• 点睛之笔:“我们,指所有;而不仅仅白人男性公民也不仅仅是男性公民。”我们,就是组成联邦全体人民

    Best Line: "it was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union."


  • 他们应该云端为了单点登录访问直接集成应用,这样会制造多余帐号凭证应该使用预先集成到若干应用的结构组成联邦

    They should not integrate directly with apps in the cloud for SSO and access, creating redundant accounts and credentials, but instead federate with a fabric pre-integrated with multiple apps.


  • 我们组成联邦不是为了祝福自由而是为了确保自由;不是为了确保我们以及后代中一半人口自由,而是为了确保全体人民——男性女性——的自由。

    And we formed it, not to give the blessings of liberty, but to secure them; not to the half of ourselves and the half of our posterity, but to the whole people - women as well as men.


  • 联邦航空局认为,将货机飞行员包括在内将会增加实施这些变革成本。货机是航空业组成部分

    FAA determined that including pilots who fly cargo planes—a large segment of the aviation industrywould add too much to the cost of implementing the changes.


  • 美联储资产负债表负债表一栏里两个主要组成部分:商业银行持有的活期存款也即它们准备金联邦储备,即美联储发行现金

    On the liability side, there are also two major figures: Demand deposits held by the commercial Banks, which constitute the reserves of those Banks; and Federal reserve Notes, cash emitted by the Fed.


  • 一个由两名法官组成联邦上诉法院专门小组裁定国内最大电厂可能因为排放二氧化碳国家土地信托部门控告

    A two-judge panel of a federal appeals court has ruled that big power companies can be sued by states and land trusts for emitting carbon dioxide.


  • 马来群岛联邦地域中的纳闽沙巴还有沙捞越组成它占据婆罗洲诸岛的南部,接壤着印度尼西亚和文莱。

    East Malaysia, consisting of the federal territory of Labuan and the states of Sabah and Sarawak, occupies the northern part of the island of Borneo, bordering Indonesia and the Sultanate of Brunei.


  • 联邦基金利率用于银行之间同业拆借利率,最主要的组成便是隔夜拆借利率。

    The federal funds rate is the rate at which Banks lend money to each other, usually overnight.


  • 旧金山联邦法官组成专门小组做出了决定,决定可能会破坏关于脸谱公司所有权另一法律挑战

    A panel of federal appeal-court judges in San Francisco handed down a decision that probably scuppers another legal challenge over his company's ownership.


  • 同一天,阿拉伯联合酋长国UAE)也举行选举事实证明这个由酋长国组成温和联邦遭受的争议多,其中也是有原因的。

    Elections on the same day in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), a placid federation of princedoms, proved far less controversial, and for good reason.


  • 不和利益之间嫉妒为每年此处举行集合联邦各地伟大国家议会组成功用所缓和。

    And the jealousies of jarring interests are allayed by the composition and functions of the great national councils annually assembled from all quarters of the Union at this place.


  • 这些事务涉及联邦数据源并且两个多站点更新事务(49%)、两个只读事务(8%)一个单站点更新(43%)组成

    The transactions involve one or two federated sources and comprise two multi-site update transactions (49%), two read only transactions (8%) and one single-site update (43%).


  • 司法部门最高法院大约100个其它联邦法院所组成

    The judicial branch is made up of the Supreme Court and about 100 other federal courts.


  • 对城市组成了不莱梅州,是联邦德国16个州里最小一个。

    The pair form the state of Bremen, the tiniest of Germany's 16 lander.


  • 目前,英联邦整饬纪律的机构部长行动小组,简称CMAG。小组由九名成员组成,由高级别人士轮流出任。

    At the moment, the club's disciplinary organ is the Ministerial Action group, known as CMAG, consisting of senior people from a rotating group of nine members.


  • 此案调查员包括美国联邦调查局还有加拿大德国瑞士南非警方

    The investigation also involved the FBI and police in Canada, Germany, Switzerland and South Africa.


  • 鉴于2003年以来联邦最高法院人员组成所发生的变化裁决即使完全禁止公立大学把学生的种族作为录取考量因素之一,至少可能会限制这一考量因素的运用

    Such a decision, given changes in the membership of the court since 2003, is likely to cut back on if not eliminate the use of race in admissions decisions at public colleges and universities.


  • 需要一个开发人员测试人员系统管理员潜在联邦SOA参与者组成团队考虑 SOA 采用的文化方面

    You need a team of developers, testers, system administrators, and potential federal SOA participants to consider cultural aspects of SOA adoption.


  • 反抗联邦南方各州组成统一稳定国家,美国南部联邦就是一理念上建立起来的。

    The Confederacy's image hinged on the notion that the rebellious states made up a unified, stable nation.


  • 最终选择了麦格纳(澳大利亚——加拿大汽车配件制造商)俄罗斯联邦储蓄银行(俄罗斯最大零售组成财团作为首选竞标人

    It eventually chose as preferred bidder a consortium consisting of Magna, an Austrian-Canadian auto-parts firm, and Sberbank, Russia’s largest retail bank.


  • 许多早期酒店联邦者党人所或是联邦者党人资助(联邦由亚历山大·汉密尔顿创立,由商贾组成)。

    Many of the early hotels were built or sponsored by federalists-the party of merchants and businessmen founded by Alexander Hamilton.


  • 代表议会42位成员组成三分之二是联邦选举产生,三分之一是由RepublikaSrpska选举产生。

    The House of Representatives is composed of 42 Members, two-thirds elected from the Federation and one-third elected from the Republika Srpska.


  • 到了1353年,更多加入形成八个组成联邦(old Federation)”,这种情况一直持续到15世纪使联邦力量财富得到显著增长

    By 1353, more cantons joined in forming the "Old federation" of eight states that persisted during much of the 15th century and led to a significant increase of power and wealth of the federation.


  • 组成南斯拉夫六个联邦单位之一首都为萨拉热窝

    It as the composition of the former Yugoslavia, one of the six federal units, the capital of Sarajevo.


  • 这个模式一个多个逻辑总线组成联邦服务总线基础设施划出了4个关注级别

    This pattern suggests four levels of interest in a federated service bus infrastructure consisting of multiple logical buses.


  • 8月24日白宫宣布联邦调查局人员组成一支新的审讯团队而不是中情局

    On August 24th the White house announced that it would create a new interrogation team housed with the FBI, not the CIA.


  • 自治领联邦一个组成部分

    Dominion is a part of the British Commonwealth.


  • 自治领联邦一个组成部分

    Dominion is a part of the British Commonwealth.


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