察107例不同年龄正常角膜中央内皮细胞形态密度面积的结果。

    This paper reports the shape, density and size of endothelial cells of central cornea which were observed under noncontact specular microscope in 107 normal persons with a wide range age.


  • 结果正常骨骼肌纤维面积较大形态规则细胞紧贴于肌纤维边缘

    Results:Cross section area of normal skeletal muscle fiber was large, morphous was regular, myocyte nucleus located in the edge of muscle fiber;


  • 下观,平滑肌瘤细胞大小形态没有很大变化,和正常平滑肌细胞非常相似。

    The microscopic aearance of a leiomyoma indicates that the cells do not vary greatly in size and shape and closely resemble normal smooth muscle cells.


  • 合点端的二分体细胞细胞丰富线粒体质体形态正常,表明完成了再分化

    The chalazal cell in the dyad contains many organelles, and mitochondria and plastids showing regular shapes, considered a sign of the end of redifferentiation.


  • 合点端的二分体细胞细胞丰富线粒体质体形态正常,表明完成了再分化

    The chalazal cell in the dyad contains many organelles, and mitochondria and plastids showing regular shapes, considered a sign of the end of redifferentiation.


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