• 确定维数与物质相变、维状态以及结晶粒子线度关系

    The relation among the matter phase-transition, crystalline degree, crystal site and spectrum fractal were discussed.


  • 分析结果表明,捕控对象线度轴距影响归轴主要因素

    As indicated by results of analysis, the dimension of trapped object and its distance away from axis are the principal factors influencing axial inclination force.


  • 衍射孔径线度衍射光强存在一定缩放关系关系可以应用微小尺寸工程测量。

    There is a reducing-enlarging relation between the dimension and the diffracting intensity for an aperture. This relation may be used for the engineering measurement of tiny dimension.


  • 通过分别调整镜面铰链尺寸应变双层厚度厚度,仿真分析镜面线度角度和平整度旋转角度的影响

    Furthermore, by adjusting the size of mirror and hinge, the thickness of the strain bilayer and the top layer, which affect the rotation Angle of the mirror, simulation analysis was carried out.


  • 可以一个黄色滤光器提高模糊地平线清晰度

    You might use a yellow filter to improve the clarity of a hazy horizon.


  • 研究中,参加者要求模拟前臂的60度运动,在计算机屏幕上划过一条波浪线

    In the study, participants were asked to mimic a 60-degree forearm movement that was represented as a wavy line on a computer screen.


  • 媒体偏爱线90应当阻止我们设计中加入斜线锯齿线波浪线。

    The medium favors hard 90-degree angles, but that shouldn't stop us from including diagonals, zig-zags, and squiggly lines in our designs.


  • 亮必须在天空中很低的位置——与地平线只有42度。

    The moon has to be very low in the sky—only 42 degrees from the horizon.


  • 片酬最低的则排在二线甚至三线影星的行列 .这些一线影星都有着巨大的明星号召力知名度

    These actors and actresses have huge star power and name recognition.


  • 变更生命线顺序操作并不更改图表语义但是通常会提高图表清晰度美学意义

    Changing the order of lifelines does not change the semantics of the diagram, but it often improves the clarity or aesthetics of the diagram.


  • 除了这些还有一个用处,如果记得我们讨论平面时候,线积分转换成二重积分的时候。

    But another place where this comes up, if you remember what we did in the plane, curl also came up when we tried to convert line integrals into double integrals.


  • 美元疲软曾一度底特律汽车制造商提供保护随着国外品牌生产线纷至沓来,此优势已荡然无存

    The weak dollar would once have given Detroit some protection, but no longer, because of the ever-expanding number of "transplant" production lines.


  • 只有平坦宇宙中,空间才符合标准的几何规律——三角形内角和精确地等于180平行线永远不相交。

    Only in a flat universe does space obey all the standard geometry-class rules-the angles of a triangle add up to exactly 180 degrees and parallel lines never meet.


  • 互相垂直的线构成90直角往往能创造视觉刚性进而联想到永久可靠

    The 90-degree angles formed by perpendicular lines have a tendency to create visual rigidity, which in turn suggests permanence and reliability.


  • 然而尽管这个英荷巨头有着强大产品线以及空前的本地了解度,但当其竞争对手逐渐发力时,这个商业帝国便面临威胁。

    Yet despite the Anglo-Dutch giant's formidable range of products and unprecedented depth of local knowledge, when rivals began to push harder its empire came under threat.


  • 服务——不论业务线部门企业级的——处在特定引进阶段成熟度需要使用SOA架构风格技术

    Services - whether lines of business, departments or at the enterprise level - will at certain adoption stages or maturity levels both adopt and leverage the SOA architectural styles and technologies.


  • 子午线数字中继通过一个红色LED线图测量磁场真是指向,误差仅为1/10

    The Meridian Digital Repeater indicates magnetic or true heading to 1/10th of a degree and rate of turn via a red LED bar graph.


  • 它可以任一个平面使用-,比如说对于条曲线线积分等于通过这个曲面旋度通量

    What it says on each small flat piece — it says that the line integral along say, for example, this curve is equal to the flux of a curl through this tiny piece of surface.


  • 你们需要记住什么线积分,什么是度?

    So, you should remember, what is this line integral, and what's the divergence of a field?


  • 把被测试树枝放入这个试管,将一支量角器刻度线对准第一侧枝

    When I put a test branch in the tube, I aligned the zero degree mark on one compass to match up with the first offshoot branch.


  • 向量,如果定义单连通区域并且旋度零,那么就是一个梯度场,并且线积分路径无关

    OK, so, we've seen that if we have a vector field defined in a simply connected region, and its curl is zero, then it's a gradient field, and the line integral is path independent.


  • 反射对称可以任意方向的,垂直的,对角线的,或是界这两者之间的任一角度。

    Reflection symmetry can take on any direction: vertical, diagonal, and anything in between.


  • 作为一家在线企业我们发现社会媒体网站Facebook有助于提高企业品牌知名度以及市场企业产品线反馈

    As an online business we find social media sites like Facebook helpful in increasing our brand awareness, as well as market feedback on our company and extensive product line.


  • 南纬60度线南极大约2000英里,它环绕地球刚好错过南美洲南端远在好望角新西兰之南。

    This line, running around the globe some 2, 000 miles from the South Pole itself, just misses the lower tip of South America, and is well below the Cape of Good Hope and New Zealand.


  • 决定Packrat解析时间复杂度线 性但是缺点需要很大内存通常源代码大小

    This allows for the runtime behavior to be linear, but has the downside of relatively large memory requirements, potentially multiple times the size of the input source.


  • Netflix公司刚刚宣布,由于需求量,它们推出视频流服务提供清晰度图像质量(即所谓的1080,就是图片上会1080条线)5.1声道环绕音效

    Netflix has just announced an on-demand video-streaming service offering full high-definition picture quality (so-called 1080p, which has 1, 080 lines in its picture) with 5.1-channel surround sound.


  • 英国环保组织保护蝴蝶协会14日公布项报告显示,英国的银斑弄蝶的数量逐渐得到了恢复,而25年前,这种蝴蝶曾一度濒临灭绝。 这致力于拯救其他种类蝴蝶的环境保护主义者们展示了一线希望

    The recovery of a butterfly that was threatened with extinction in Britain 25 years ago is providing a glimmer of hope to conservationists trying to save other species.


  • 购买时候用户必须检查钨钢导线尺寸线槽精度光洁度特别是线接触的圆弧部分圆度

    At the time of purchase, the user must check the slot size and a wire board tungsten steel precision, smoothness, especially with the line wheel and the arc part of roundness.


  • 安装起重机安装跨度金属结构主梁度、水平小车轨道高低轨距偏差架对角线等进行测量

    To install the crane span before installation, camber, level of metal structure of main girder bending, trolley rail height difference, gauge deviation, diagonal bridge survey.


  • 晶体粒度获得保持线公差光洁度关键因素,它影响磨轮磨削能力。

    Grain size is the key factor in attaining and maintaining form tolerance and finish requirements, as well as effecting aggressiveness of the wheel.


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