• 业务组织转换实现技术帮助转换企业目标

    Business and organizational transformation is the goal of implementing technology to help transform the enterprise.


  • 有时候用户重点投入这些作为获取他们组织建模模型转换最佳实践途径

    In some cases, customers have significant investment in these layers as a way of capturing their organization's best practices for modeling and model transformation.


  • 外部指导组织设立角色职责并且新的内部过程设立预期转换过程所有权

    Establishes the roles and responsibilities for the outside mentoring organization, and the expected transition or process ownership to the new, in-house process group.


  • 可根据此远景形成技术远景,确定可能需要如何开发战略(关于组织能力准备情况)支持启用BPM业务转换

    The vision caters to the technology vision, and to how the strategy (regarding organization capability and readiness) may need to be developed to support a BPM-enabled business transformation.


  • 我们探索一下采用SOA作为组织活动进行SOE转换时,需要执行什么操作来实现SOE避免什么缺陷

    Let's also explore what you need to do to implement an SOE and what pitfalls to avoid when adopting SOA as an organizational initiative in making the transition to SOE.


  • 这种解决方案可以帮助组织截获e - mail即时消息以及任何媒体格式附件将其转换适当的格式进行存储索引时间。

    This solution can help organizations capture E-mail, instant messages, and attachments in any media format and convert them into appropriate formats for storage and indexing during retention periods.


  • 植物生产力衡量光合作用过程速率种方法,绿色植物利用这一过程太阳能二氧化碳转换氧气最终成为植物组织

    Plant productivity is a measure of the rate of the photosynthesis process that green plants use to convert solar energy, carbon dioxide and water to sugar, oxygen and eventually plant tissue.


  • 系统构建能够围绕一系列模型通过使用在模型之间一系列转换组织的,并且能被组织一个分层转换体系架构框架中。

    The building of systems can be organized around a set of models by imposing a series of transformations between models, organized into an architectural framework of layers and transformations.


  • 实现转换快速方法客户接受现有业务流程功能影响组织变更培训需求方面引入了风险

    This is a quick way to transform, but it introduces risks in terms of customer acceptance, impact to existing business processes and functionalities, organizational changes, and training needs.


  • 服务思想转换改变技能组织团队组成

    The move to services thinking changes the skills and composition of teams in an organization.


  • 而且,有了伴随转换充足文档即使专家离开时,组织经验仍旧保留模式转换中。

    And, provided sufficient documentation accompanies the transformations, the knowledge of an organization is maintained in the patterns and transformations even when experts leave.


  • 组织团队一般需要个人之间较少的工作产品转换更多沟通减少缺陷引入产品机会

    Self-organizing teams typically require fewer transitions of work products between individuals and better communication, which decreases the chance of defects being introduced into the product.


  • 很多知识学习了解知道敏捷的发生机制组织转换,这完全不同领域,不是么?

    Like there's a lot of learning and knowledge that they need to understand how Agile works and organizational transformation is a completely other area, right?


  • 专门回归循环团队迅速转换敏捷开发组织节约大量人力成本。

    The agile transition away from dedicated regression cycles and teams resulted in significant labor savings for the organization.


  • 很多组织生产办事职员全部转换薪水支付从而提高忠诚度组织认同感

    Some organizations have switched to an all-salaried approach with their manufacturing and clerical employees in order to create a greater sense of loyalty and organizational commitment.


  • 务必认识到,SOA成功需要进行多个级别转换需要获得组织人员流程资产工具支持

    It's essential to recognize that success requires multiple levels of transformation, and support, with the organization, people, process, assets, and tooling.


  • 组织应当建立设计开发输出实现产品之间转换程序

    The organization shall document procedures for transfer of design and development outputs to manufacturing.


  • 组织可以创建一种格式文档然后使用Calibre快速地将其转换其他格式从而使这些文档既便携方便内部用户外部客户使用。

    Organizations can create documents in one format and use Calibre to quickly convert them to other formats, making those documents portable and easy for both internal users and customers to use.


  • 使用单一版本可以方便进行转换可以节省一点磁盘空间但是egg目录功能组织结构上来说都是相同的。

    The single file version is handy for transporting, and saves a little bit of disk space, but an egg directory is functionally and organizationally identical.


  • 基本观念稳固深层结构科学方法、科学过程核心,是知识结构的组织线索转换依据

    The basic notions is a steady deep structure with scientific way and process as its core and is the basis of knowledge-structure organization and transformation.


  • 血管紧张肽转换抑制药增加组织内源性外源性胰岛素敏感性

    Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor may increase the sensitivity of tissue to intrinsic and extrinsic insulin.


  • 引入柔性体量概念功能转换空间方法,强调外部空间关系的整合、公共功能空间的优化组织

    It introduces the concept of "flexible amount of space occupied" and the method of "giant function transformation space".


  • 标准集中关注数字到数字转换定义了商业组织信息系统产生可靠记录使用的规范。

    Focusing on digital-to-digital conversion, the standard identifies requirements that businesses and organizations can use to ensure that information systems produce authentic and reliable records.


  • SECI模型N组织模型,揭示出社会组织知识转换模式

    The SECI model and the N organization model show four kinds of knowledge transforming pattern in the social organization.


  • 通过研究当前关于网络制造流行数控程序组织传输模式,提出一个新的关于网络制造中数控程序转换传输技术的模型方法

    Exploring the current method of organizing information in the manufacture on the web, a new method and model of transforming and transferring the NC programs was introduced.


  • 展望国外奶牛业未来乳制品结构组织经营形式转换趋势

    It also gives the outlook of the transformation trend of the structure and organizational form of the overseas dairy product sector in the future.


  • 本文探讨了英语听力教学中,教师应从传统的灌输者角色转换引导者组织的角色。

    This paper states that an English teacher should act as a guide or an organizer rather than an instructor in English listening teaching process.


  • 人工智能领域中类比推理关键问题建立有利于类比的知识表示组织数据结构相似度的确定类比转换模式

    The key problem of analogy reasoning is : set up data structure of helping the knowledge to show and organize, similar sureness and change the mode.


  • 创业生产土地劳动力资本及其他因素于一体,所需输出组织力量

    Entrepreneurship is the organizational force that combines the other factors of production like land, Labour, and capital and transforms them into the desired output.


  • 不是基于原有制度安排基础上转换修正,而是一种新的流通组织形式

    It is not based on the conversion and the amendment of existing institutional arrangements, but a new circulation form.


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