• 我们认为进化后的大脑奖赏线路,从事决策强化有利决策功能,”萨雪

    “The thinking is that the reward circuit evolved to shape our brainsdecision making, to provide reinforcement when decisions turn out to be beneficial, ” Sathian says.


  • 他们担任文化功能。 我瞄准的则是这些线路之外的东西。

    They served that function in the culture.


  • 特别具有线得以改善,以及线分布图形边缘节点以及更加容易管理弯曲联系起来的功能

    In particular the rectilinear routing is much improved, with the ability to attach lines to nodes distributed around the edge of shapes and to more easily manipulate bend points.


  • 他们回答如出一辙解释道他们正在添加新的功能改进质量,严格执行产品线路图如此如此

    Their answer was also pretty standard: they explained that they were adding new features, improving quality, and generally executing against the product roadmap.


  • 这项功能仍然是位于现有阴影部分,它提供了一个用户可以调整搜索标准的搜索酒店官网链接以及地图线路指引

    The new format remains within the existing shaded area and also includes a search box for users to narrow their search further as well as direct links to property pages and map directions.


  • 主要介绍数字调度系统武汉轨道交通1号线一线路中的实现方案功能实现做了较详细的说明。

    The realization scheme of digital dispatch system in the first stage of Wuhan rail transit line 1 is introduced, and its function is described in detail.


  • 算术逻辑运算器执行运算功能中央处理器线路

    ALU: arithmetic Logic Unit; the circuitry within the CPU which performs all arithmetic functions.


  • 针对于此网站消费者提供了强大的订阅功能帮助用户买到自己价格预期旅行线路

    Be aimed at hereat, the website provided powerful subscription function to consumer, with helping an user can buy his the price anticipates the viatic circuitry below.


  • 飞车功能解决了无刷电动车控制器由于转把线路故障引起飞车现象提高系统安全性

    The coasters function: solve coasters phenomenon caused by the line fault or turn brushless vehicle controller because from coasters phenomenon, improve the security of the system.


  • 空气线路断路器空气线路断路器功能电流大小超过断路器的过跳脱设定值后自动断开。

    Air circuit breaker An air circuit breaker automatically interrupts the current flowing through it when the current exceeds the trip rating of the breaker.


  • 目前广泛采用分合闸机构,大多电子线路实现上述功能

    Now these functions are realized by electronic circuit and got used widely in phase selection devices.


  • 监视器保护功能线路负载电流大小,冲击电流、不平衡电流负载性质的影响。

    The protection functions of relay don't be affected by current intensity of circuit or load, impulse current, imbalance current and load characteristic.


  • 控制器结构合理功能适用、可靠性户外真空断路器配套使用,电力10KV户外架空线路进行有效保护控制

    The recloser controller has logical structure, applicable function, high reliability, and can protect and control effectively aerial line outdoors of 10 KV electric power with outdoors vacuum breaker.


  • 最后以局部线路显示”模块介绍了利用所建模型开发配电网络拓扑分析功能方法

    Taking the display of local transmission line for example, the method to develop the function of distribution network topological analysis is described.


  • 根据襟翼电气操纵系统通电故障叙述了襟翼电气操纵系统功能、故障分析线路改进过程

    According to electrify malfunction of flap electric operation system, the text depicts flap electric operation sys-tem function, malfunction analysis and circuitry improvement process.


  • 架空地线复合光缆(OPGW )兼输电线路架空地线通信光缆功能于一体,日益显示优越性

    The overhead OPGW, being of functions of the overhead ground wire and communication optical cable for transmission lines has demonstrated its advantages day by day.


  • 方案结构紧凑,可靠性人机界面友好通讯功能强大适用各种超高压输电线路保护

    The protection device has compact structure, high reliability, friendly man machine interface, powerful communicating function and can be used in all kinds of UHV transmission line protection system.


  • 本文就综合继电器DSZ2线路保护应用实例作较详尽阐述,提出有关辅助保护功能开发的建议。

    This article represented in detail the application of DSZ2 to line protection through some application examples and proposed the suggestion on the development of its auxiliary protection functions.


  • 提供数据分析处理功能列车运行状态线路状态分析车辆设计维护提供第一手数据。

    The system has the data analysis processing function, which can provide the first-hand data of the train running status, the line condition analysis and the vehicles design and the maintenance.


  • 基于以上两点,再利用继电控制线路图上表达出驱动元件开关之间关系实现继电控制系统功能仿真。

    Based on the batch idea, switching function, and the driving relative between element and switch, a computer method for analyzing delay control circuit is implemented.


  • 论述采用PSTN电话网,建立“虚拟”多点数据监测依据实现方法,实现利用既有PSTN电话网络和线路资源完成多种信息采集传送功能

    To make a good use of resource of the PSTN telephony lines, to complete various functions of data collection and transmission is also presented.


  • 其中数据采集系统功能采集线路计费参数,交由管理系统完成计费;

    The function of the first part is to collect line-charging parameter for the charging of management system.


  • 没有控制点情况下利用rtk技术提供在任意点上地方化功能线放样功能进行线路终勘定位。

    In the case of no control point, we can use localization function and line stake function of RTK technique in transmission line final location survey.


  • 介绍一种基于TMS320 LF 2407()线路定位仪设计方法,并给出详尽功能原理硬件组成

    In this paper, a design method of orienting apparatus of optic (electrical) cable based on TMS320LF2407 is presented and its exhaustive principle function and hardware is introduced.


  • 通过CBTC系统可以减小行车间隔实现更多列车控制功能,从而提高线路利用率行车安全

    By using CBTC system, we can reduce the interval between trains, carry out more function, maximize the utilization of the rail transit infrastructure, and supply more safety.


  • SDH将复接线路传输交叉连接功能结合在一起统一网管系统进行管理操作综合信息网络技术

    SDH is a kind of comprehensive information network Technique which managed by uniform TMN together with multiplex, line transmission and cross collection.


  • 另外,同机SPECTCT符合线路PET和CT图像融合医学功能图像提供了解剖学定位

    In addition, the image fusion of SPECT and ct or coincidence PET and ct in one modality provides anatomic localization for the functional image of nuclear medicine.


  • 另外,同机SPECTCT符合线路PET和CT图像融合医学功能图像提供了解剖学定位

    In addition, the image fusion of SPECT and ct or coincidence PET and ct in one modality provides anatomic localization for the functional image of nuclear medicine.


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