• 丈夫拉里当时正在收拾李,准备纽约西雅图

    My husband, Larry, and I were packing to move from New York to Seattle.


  • 一家纽约拍卖商道尔拍卖近期拍卖了明代瓷器竞标者疯狂哄抬价格,其中件卖价超过估价的180

    Two lots of Ming ware in a recent sale at Doyle, a small New York auctioneer, were wildly bid up, one of them to over 180 times its high estimate.


  • 次日纽约时代周刊七栏的头版头条报道了令人震惊结果

    The New York Times announced the shocking result in a three-tier, seven-column, front-page headline the next day.


  • 来说他们有意思,尊重这部电影中的这个角色所以说“”,当时我不在纽约这事棒了。

    It seemed to me like they would be fun, and they respected that little part in the film, so I said yes, and I was just outside of New York, so it was great.


  • 的士司机凶狠粗暴才能纽约干这一

    Taxicab drivers have to be rough and tumble fellows to be able to take it in New York.


  • 这个来自纽约爱因斯坦医学院(Albert Einstein CollegeofMedicine)的研究小组美国德系犹太人社区研究后声称:这一发现可以导致种抗衰老药物的诞生。

    The team from Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, who studied an American Ashkenazi Jewish community, said that the finding could lead to anti-aging drugs.


  • 进入心仪学校必须更加努力才。”25岁的库纳尔·达斯(Kunal Das)说,他在微软纽约分部担任搜索媒体策略师。

    'I'm going to have to work a lot harder to get into the school I want,' says Kunal Das, 25, a search media strategist at Microsoft Corp. in New York.


  • 作品月初纽约克里斯蒂拍卖索斯比拍卖件卖不错件无人问津。

    Of four works auctioned at Christie’s and Sotheby’s in New York earlier this month, only two sold well and one failed to sell.


  • 马拉松比赛开始一周他们来到纽约一起探索这个水泥森林生活

    With one week to go before the marathon they all went to New York and explored the city and life in the urban jungle.


  • 施洛斯特因进军私人领域以及纽约运营之前,曾在公共部门效力多年

    Prior to entering the private sector and running the New York City-based investment bank, Schlosstein served in the public sector for many years.


  • 证券交易委员会的文件非常快捷的阐释了这家恶劣状况这种状况将这家纽约经营能力产生负面影响。

    The SEC filing details rapidly deteriorating conditions that have impaired the New York investment bank's ability to conduct business as it once had.


  • 在六月份时候,我们14各色人等集合到加州海滩,跨出洛杉矶纽约长跑一步

    We are so close to the end. Back in June, we gathered by a beach in California, a motley bunch of 14 runners, and took the first steps eastwards in the LA to NY footrace.


  • 上个月纽约克里斯蒂拍卖所拍卖的中国艺术品创有史以来的最大销售额

    Christie's Chinese sales in New York last month were its biggest ever.


  • 私人藏品一月二十三日纽约So thebys拍卖拍卖,这将展示精心收集多少与美国相关的中国出口瓷器

    Her private collection, which will be auctioned at Sotheby's in New York on January 23rd, shows just how much American-related export porcelain she managed to gather together.


  • 一亿零四百三十万美元的价格2008年5月于纽约佳士得拍卖二千七百四十万美元成交的贾科梅蒂1959-60的作品《站立女士II还要

    The $104.3 million was more than three times the record for a Giacometti, which was set at Christie’s New York in May 2008 when “Standing Woman II” from 1959-60 sold for $27.4 million.


  • 汉姆拍卖介绍,歌词手稿纽约密封拍卖,拍卖将持续到3月7日。 成交价格预计会达到200万美元左右

    The manuscript, being sold in New York in a sealed-bid auction ending 7 March, is expected to fetch about $2m, auction house Bonhams said.


  • 苏富比(Sotheby's)佳士德(Christie's)下周纽约拍卖。 两家拍卖幅估计售价超过100万美元的TyebMehta作品。

    Sotheby's and Christie's have auctions in New York next week, each with a Tyeb Mehta that is expected to fetch more than $1m.


  • 议付证明信用证条款电汇条款向中国纽约索回货款。

    Negotiating bank may claim reimbursement by T/T on the Bank of China New York branch certifying that the credit terms have been complied with。


  • 1995年,回到北京,开始一家纽约律师工作

    She came to Beijing in 1995 and worked for a law firm of New York.


  • 我们往来关系因为我们与纽约大多数保持往来关系。

    I'm sure we have a correspondent relationship with your bank as we maintain a corespondent relationship with most of the large Banks in New York.


  • 想要在这里停车需要带大箱现金。如今纽约百万美元停车位即将出售

    You'll need a trunk full of cash to park here. The city's first million-dollar parking space is on the market.


  • 我们拍卖三个以上我们的总部设在长岛纽约纽约皇后区收藏品

    Our auction house has more than three generations of buying and selling of collectibles from our headquarters in Long Island, NY and Queens, NY.


  • 摘要精品葡萄酒拍卖之前纽约苏富比拍卖世界上大块的白松露了拍卖。

    ABSTRACT: Sotheby's had auctioned the world's biggest white truffle in New York this weekend, immediately before its fine wine auction.


  • 当时,苏富比拍卖(Sothe by ' s)纽约首次拍卖中国当代艺术品

    It was Sotheby's first sale of contemporary Chinese art in New York.


  • 多拉·马尔与猫》这幅画纽约苏富比拍卖场以印象主义现代艺术为内容的春季拍卖会期间匿名买主买

    Dora Maar au Chat went to an anonymous buyer during a spring auction of Impressionist and modern art at Sotheby's in New York.


  • 作品月初纽约克里斯蒂拍卖索斯比拍卖件卖不错件无人问津。

    Of four works auctioned at Christie's and Sotheby's in New York earlier this month, only two sold well and one failed to sell.


  • 作品月初纽约克里斯蒂拍卖索斯比拍卖件卖不错件无人问津。

    Of four works auctioned at Christie's and Sotheby's in New York earlier this month, only two sold well and one failed to sell.


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