• 这个类别代表依据记录顺序建立保留区域

    This class represents a set of reservation areas that are made in a record sequence.


  • 交叉查询可对进行汇总然后依据它们沿侧面排列(标题),沿顶端排列(标题)。

    Crosstab queries summarize your values and then group them by two sets of facts - one set down the side (row headings), and the other across the top (column headings).


  • soa术语中,业务流程包括依据业务规则按照有序序列执行的一系列操作

    In SOA terms, a business process consists of a series of operations which are executed in an ordered sequence according to a set of business rules.


  • 单个或整套XML责任经常依据公司个人角色下派给

    Often individuals and sets of XML responsibilities are assigned fall into groups according to individuals' roles within the company.


  • 但是对于一个实验研究员某种依据,可以判断出数据的关系。

    But, to an experimental scientist, that is evidence that there is a relation between the two.


  • 依据规定单个不能,而过渡段则是个例外;过渡段暗示说明议论部分之间关系

    As a rule, single sentences should not be written or printed as paragraphs. An exception may be made of sentences of transition, indicating the relation between the parts of an exposition or argument.


  • ramp概要依据WS - i概要使用同一指导原则制定

    The RAMP profile is being developed using the same set of guiding principles that are being used for the WS-I profiles.


  • 搜索请求就会引出新的页面—一个搜索引擎选择出来的新的项目依据搜索引擎本身聪明的算法之前无数的搜索和链接结构

    Elicits a new set of pages - a new combination of items selected by that search engine according to its own clever algorithms and depending on myriad previous searches and link structures.


  • 行业模型(Industry Model)成为基础模型,它们作为其他产品构建依据标准分类

    The Industry models are structured as a set of foundation models that act as a standard taxonomy upon which the other offerings are built.


  • 报告中他们没有包含实际运用统计学检验、显著性(p(统计学中进行检验决策一个重要依据——译者注))、以及调查的个体数量

    What isn't included in the actual report are the actual statistical tests used, statistical significance (p values), and Numbers of subjects in each group studied.


  • 过程包括各自依据成果相互联系项目管理过程,也就是说,一个过程的结果成果变成了一个过程的依据

    Process Group includes the constituent project management processes that are linked by the respective inputs and outputs, that is, the result or outcome of one process becomes the input to another.


  • 依据身体质量指数高于低于25研究员将参与者分成偏瘦超重

    Researchers divided the groups into two categories: lean and overweight, depending on whether their BMI was above or below 25.


  • 本文清楚物理概念依据经典力学原理建立了两相介质完整动力学非线性方程

    Based on clear physical concepts, complete nonlinear dynamic equations of two-phase media are derived by using classic mechanical principle directly.


  • 方法采用回顾性分析的方法,分析我院收治单疱病毒性角膜炎患者临床资料依据治疗方式不同分为观察对照

    Methods to retrospective analyze the clinical data of herpes simplex keratitis patients in our hospital, which was to be divided into detection group and control group.


  • 周期非线性光学介质孤子存在条件依据,数学计算分析得到参量关系不等式

    Based on the conditions of the gap soliton in periodical nonlinear optical medium, two inequalities for relation of parameters are obtained.


  • 操作可能引发的后果预防措施,依据紧急情况可能造成损伤程度分为危险警告小心

    Precautions about what can happen through wrong handling are classified into the groups DANGER, WARNING and caution according to their urgency and degree of possible harm or damage.


  • I术中麻醉深度MAPHR手术刺激反应依据调节麻醉深度。

    In group I, anesthesia depth adjusting was based on MAP, HR and the reaction of operation stimulation.


  • 一个主要份1.4—桉叶素作为定量计算依据

    A main component (1.4-cineol) is regarded as the basis of quantitative calculation.


  • 依据研究视角差异这些学科进行梳理,可以它们相对地划分

    According to different research perspectives, these branches of learning disciplines can be divided into six groups.


  • 本文依据苏尔理论运动迭加原理提出了一种新的高级机构运动分析方法——变换原动件法。

    This paper presents a new method with driver transformation for the kinematic analysis of the planar mechanisms in high class, based on the Assur group theory and kinematic superposition principle.


  • 医院级别诊断依据病理其他类疾病、干部诸因素同时影响住院日住院费用

    The level of hospital, diagnosis based on the pathology, other diseases and manager also influenced the days of hospital stay and the hospitalization expense.


  • 该文利用矩阵初等变换解决有限向量空间向量的线性性质的有关问题,给出这种方法理论依据

    This paper with elementary transformation of matrix discusses some properties of a set of vectors in finite dimensional vector space and the theory basis of this method is given.


  • 同时,确定了一结构参数深松设计提供理论依据

    At the same time, the optimal construct parameters was obtained which offered a reference basis of optimizing design for deep-shovel.


  • 然后,分别对破坏前后航空照片的分进行了计算,为目标破坏程度判读提供了可靠依据

    Then according mode and dimensions calculation formula, two groups of aviation image are calculated, the military target destroying degree interpretations dependable basis is provided.


  • 本文提出以简单公式作为选择z_1依据

    In this paper a set of simple equations are taken as the basis for determining Z1.


  • 同时,假设断裂成核随机分布样品中依据统计原理导出完备方程,由此从理论上给出碎片数目及其大小分布关系式。

    With the assumption that the sites of fracture nucleation are randomly distributed in the sample, we deduce out a set of enclosed equations for predicting the fragment number and size distribution.


  • 依据电磁场理论,直接从三元出发推导射频仿真系统目标视在角位置方程

    Based on the theory of electromagnetism, the equations that determine the direction of the simulation target in RFSS (Radio Frequency simulation System) are derived.


  • 以轨道半径轨道倾角未知量依据下点轨迹要求条件构建了非线性方程直接求解过于复杂采取迭代的方法解决。

    Non-linear equations are(constructed) with the restriction of the satellite ground trace to resolve the unknown semi-axis and inclination, but it's too complicated to be resolved directly.


  • 利用项目章程启动过程其他依据项目提出初步粗略高层定义必要过程

    This is the process necessary for producing a preliminary high-level definition of the project using the Project Charter with other inputs to the initiating processes.


  • 利用项目章程启动过程其他依据项目提出初步粗略高层定义必要过程

    This is the process necessary for producing a preliminary high-level definition of the project using the Project Charter with other inputs to the initiating processes.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定