• 主要雇主组织——英国工业联合会希望进一步扩大高等教育帮助应对亚洲经济体世界市场上的竞争

    The Confederation of British Industry, the key employers' organization, wants even more expansion in higher education to help fight competition on world markets from booming Asian economies.


  • 英国工业联合会公共私营部门的694家企业组织进行了调查这些企业和组织总共雇佣了240万

    The Confederation of British Industry surveyed 694 businesses and organisations across the public and private sectors, which together employ 2.4 million people.


  • 自然野生动物联合会(倡导性的组织)建议每天尽量孩子大自然自由玩耍小时

    Each day, try giving kids one hour of unstructured play in the natural world, suggests the National Wildlife Federation, an advocacy group.


  • 2000年,任命菲律宾无障碍设施建筑师联合会负责人使有机会全国各地组织成员探讨无障碍设施建设问题。

    In 2000 I was asked to head the United Architects of the Philippines committee on accessibility, which led me to give talks on accessibility before members of the organization nationwide.


  • 我们公司将根据来自世卫组织建议随时准备生产h1n1疫苗”- - -国际药品制造商联合会

    "Our companies stand ready to produce H1N1 vaccines when the recommendation comes from the WHO," the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations said.


  • 但是小企业愿意利润征税而不对营业处所工作人员征税,因为至少已经挣得的”,肯特州梅德韦的小企业联合会组织安德鲁

    But small businesses would prefer to be taxed only on profits, not on premises or staff, since "at least it's money you've made," says Andrew Aves, the FSB's organiser for Kent and Medway.


  • 世界心脏联合会组织合作正在100多个国家组织活动

    In partnership with WHO, the World Heart Federation is organizing activities in more than 100 countries.


  • 大会每年召开一次,国际肺病联合会组织召开

    The Conference, which is held annually, is organized by the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease.


  • 国际糖尿病联合会世卫组织选定一主题提醒关注糖尿病儿童常见慢性病之一。

    The International diabetes Federation and WHO chose this theme to draw attention to the fact that diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases of childhood.


  • 甚至连铁板一块商会组织——日本经济团体联合会或许有机会六月份选出新任领导之后,出现新鲜思维

    There may even be a chance for fresh thinking in the monolithic Keidanren business chamber, after the election of a new leader in June.


  • 英国工业联合会业主组织商业服务协会代表外包商的利益对这次尝试抱谨慎支持态度。

    The CBI employers organisation and the Business Services Association, which represents outsourcers, gave the move a cautious welcome.


  • 诸如硅谷有毒物质联合会环境组织压力一些计算机制造商已经建立起了许多规章制度,来使生产的产品能够在没有任何不良影响的情况下回收处理。

    Under pressure from environmental groups, such as the Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition, some computer-makers have established rules to ensure that their products are recycled in a responsible way.


  • 实业理事会银行联合会上海合作组织观察员相关实业组织和银行机构建立联系

    Industry Council and bank Association has set up connection with related industry organizations and bank organs of observer states of Shanghai Cooperation organization.


  • 牛皮癣协会国际联合会(IFPA)一个赢利组织来自世界各地牛皮癣协会组成。

    The International Federation of psoriasis associations (IFPA) is a non profit organization made up of psoriasis associations from around the world.


  • 国际高尔夫联合会领导下并且在119个会员组织的通力合作这个承诺只是我们让高尔夫回归奥运会团结诚意一个例子

    Under the leadership of the International golf Federation, and in conjunction with its 119 member organizations, this pledge is just one example of our unity and sincerity in golf's Olympic effort.


  • 美国人民同样权利知道美好未来公民促进会”这样的组织实际完全是松散监管公司联合会”所资助的事实。

    But the American people also have the right to know when some group like "Citizens for a Better Future" is actually funded entirely by "Corporations for Weaker Oversight."


  • 国际田径联合会简称国际田联一个国际性田径运动管理组织

    The International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) is the international governing body for the sport of athletics.


  • 首先衷心感谢中国人民争取和平裁军协会中华全国青年联合会我们共同组织这次纪念活动

    I would like to warmly thank the Chinese People's Association for Peace and Disarmament and the All-China Youth Federation for co-organizing this event with us.


  • 名为索马里班图族联合会组织爱达荷博伊西附近经营一个农场已经时间,DadiriNuro担任该组织会长

    A group called the Somali Bantu Zigua Community has operated a farm for several years near Boise, Idaho. Dadiri Nuro is the group's President.


  • 雇主团体体——英国工商业联合会(CBI)可能是英国好玩组织名雇员的桌子上放着一个,上面印着他们自己鬼脸照片

    At the CBI, the employers' group andpossibly the least playful organisation in the UK, each employee has a coaster on their deskwith a picture of them pulling a funny face.


  • 世界比较教育学会联合会当今比较教育学界一个极为重要全球性组织机构。

    Association of World Council of Comparative Education Society is a very important international organization of Comparative Education Academic Circle nowadays.


  • 建国之后(1978年之前),通过中国文学艺术联合会作家协会作家纳入组织,作家成为文学工作者

    After nation's establishment (before 1978), when Chinese literature and Art Union and writer's Association brought the writers into organizations, writers became literature worker.


  • 亚洲各国奥委会全国体育组织可以加入亚运会联合会

    The national Olympic committee and sports organization of each country can join in the Asian Games Federation.


  • 本着一精神教科文组织荣幸地国际大学生体育联合会携手并肩,致力于打造公正与和平体育社会环境

    In this spirit, UNESCO is proud to support the International University Sports Federation and work together towards upholding a more peaceful and fair sporting and social environment.


  • 本着一精神教科文组织荣幸地国际大学生体育联合会携手并肩,致力于打造公正与和平体育社会环境

    In this spirit, UNESCO is proud to support the International University Sports Federation and work together towards upholding a more peaceful and fair sporting and social environment.


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