• 同时可能一些表演经纪公司工作这样的形式组织表演

    At the same time I can imagine to work for an event agency and to organize such events.


  • 为了满足新来游客们的娱乐需求这些场所提供纸牌游戏组织表演木偶节目

    These places needed to entertain their new guests so they offered card games, performers (3), and puppet (4) shows.


  • 中国目前已经着手制定修改法律加入《世界知识产权组织版权条约》(WCT《世界知识产权组织表演录音制品条约》(WPPT)作准备。

    An example is that it has set about to draft and amend relevant laws in order to accede to the WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT) and the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT).


  • 动物权利组织呼吁中国禁止所有动物表演

    Animal rights groups are calling for a ban on all animal performances in China.


  • 那些组织不得不表演吸引群众

    The organizers have to employ performers to pull a crowd.


  • 其中方案协助照看这些表演人员或者小时左右他们到达之后做好组织工作,然后他们在一起,确保一切顺利进行。

    One possibility is to help look after the entertainers, or you could spend an hour or so organising people as they arrive, and then just be part of the team making sure everything's going smoothly.


  • 凯文·莉亚2010年全国科学工程,将促进科学为目的组织13科学家拉拉队表演视频张贴网站很快病毒式传播开来

    Cavalier organized a performance of 13 scientist-cheerleaders at the 2010 National science and Engineering Festival to promote science, Posting a video to her site that quickly went viral.


  • 几个参加一个组织研讨会,会上放映第一次公开表演录像带

    A few months ago, I attended one of his workshops where he showed a video of his first stand-up comedy performance.


  • 协议提出组织各种联合活动加强表演网络改善经济法律地位提高人们对有必要支持表演一问题的认识。

    It provides for the organisation of joint activities to strengthen performers' networks and improve their economic and legal status, as well as for raising awareness of the need to support performers.


  • 很多人将自组织音乐表演指挥交响乐相提并论不是所有人都同意

    Allusions to musical performance and "conducting the orchestra" abound - but not everyone agrees this is apt.


  • 招聘机构要求圣诞老人必须对孩子友好组织能力强、可信任表演才能并且犯罪记录

    The job center wants its Santas to be child-friendly, good organizers, reliable and have acting skills. They also need a clean police record.


  • 对于现存多种传统艺术形式联合国教科文组织说:“旅游业使得表演质量下降。”

    As with many traditional art forms, "Tourism has contributed to reducing the quality of performances," according to UNESCO.


  • 近几年民间音乐复兴开来英国专业表演组织

    In recent years there has been a great revival of folk music, and groups specializing in its performance have sprung up all over Britain.


  • “现场站立思考”是指能够快速组织自己观点,不要提前准备便能针对某个主题发这种类型的演讲常常称为即席演讲。

    This type of speech is often called an impromptu speech.


  • 目前,管理层正在争取教区进行合作来给旅店客人提供组织文化活动比如说教堂里管风琴表演

    The management is constantly striving for cooperation with the parish when organizing cultural events for the hotel guests, such as organ recitals in the church.


  • 这些活动包括健康检查组织步行跑步健身运动、公众会谈舞台演出科学论坛展览音乐会表演以及体育联赛等

    The activities will include health checks, organized walks, runs and fitness sessions, public talks, stage shows, scientific forums, exhibitions, concerts, carnivals, and sports tournaments.


  • 实际上某种程度来说,英国音乐表演权协会(即prs那些标题背后报道正是基于由协会组织研究)以及艺人唱片公司没有

    Actually, both PRS for Music, who conducted the research for the report behind these headlines, and the labels and artists are right - to a certain extent.


  • 本次华丽开幕式印度公众表演组织最为成功的一次,经历了运动会混乱的前奏,人们欢呼开幕式是个良好转折点不足为奇。

    After a shambolic prelude to the games, the opening extravaganza, a mostly well-organised display of Indian showmanship, was unsurprisingly hailed as a turnaround.


  • 假如一家公司组织烟花表演

    Consider a company offering a fireworks display.


  • 埃米尔一面劝耐心,一面付钱给个拳击赛承办人,让他温莎组织一场表演克斯特亚列为暖场比赛的拳手。

    Emil counselled patience, but he paid a promoter to get Kostya on the undercard of a show in Windsor.


  • 英国表演协会(英国歌曲作者收取版税组织)WillPage计算Spotify歌曲中,流行5%全部流量的80%。

    Will Page of PRS for Music, which collects royalties for British songwriters, calculates that the most popular 5% of tracks on Spotify account for 80% of all streams.


  • 4月洛杉矶参加教育第一”协会午餐会,并表演这个协会是一个致力于改善公众教育的公民组织

    In April, I went to Los Angeles to speak to a luncheon for education First, a citizens group dedicated to improving public education.


  • 世博会组织承诺将在上海各地举办两万场各类活动费城交响乐团(Philadelphia Or chestra)喀麦隆国家歌舞团(Cameroon NationalSong andDance Troupe),内容多种多样,还有供小孩子观看魔术表演木偶剧皮影戏

    Expo organizers promise 20, 000 events around Shanghai, ranging from the Philadelphia Orchestra to the Cameroon National Song and Dance Troupe. Kids can see magic shows, puppet shows and shadow plays.


  • 先生2月六日于印度说。在演说中猛烈抨击国际货币基金组织以及其他国际组织因为对贫穷国家强加乔先生演说中所说的那些东西而指使伪善

    In a speech in India on February 6th Mr Chaudhry lashed out at the IMF and other international bodies for imposing what he said were hypocritical policies on poor countries.


  • 就是为什么我会被问,‘YOSHIKI不能多个乐队组织起来一同表演吗?’

    That's why I could get asked, 'YOSHIKI, can't you get many bands to perform together?


  • 就是为什么我会被问,‘YOSHIKI不能多个乐队组织起来一同表演吗?’

    That's why I could get asked, 'YOSHIKI, can't you get many bands to perform together?


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